Home > Heartless Savage (Angels Halo MC Next Gen #7)(75)

Heartless Savage (Angels Halo MC Next Gen #7)(75)
Author: Terri Anne Browning

The man holding the hatbox stepped in front of me and shoved it against my chest.

“Take your gift and leave,” Bain commanded. “Ciana has made her wishes known. Convince your people to leave and return home. Choose to stay and attempt to take her from me, and not a single one of you will see another sunrise.” He thrust his hands into his pants pockets, seeming bored once again, as if we were simply discussing the weather. “It’s up to you. I honestly don’t care what you decide at this point. Just know that I will not allow you or anyone else to take that girl from me.”

“Whatever you’re holding over her head to keep her here, it won’t always work. If you knew Ciana as I know her, you would have already realized that.” I took the box that was still being shoved against me. An odd, stomach-turning smell was coming from inside. How I hadn’t noticed it until right then, I wasn’t sure, but now that I had, it felt as if it were being burned into my sinus cavity and would never leave it. Figuring there was a dead animal in the box, I glared up at the man. “Ciana will find a way to leave you, and when she does, we will be waiting for her. All she has to do is say the word, and her family will be here, ready to fight for her. Every last one of us would willingly die for her.”

Bain clenched his jaw, that bored facade he’d had going on fading before my eyes, replaced by a look that told me loud and clear why everyone who’d ever come face-to-face with this bastard had been terrified of him. I was anything but fearful of him, however. If he wanted a fight, I was ready and willing to throw hands anywhere, anytime. Right then and there, preferably. No matter who was the victor, I would be satisfied. Either he would kill me, or I would kill him. The former would put me out of my misery. Take me away from the hollowness of having to exist without Nova and put me one step closer to reuniting with her. The latter would allow me to free Ciana from him and his tyranny.

“As would I.” He lifted one arm, waving it at the house where Ciana had disappeared. “She and those babies are my life now. I don’t care if you don’t believe me. I don’t need your faith in my affection for her or them. The only one I have to prove myself to is Ciana.”

“She might love you, but she will never trust you. And for Ciana, once you’ve lost her trust, you’ve lost her too.” I turned away from him, walking back to the car I’d arrived in, calling over my shoulder. “It’s only a matter of time before she comes to her senses. Once she does, you should probably sleep with one eye open.”

I climbed into the back seat without looking back. The guards took their places on either side of me, and the driver pulled away from the house. The smell coming from the box didn’t seem to bother the other men, and I tried to ignore it, but my curiosity was getting the better of me. My fingers clenched around the sides of the box, fighting not to open the lid.

I figured it was a dead raccoon from the weight of the box. The smell was that of something dead and decaying, but I refused to open it and react in front of Bain’s men.

At the gate, I stepped out of the car and through the door of the gate. Mom, Pop, Zio, and Dante were already standing outside their vehicles. Seeing me, Mom ran over, her eyes eating up the sight of me, visually checking me for wounds.

“Where is she?” Zio demanded as he came toward me. “Why didn’t you bring her back?”

I met his blue gaze steadily. “She refused to come with me.”

“What?” he shouted, running his fingers through his hair. “Why would she stay with that bastard?”

“He’s the father of her babies.”

“Fuck,” Pop and Dante muttered under their breath as Zio’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head.

“No,” he denied, his tone thick with rage…and loss. “She wouldn’t let that motherfucker touch her. She wouldn’t turn her back on her family like that.” He grabbed my arms, his eyes almost pleading with me. “She would never betray us, especially not you.” When I remained silent, he released me. Eyes closed, he hung his head in defeat. “No,” he denied in an emotionally choked voice. “I don’t believe it.”

“What is that god-awful smell?” Mom muttered, her gaze lowering to the box I still held in my hands. “What is this?”

I placed it on the ground between us. “Bain said it was a gift for me. He called it an olive branch.” I straightened without opening the lid, disgusted without even having seen the contents. “From the smell of it, I figure it is a dead raccoon and him giving me one more fuck-you.”

Mom crouched down beside it and cautiously lifted one side of the lid. The way her eyes narrowed had us all taking a step back in case whatever was inside wasn’t dead. Straightening, she lifted the lid completely, and we all got a good look at the contents.

“Holy fuck,” I muttered as I gazed down at the box…

And saw Sheena O’Brion’s severed head, her eyes staring sightlessly back at me, a bullet hole right between her eyes.









I wasn’t sure if I felt so bad because my entire body was one excruciating bruise, or if it was because of the ache in my heart.

It had been over a week since I’d tried to call Ryan and my mom. Not only had Ryan not called me back, but he’d also blocked the landline number I’d tried to call him from. Now, every time I tried to call him, all I got was that stupid message saying my call was unable to go through.

Once I’d gotten that message several times, I’d started using anyone’s cell I could get my hands on. Only to get the same result with each number. Ryan had blocked every number I called from.

Dad’s reaction had hurt, but I understood it. I had no idea what was going on back home, but if he and Mom thought I was dead, then they had a good reason for thinking it. But Ryan’s reaction was too much to handle. I didn’t care what he’d been told, he should know better than to think I was dead.

Couldn’t he feel me? My heart was still beating, damn it. If he loved me the way I loved him, if we were the soul mates I’d always assumed we were, then he should be able to feel me and know I was alive.

He hadn’t even attempted to call me back. If he thought I was someone trying to prank him like Dad had, then he should have at least called me back and verbally ripped me a new asshole. If he had, I would have been able to convince him that I was me and not some imposter trying to taunt him. There were things only I would know, and I could tell him, make him realize that I was me and not whoever he thought was trying to hurt him over my death.

Late one night while I was asleep, someone had shown up at the gate to the property, demanding Manuel Ramirez show himself. Cali should have had someone wake me, but she’d told her men to let me rest. Since she was still bleeding steadily, she’d only been getting reports of what was going on around the property. From what she told me when I’d gone to her room to have breakfast with her the next morning, Guzman, who was the head of security, had taken Manuel’s body to whoever was at the gate, and once they had what they came for, they simply left.

They hadn’t tried to come on to the property and see for themselves that either of us was okay. They just took the rotting carcass of what was left of Ramirez and walked away as silently as they arrived.

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