Home > Heartless Savage (Angels Halo MC Next Gen #7)(61)

Heartless Savage (Angels Halo MC Next Gen #7)(61)
Author: Terri Anne Browning

“You have to go to bed and sleep off whatever you took a bath in,” Nova told him, grabbing one of his arms and turning him toward his bedroom, her face scrunching up when she got up close with his breath. “You’re in no condition to tell her anything right now. And even if you tried, she probably wouldn’t believe you when you smell like tequila.”

I stood there and watched as she guided him into the bedroom. She kept the door open, and I could hear her talking to him in a soothing voice, getting him into bed and tucking him in. While I listened, I replayed the entire scene in my head over and over again.

Lis was Calista…

Calista Ramirez?

Fuck, was she the reason Manuel was in New York?

I knew from the talk on the streets that the girl had run away right before Matias had died. I’d also heard that Manuel had been less than gentle with his stepsister over the years, but no one had proof of his abuse of her. There were whispers that Matias had left his son with nothing, having willed all his assets to his adopted daughter. If it was true, then Manuel would be even more desperate for my supply…or to get his hands on Calista. And if it was true about the will, then controlling Calista meant controlling what was left of the Ramirez fortune.

She could be what had brought the Colombian back to the States.

The sparks from the lamp still plugged into the wall pulled me out of my head, and I quickly took care of it. I was still picking up the pieces of broken porcelain when Nova came out of her brother’s room, quietly shutting the door behind her.

I dropped the last of the larger pieces into the trash can and straightened, dusting off my hands. “Don’t come over here. You might cut your feet.”

She wrapped her arms around herself, her eyes following my every move as she watched me. “Are you angry with me too?”

“Why would I be angry?”

“Because I didn’t tell you who Lis really is,” she said with a tiny shrug, making it even more obvious that she wasn’t wearing a bra.

With Herculean effort, I kept my gaze trained on her face. “You would have told me if it was important enough. I don’t like us having secrets, but I can’t condemn you for keeping some things from me when there are a lot of things I can’t share with you, Nova.”

“It’s possibly the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to do, keeping a secret from you. That’s why I don’t have many,” she murmured. “And you’re right, if it were important enough, I would have told you about Cali. But she’s not like Manuel. She’s sweet and loving. Look at how much she turned Garret around. Not just anyone could have done that. Actually, I think she should be considered for sainthood for the miracle she performed, transforming him into an actual human.”

I grinned. “I trust your judgment, baby.”

“Is Ramirez why you’ve been so busy?”

“One of the reasons,” I admitted. “The Irish are the other.”

Her eyes widened. “Your bio mom’s family?” she guessed. I grimaced at the mention of Sheena, but I nodded. “What can I do?”

“Keep gifting me with your laugh, your kind heart, and your endless love, and I’ll have everything I could ever possibly need.”









“That will be a big hell no.”

I rolled my eyes as I walked down the stairs, pulling Ciana along with me. Ryan stood at the bottom, his eyes eating up the sight of me in my white romper. The shorts ended an inch or so above my mid-thigh, but on a taller person, their ass cheeks would have been exposed. The middle had a cutout, right around my belly button, and the top was low-cut, giving off a nice tease of the girls, enhanced by the push-up bra I was wearing.

I’d been going for cute and comfortable since it was hot as hell outside, but from the way my man was looking at me, I got the impression I had more than exceeded that goal. His nostrils flared, his eyes raking over me possessively, making me want to skip out on girls’ night and beg him to reschedule whatever he needed to do for work so we could go back to his apartment and cuddle.

“You’re not leaving this house dressed like that, Nova,” he growled when we reached the bottom stair. “Go change, or there will be no night out.”

“I’m okay with that, actually,” Ciana grumbled beside me.

“Hush, C.” Even standing on the step in front of him, I still had to tip my head back to look up at Ryan. “You may be the person I love most in this world, Vitucci, but I will dress however the hell I please. You don’t like it—tough. It’s hot as balls out there, and this is light and cool.”

“Everything is on display,” he complained, his head angled so he could look down the front of my top. He licked his lips, and I fought a smirk. “All of this is for my eyes only, my heart.”

“She is not on display,” Ciana argued. “She looks beautiful. Which you need to tell her and then get out of her way. As much as I don’t want to leave my bed, I’m not going to stand here and let you act like a caveman and beat on your chest while you grunt, ‘Nova mine. Must do as man say!’”

I fought against a laugh as Ryan glared at her. “Why aren’t you in shorts if it’s so damn hot out there?”

“Because I didn’t have anything cute to wear. All my summer clothes are too small right now. I’ve been eating too many treats that the drug reps bring into the office with them, and my ass has gotten huge lately.” She slapped a hand over her rear. “See, it jiggles now.”

He made a face. “I didn’t need to know that. Now it’s in my head, and I can’t get it out.”

“You won’t ask about my wardrobe choices next time, then, huh?”

“Lesson learned,” he muttered, but his eyes went back to me. “No talking to guys. No taking drinks anyone brings you. If Pietro doesn’t pour it for you, then you don’t fucking drink it.”

I pressed my hand to the center of his chest. “I’m not going to be drinking anything but water. I promise that if any guys try to come near us, I will tell Pietro to swat them like flies. Stop worrying. I’m going to be fine.”

Covering my hand, he pressed it closer, trying to absorb my touch through his layers of clothes. “I love you.”

I nearly melted against him at the way his eyes shone down at me. “I love you too,” I whispered.

“And I love my bed,” Ciana said, turning so she could climb the stairs. “You two have a night out, and I’ll go show my blanket how much I’ve missed it.”

“No way.” I grasped her hand and pulled her back. “Let’s go.” I jumped up to kiss Ryan on the cheek, but I didn’t have time for more in case Ciana tried to make a break for it. “Be careful. I promise not to be out too late. Love you!”

“You be careful,” he called after us. “I love you, Nova.”

“I don’t want to go out,” Ciana complained as I dragged her out to the already-waiting limo. “I’m tired, and I just want to sleep.”

“All you do is work and sleep. More sleep than work.” Pietro opened the back door, and I pushed my cousin into the car. I rolled my eyes at my guard, and he smirked, shaking his head at my exasperation. Winking, I climbed into the vehicle. “I don’t know what is up with you, but you are not going to spend yet another Friday night locked in your room being a zombie.”

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