Home > Don't Go Away Mad (Burgers and Brew Crue #2)(33)

Don't Go Away Mad (Burgers and Brew Crue #2)(33)
Author: Lacey Black

“Thanks for driving me home,” I blurt out quickly, following behind as he heads for the front door.

“It was the least I could do. Thanks for helping out in the kitchen.” Jasper toes on his shoes, bending over to tie the laces, his ass pointed my way and looking very nice in his khakis. When he stands back up, he adds, “We make a great team.”

I feel a ball of something lodge in my throat. We did work well together today, preparing dishes on a busy Friday night. It didn’t take me long to figure out his system. It was efficient, much like the man himself. He definitely knows his way around a kitchen.

And his way around your mouth…

“We do,” I agree as he slips his coat on and reaches for the doorknob.

“Good night, Dustin. Sorry if we woke you,” Jasper says over my shoulder, offering my brother a friendly grin.

“Good to see you again, Jasper, even if you were making out with my sister.”

Kill. Me. Now.

But Jasper just takes it in stride, not even appearing the least bit sorry for being caught kissing me. He steps forward, once again invading my personal space, and whispers, “Take care of that burn. Make sure you put more ointment on it again.” His eyes are intense and full of desire, something I will forever associate with this man. Just one look, and he turns me into a puddle on the floor.

My throat is so dry, as if I’ve spent days in the desert without a lick of water. “I will,” I finally spit out.

He leans down and brushes a soft kiss across my cheek. “Your tonsils are definitely good,” he murmurs, referring to my brother’s earlier comment.

And…cue the blush.

Jasper walks out the door, heading for his car, and waves before slipping inside. Once it’s started and backing out of the driveway, I close the door, making sure it’s locked securely. As I turn around, I startle, coming face-to-face with Dustin.

And he’s smiling.

“What?” I ask grumpily.

My brother is leaning against the doorjamb, wearing a big, goofy grin. “Nothing.”

I roll my eyes and walk past him, eager to clean up the tea mess so I can go to bed. Not that I’ll be doing much sleeping tonight. Not with that kiss still replaying in my mind.

After wiping up the spilled tea with a wet cloth, I toss it in the hamper and flip off the lights, only to find Dustin still standing in the doorway, watching. I can practically see the wheels in his head spinning. “Say it.”

“Say what?” he asks, the corner of his lips twitching.

“Whatever it is you want to say. I’ve been up since three thirty, and I’d really like to go to bed.”

“Go,” he replies, taking a step back from the doorway.

“Thank you,” I mumble, stopping and giving him a kiss on the cheek as I pass. “Good night.”

“Night,” he practically hums behind me. As I reach my slightly ajar door, he asks, “Hey, Lyn?”

When I turn to look his way, he gets this huge grin on his face and sings, “Jasper and Lyndee, sitting in a tree…”



Chapter Fifteen


The bell above the door chimes, signaling my arrival. As I step into the bakery, I’m assaulted with the familiar scents I will forever associate with Lyndee. Cinnamon and sugar. The space in the front of the bakery is busy, with all tables filled with locals enjoying donuts, pastries, and cups of hot coffee.

I step in line and watch as the girl at the counter, Dustin, and even Lyndee bustle around, filling orders. Dustin glances up to check the line and notices me. He offers a quick wave before moving to the display case to retrieve something sweet from within. I notice the limp as he slips around the space with the use of his walker, wondering how long it’ll be before he needs to move to his wheelchair. I’ve only seen him use it a couple of times, but I know Lyndee keeps one here if necessary.

We slowly move forward, and my eyes can’t help but seek her out. It’s not the rolls or the fresh bread that calls to me. It’s the woman in khaki pants and a light green shirt. Her brown hair is pulled tight and fastened high on her head. Her brown eyes sparkle as she converses with customers, pouring a cup of coffee and grabbing a carton of chocolate milk from the small cooler on the back wall. My eyes can’t help but drop to her ass when she bends over.

I almost groan out loud, her ass is so fucking nice.

“Can I help you?”

I glance up and realize the girl behind the counter is talking to me. She offers me a shy smile as I step up. “Hi. I’ll take a large black coffee and one of those blueberry fritter things.”

“Hi.” Lyndee is standing beside her employee, a hesitant little grin on her lips.

Lips I kissed just last night.

Lips I want to kiss again as soon as possible.

“Morning,” I reply, returning her smile. “How’s your hand?” I ask casually and quietly.

“Oh, it’s good,” she answers, holding up her hand. “See? No pink.”

I chuckle as she turns to pour my cup of coffee. “Careful or you’ll burn yourself,” I instruct, more out of mischief than worry she’d really burn herself a second time.

Lyndee glances over her shoulder and narrows her eyes. “I got it.”

Her sass makes my dick hard.

“I got it,” she says to her employee as she moves to the register and sets my cup on the counter, securing the to-go lid on the top.

“How much?” I ask when she makes no move to ring up my purchases.

“On the house,” she whispers, sliding the bagged pastry and my coffee toward me.

“Business 101, sweets. Nothing is ever on the house,” I state, reaching into my pocket for my wallet.

“You tried giving me food last night,” she counters, crossing her arms over her chest. My eyes are instantly drawn to the way her tits push up and against the material.

“Yes, but that was because you worked in the kitchen. It was the least I could do,” I point out, pulling out a twenty.

“Potato, po-tah-toe. You helped me before I opened. Plus, you took me home last night,” she counters, refusing to take the twenty I hold out.

My mind latches on to the took her home part, wishing it had ended with a much happier ending than it did.

But I’m not complaining. This thing—whatever the hell it is—with Lyndee is complicated, but enjoyable. I’ve never expected to have this much fun with a woman, especially one I found utterly annoying in college. Not like Janice from Friends annoying, but her continual need to one-up me, always trying to get the best.

Now, I find her fascinating.

And sexy as fuck.

I grab the ink pen on the counter, realizing I’m holding up the line. She’s still making no move to take my money, so I pull a business card from my wallet, jot my number and a brief note on the back, and drop it, along with the twenty, into the tip jar. “Thanks for breakfast, sweets. See you tomorrow night at my place,” I say as I grab my purchases. The employee is standing directly beside Lyndee now, so I throw her a wink, watching her cheeks blush.

“Have a nice day,” the young woman hollers as I turn around, making me chuckle. No, I’m not interested in her—she’s way too young for my taste—but I’m a natural flirt, and I did actually enjoy witnessing the flash of annoyance dance through Lyndee’s eyes.

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