Home > The Ties That Bind (Brie's Submission #22)(5)

The Ties That Bind (Brie's Submission #22)(5)
Author: Red Phoenix

“What about the child?”

“Grace is going to remain under Marquis and Celestia’s care. Rytsar is convinced he can help Faelan through this, and I am trusting with all of my heart that he can.”

“So, he named the baby Grace?”

“Not exactly…” she answered. “Faelan never officially named his daughter, but Celestia pressed him for one before leaving. He told her to call the baby Grace for the time being, because they both need it.”

Tono grunted in pain.

“Are you okay?” Brie whimpered.

“It hurts my soul, knowing the pain he and the child are suffering.”


“Please keep me updated. If there is a need and I can travel, I will come.”

“Right now, you must heal, Tono. It’s the only thing Faelan needs from you,” she said with conviction.

Brie could hear the smile in his voice when he asked, “Are you giving me a command?”

She grinned into the phone. “Only in the most respectful manner.”

Waves of pure joy coursed through her spirit when she heard his laughter.

“Take care of yourself. Before you know it, there will be a second member of the Davis household for you to look after.”

“I have almost two months left, which I know doesn’t sound like a lot. But when you’re in the last trimester, it becomes the longest two months of your life.”

He chuckled. “I will have to take your word for it.”

“Tono…” Brie hated to let him go, but she didn’t want to overtax him. “I long for the day when I see you in person.” The lump in her throat returned.

“I live for that day,” he assured her.

Brie swallowed hard. “Please give Autumn my love. I’m not going to say goodbye—just see you soon.”

“See you soon, Brie,” he replied warmly. “Give Sir Davis my best and tell him not to second guess himself.”

Brie hung up, unsure what he meant by that last statement. She stared at the cell phone, her emotions all over the place. However, she clung to the feeling of calm talking to Tono always inspired.

Getting up from the bed, she went to rejoin Sir and Rytsar.

The instant Sir saw Brie, he asked, “Is Nosaka okay?”

When she shook her head, he walked over and put his arms around her.

Staring up into his troubled eyes, she quickly added, “But he will be.”

Sir guided her to the couch as she explained what happened to Tono. “It’s terrifying to think we might have lost—” She couldn’t even bring herself to say it out loud.

When Brie looked into Sir’s tormented eyes, she realized he was gripped by a sense of responsibility having helped to make the organ match between Tono and Faelan.

Tono’s words suddenly replayed in her head, so she assured Sir, “Tono has no regrets. He specifically told me you shouldn’t second guess yourself.”

Sir shook his head with a sad smile. “Nosaka knows me a little too well.”

“Is there any way I can help, radost moya?” Rytsar asked.

“You already are. Tono is deeply concerned about Faelan, but knowing you are handling the situation gives him peace he would not have had otherwise.”

“I will do right by the boy,” Rytsar vowed.

“I have every confidence you will.”

“Did Nosaka say anything about your offer being turned down?” Sir asked, knowing how invested Tono was in her film career.

“He insisted it doesn’t change anything.”

Sir nodded his approval, then leaned down to kiss her on the lips. “I concur.”

Brie smiled up at Sir, his strength and vitality a commanding force that comforted her.

“You know…” Rytsar began with a wicked glint in his eyes, “I was supposed to be on a flight to Russia by now, but due to today’s unexpected events, I won’t be leaving until tomorrow.”

He nodded to Sir. “Moy droog, why don’t you play hooky? We’ll tucker moye solntse out by splashing in the ocean and then turn our intentions on radost moya once the babe is down for her nap.”

“I do think téa and I would benefit from a creative expenditure of energy after this unwarranted sneak attack.”

Brie nodded thoughtfully. “Attack…that’s exactly how it felt when they arrived.”

“I believe there was a purpose behind its execution,” Sir stated firmly. “Their intent was to shock and awe, so you wouldn’t question the offer.” He smiled at her with pride. “However, they failed to appreciate you are a businesswoman who will not be rattled by such underhanded tactics.”

“The way it was handled was not only offensive but entirely unnecessary,” Rytsar growled.

“The more I think about it, the happier I am that I turned the offer down.” Brie lifted her chin up in defiance. “I refuse to be treated like a pawn.”

“Of course, not—when you are the queen,” Sir agreed, kissing her on the lips.

Brie sighed in contentment. Picking up Hope, she headed to the nursery to change her. She was excited about the unexpected outing.

It truly amazed her that in less than an hour, she’d gone from being terrified and profoundly disappointed, to feeling empowered about her future.

That was the power of being surrounded by good people—they kept your eyes on the bigger picture while reminding you of what really matters.






Her heart lighter, Brie dressed Hope up in a cute little one-piece swimsuit with a big sunflower on the tummy.

When she went downstairs, Rytsar took Hope from her arms, growling like a Kodiak bear. “Are you ready to play in the ocean, moye solntse?”

Sir appeared from the bedroom carrying beach towels, dressed in only his swim trunks. “I laid out your swimsuit for you. Meet the three of us outside.”

She couldn’t help gazing at his toned chest covered in dark hair. Everything about Sir’s body called to her as a woman.

After getting dressed in the purple swimsuit Sir had chosen for her, Brie met them on the beach. Rytsar was already in the water with Hope, playing in the waves. Brie smiled when she heard her daughter squealing in Rytsar’s arms as the waves crashed around them.

“Ready for a dip in the ocean?” Without waiting for a response, Sir surprised Brie by sweeping her up in his arms and heading to the water.

“Oh, no! Put me down, put me down…” she giggled, worried she was too heavy for him.

He looked down at her and smirked. “No.”

Brie instantly stopped resisting as he carried her into the ocean. In a world of disappointments and fear, the magic of the ocean was its power to erase all the negativity she was experiencing—if only for a moment.

It brought balance to Brie’s soul.

She felt like a kid again hearing Sir laugh when they were hit by a big wave. They were both drenched by it, but Sir held her tight, not letting go until they were far enough out for Brie to float on each swell.

The four of them stayed in the water for a long time, the two men taking turns playing with Hope while Brie gently rolled with the surges. The beauty of the ocean was the temporary freedom from gravity that it gave her pregnant body.

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