Home > Ruin (Hawks MC : Next Generation #2)(37)

Ruin (Hawks MC : Next Generation #2)(37)
Author: Lila Rose

I stopped near the front doors and climbed off. I heard the door opening a moment before Katon raced out. He shot down the steps like he was a twentysomething in a marathon, and I was the finish line.

“Sir… Sorry, Ruin, it’s good to see you’re back.” Before I could say anything, he rushed on with “Master Ryo has instructed for me to take you to the meeting room.”

“It’s already started?” I made my way to the door with my brothers at my back.

Katon hurried after me. “They’ve only walked into the room.”

“All right.” I nodded.

I heard a few brothers comment on the place as we walked through the halls, but I didn’t take in what was said.

Katon stopped at the door. “In here,” he whispered just as a voice rose inside it.

“Thanks, stay out here,” I told him. I opened the door abruptly. It shot inward and banged into the wall behind it. I stepped through, the brothers following.

“What’s the meaning of this?” Akio bellowed.

Taro stood at the end of the long-arse table in shock. If he didn’t close his mouth soon, I would make good use of it. I caught Ryo smiling beside him and shot him a chin lift. It caused Taro to snap his mouth shut and glare at his friend.

As soon as I was close, though, his attention flashed back to me. “Josh.”

“Hey,” I said and leaned in to kiss his cheek. The brothers had fanned out around the room, standing behind Taro’s family, who still sat in their chairs.

“What are you doing here?” Taro asked.

I smiled and took his hand in mine. “You’ll see.” I faced Akio and announced, “The Hawks MC wanted to let the Takahashi family know that with Wolf as head of the house, he has our support.” Taro’s hand tightened in mine. “In other words, anyone who wants to fuck with Wolf, fucks with us, and we don’t mess around in reaping retribution if someone is foolish enough to screw with Wolf. The Hawks MC protects what’s ours in any way necessary. No one wants us as enemies… the way we play is dirty. I’ll be stickin’ around to make sure that whoever is stupid enough to come after Wolf thinks otherwise.”

“This meeting is adjourned,” Taro announced.

Akio stood. He eyed the brothers and then looked to Taro. “You are not fit to run this house. Jiro was right.”

“Why? Because I’m gay?”

He screwed his nose up. “That’s one reason. You need to step down and let me be head of the Takahashi family before you destroy it with all your changes.”

“I thought we were done with this when I dealt with Jiro,” Taro said.

“It will never be done until you do not stand at the head of the table trying to control us in foolish ways.”

“How is anything I’ve done foolish? Because I refuse to allow the men of the family to bargain off their daughters in marriages that they would never be happy in?”

“It should be the men’s choice in what they want to do within their own family,” Akio shouted.

“Careful with your tone,” I warned.

“Or what?”

“Or I’ll make you,” I clipped.

The guy sitting beside Akio stood. “You dare speak to my father like that?” He pulled a gun and pointed it my way. His lips thinned, and his burning eyes shone with anger when I started chuckling.

“Wrong move, motherfucker,” Vicious said from behind Akio’s son as he pressed a gun to the back of his head.

“If you don’t like the way I run things, then leave. Do not be foolish like Jiro was.”

Akio stared Taro down, but Taro didn’t move or flinch; he took it like the leader he was. Why were all the old fuckers wanting to live back in the dark ages? Times had changed, and if they had their way, it’d stay where the men looked down on the family's women. It disgusted me.

“We will speak of this at another time,” Akio stated.

“No, we won’t. You either walk from this room and leave or stay within the family and accept how I run things. The choice is yours, but you make it right now.”

“Father—” The son started until Akio shut him up with a look. If he’d teamed up with Jiro, this dick could have possibly got lucky and taken over. But neither of them would have conspired to work together. Both of them were obviously stubborn and wanted to rule. Fucking idiots.

“We’re leaving to go back to Japan,” Akio finally said, and relief coursed through me.

“If that is what you wish,” Taro said.

“I will not stay and be led by someone like you.”

Taro shrugged. “I can’t change how you think, Akio. I want you off my property by tonight.”

Vicious moved back as Akio turned. He took in the brothers again before he stalked from the room with his son following and ten other men who must have been his people.

When the door closed, Taro called, “If there isn’t anything pressing right now, I wish to continue this meeting another day.”

The others stood, bowed to Taro, and walked from the room. The only ones left were Taro, Ryo, me, and the brothers.


“I shall warn your uncle in Japan of Akio’s arrival. Akio will be in for a surprise when he realises he’s moved back to a place that has made just as many changes as you have.”

Taro laughed lightly. “Tell Daishi Oji-san to record it.”

Ryo grinned. His eyes shifted to me, and he nodded before he looked back to Taro. “Wolf,” he said and bowed. He faced Talon and bowed again. I chuckled when Talon’s eyes widened. He didn’t know what to do or think about the cultural formality. Ryo walked from the room, closing the door behind him.

“Hey,” I called softly, using his hand to tug Taro into me. “You all right?”

He sucked in a breath, keeping my gaze, and I caught the warmth in his eyes. “I am now.”

“Don’t ask me to go again, okay?”

He nodded, lips thinning, but I caught the slight tremor to the bottom one before he dropped his forehead to my shoulder. “Okay,” he whispered.

“Don’t worry, Wolf,” Knife called. “You’re not the only one with a fucked-up family.”

Taro startled and straightened. A blush coated his cheeks. Had he forgotten they were even in the room? Taro faced Talon and bowed. “I appreciate the assistance.”

Talon dipped his chin down before he crossed his arms over his chest. “You know why we’re here, right?”

Taro looked back at me. “Josh.”

“Yeah, Ruin. Know it’s only new, but he’s wantin’ this between you two, and since he’s claimed you, we’ll have his back, and yours. It’s how Hawks works. We’re all family. The partners are equals. There may be things we can’t tell our partners, but we do it to protect them. Still, they’re important in our lives, and I know you are for Ruin.” Talon smirked. “Means we’ll have to put up with each other.”

“I am honoured to not only have the Hawks MC in my life but for trusting me with a member of your club. Thank you.”

The brothers smirked. Some chuckled. Dad stepped forward. “Your words are cool, but just know if you fuck Ruin over, we’re gonna be comin’ after you with everythin’ we’ve got.”

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