Home > Destined (Lair #4)(5)

Destined (Lair #4)(5)
Author: A.M. Madden

When you were the kids of one of the most famous rock bands in the world, inconspicuousness was hard to achieve. You couldn’t just walk into a hotel, underage, and request a room. The back seat of his BMW held no appeal. Besides, where would we park? At Shane’s grandfather’s house in the burbs?

Throw in all the get-togethers we’d have with the rest of the band and their families, all of which you called aunt or uncle, their kids, staff, and the many friends each band member had, and it made intimate moments nearly impossible. Still, Shane and I surprisingly made do. Our favorite spot was on the beach, away from his parents’ house and tucked behind a dune. God, we made great use of that spot. Winters were harder, but the storage closet in the unused party room in his building served that purpose.

“I love you, Liv.” His eyes seared into mine before he cupped my face in his hands.

“I love you too. Thank you for making it special for me.”

“I’d do anything for you.” He bent to kiss me, first tracing my lips with his tongue before sliding it into my mouth. The effect was instant. The dress I wore and the sexy underwear beneath it felt too tight and constricting. My skin felt hot and oversensitive. Between his kissing skills and the build that we’d created for this evening, my desire had become unbearable.

Needing to move things along, I broke away to tug on his bow tie until it went slack. My fingers trembled a bit when I removed his boutonniere and placed it on his dresser before shoving off his jacket until it fell on the floor. And then I unbuttoned his shirt until it gaped open to reveal his firm, muscular chest.

“Unzip me?” I asked, gathering my hair in one hand while turning my back to him. He mimicked my move, slipping the corsage off my wrist to place it beside his rose before doing as I asked and not stopping until the pale-pink fabric pooled at my feet.

“Shit, Liv,” he groaned. Two firm hands slipped around my stomach as he kissed the side of my neck before saying into my ear, “You’re killing me.” I’d bought my new lace strapless bra and thong knowing it would drive him wild. Hiding it from my mom had been fun.

Shane stepped away and tenderly palmed my ass with another groan before brusquely turning my body to face him so his eyes could devour the rest of me.

“And as hot as you look in these…” A devious smirk lifted the corners of his lips while he slipped his hands around my back to unfasten my bra. “I need you naked.”

“I could say the same.” Not comfortable being the only one bare, I tried to remove his shirt, but he shook his head.

“Hold on,” he whispered before attaching his mouth to my neck. Having his lips on my bare skin caused familiar goose bumps to cover my flesh. He gently dragged his mouth over to my ear, kissing and licking in a way that had my knees going weak. Sensing my condition, his grip tightened around my back, yet he never stopped his seductive foreplay.

With me in only a thong and heels, Shane lifted me with ease and placed me on the center of his bed. Next to go were my shoes, and then he lovingly resumed kissing my exposed breasts. By the time he slipped away to stand beside the bed, I was a mess of want.

His eyes drilled into mine as he undressed, one article at a time. Seconds away from demanding he hurry the hell up, my restless huff gave me away, and he called me out on my impatience. “We have all night. I don’t want to rush this. Well, I do, but I’m doing my damnedest to go slow.”

“I know,” I said petulantly. “And I appreciate it, but the sooner we get the first time over with, the more we can practice until we are perfect.”

“Who says the first time wouldn’t be perfect?” he asked, now completely naked. “You underestimate my porn-watching skills.”

My eye roll was met with a sexy smile as I watched his bare ass disappear into his bathroom. He returned a few seconds later, holding a thick navy towel, then sidetracking to his overnight bag and retrieving a box of condoms.

And that was when my nerves kicked in. Seeing the towel and knowing what it was meant for, seeing the condoms, made it very real.

Silence stretched between us while he positioned the towel beneath me, tore into the box, and removed one foil packet. The sight of him rolling that rubber over his dick was one I’d never forget.

Once done, he lay beside me and kissed me passionately. The moment our mouths connected all our pent-up desire came bubbling to the surface. Every touch, every kiss brought me dangerously closer to a point of no return, until he suddenly pulled away and switched gears.

With our lips tethered, he trailed his hand down my body and into my panties. At first contact, he pulled away, and his eyes widened in surprise.

“Holy fuck, Liv. When did you do this?”

“Yesterday.” Arranging to be waxed had been fun, since I needed my mom’s consent, and the waxing itself felt like the fires of hell had risen between my legs. But seeing the look on his face now made it worth it.

He hastily removed my panties and began caressing every part of me in awe. “You’re so smooth.” My hips responded, moving against his hand as he gently slid a finger inside. “I can’t wait to taste you there, but that has to wait, because I need to be inside you, Liv.”

“I need you to be too.” He could probably feel my heart pounding when he positioned himself over me. “Now I’m nervous.”

“Don’t be. We’ll go slow. Okay?”

“Okay.” He rubbed himself against me, over and over, the sensation it caused contradicting my spiked heart rate. With his other hand, he held my head, forcing me to stare into his eyes. “You need to talk to me, though. If it hurts too much, I’ll stop.”

I chose to nod instead of speaking, because my trembling voice would be a dead giveaway of how terrified I actually was.

He resumed touching me with his fingers, circling my clit repeatedly. It had always been a quick way to get me primed in the past, and tonight was no different. A persistent throb pulsed through me like a live current until he slowly slid into me. That fingertip never stopped, as he inched his way in deeper—until a sharp pain hit, causing an involuntary wince, and stopping him in his tracks.

“Talk to me, baby. Are you okay?”

“Yes.” I breathed through the pain. “Don’t move. Give me a second.”

He held himself still except for his fingertip circling again and his mouth kissing the side of my neck. The feel of his lips and touch contradicted the pain and caused me to clench around him.

“Fuck, I feel that,” he said, his own expression twisting into a different form of agony.

At first, the pain and pleasure battled, and then the sensations slowly morphed into an uncomfortable fullness. But each skim of his finger had that pleasure pulling ahead, until it took over the rest of me.

It felt like an eternity later as I began to buck my hips.

Shane lifted his head to stare into my eyes. Through his scowl I knew he was in his own form of torture. “Liv. I need to…” He sucked in a breath, leaving me to fill in the blanks.

“I’m okay. You can move now.”

Instantly, he resumed pushing himself into me. Our pelvises met, and he mimicked my motions. Short, slow thrusts brought with them a small stab of discomfort, followed by a surge of something else. During it, I tenderly traced his face, my emotions getting the best of me. The love I felt for him had nowhere to go except out through a slow, rolling tear. At seeing it, he tilted his head and hesitated.

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