Home > Don't Go Away Mad (Burgers and Brew Crue #2)(38)

Don't Go Away Mad (Burgers and Brew Crue #2)(38)
Author: Lacey Black

I almost snort.

Fat chance of that.

“I don’t know,” I argue, but unable to continue.

“Really, Lyndee, it’s no problem. I’ll be working late most nights and you get up early for work. We probably won’t even see each other.” Then he goes in for the kill. “Plus, who wants to be in a hotel room for Christmas?”

I sigh, feeling my resolve fly straight out the window. With his work schedule and mine, there’s actually a good chance we’ll barely see each other. We’ll be like two ships passing in the night, which might not be too bad. Then I’m less likely to act on the kiss replays that keep running through my mind.

“And it would be kinda cool to hang out with Dustin too,” he adds, hitting me with a final bullet to the heart.

I glance at my brother, whose eyes are full of excitement and pleading. He’s practically begging me without even saying a word.

This is a bad idea.

I can feel it.

Yet, it really is the best option for us.

“Okay. We’ll stay here.”



Chapter Seventeen


She’s been gone for thirty minutes, and I can’t stop pacing. I offered to go with her to her condo, but she refused. Instead, I stayed behind and make sure the guest bedroom was ready for an occupant, and that my office bed was loaded up with extra blankets so you don’t feel those uncomfortable bars across your body.

No, it’s not ideal, but it’ll work.

Even if I have to sleep on it.

I see the headlights from her car streak across the front window and hurry to the garage to open the second bay. At least while she’s here, she can park inside, right? There’s a hesitation once the door is open, but eventually she pulls in. I meet her at the driver’s side and notice the back of her car is packed with bags. “Let me help.”

I start pulling bags from the back seat but notice right away how tired Dustin looks. He’s not moving nearly as well as he was earlier, which tells me he’s overdone it for the day. I remember Lyndee talking about him using his wheelchair when he gets exhausted, and it looks like his strength is depleting right before my eyes. “Hey, Dustin, I got this stuff. Why don’t you head into the kitchen while I bring it in,” I suggest.

He looks as if he wants to argue, but there’s no fight left in him. “Yeah, okay. Do you mind if I grab a bottle of water? I need to take my medicine.”

“You don’t have to ask my permission. If it’s there, you’re welcome to it,” I tell him, watching as he limps with his walker toward the doorway between the garage and the mudroom.

“It’s been a long day for him,” Lyndee whispers when her brother is out of earshot. “Thank you for that.”

“It’s no problem. I’m happy to help,” I reply, grabbing the rest of the stuff from the back seat. “How bad’s the damage?”

She sighs. “Not horrible, but the floor was still wet in the bathroom, and you can tell the drywall is bubbling out on the wall between the two condos. Mr. James said it’s all going to come out tomorrow to make sure it dries. He’s still hoping for five to seven days, but I’m not sure. Poor Mrs. Anderson will be out even longer, but fortunately, she has a daughter she can stay with for a few weeks. I don’t want to overstay our welcome, Jasper. We can go to a hotel for a few days,” she frets nervously.

“I’ve already told you, sweets. Not necessary. You’re both welcome here as long as you need to be,” I insist, carrying the bags toward the mudroom.

“You may say that now, but maybe not so much when you find me dancing in the kitchen to Aerosmith, with flour covering every conceivable surface,” she states with a laugh, following me into the house.

As I step through the doorway, I pause and glance over my shoulder. “Aerosmith? What song?”

“’Love In An Elevator,’ of course.” She winks and steps around me, her hair brushing against my arm and the sweet scent of sugar surrounds me like a blanket.

I’m so hard right now I can barely see straight.

When all their belongings are in the house, I make sure the garage is locked up and return to the kitchen. “I’m more than willing to let one of you take my bed. I changed the sheets while you were gone.”

“Actually, I’d rather stay down here,” Dustin states from his position at the island counter. “I don’t like stairs on a good day, but I definitely don’t want to try them tonight when I’m so tired.”

“That sleeper sofa probably isn’t the most comfortable,” I quickly remind him. “It has an upgraded mattress and I have a thick Posturepedic pad on top which helps, but it’s still not great.”

He waves off my concern. “I’ll be fine. It’s not the first time I’ve slept on a couch,” he replies with a shrug.

“Well, if you insist. I really don’t mind taking the downstairs couch though.”

“And I appreciate that,” Dustin says, glancing to his sister. “I’m going to head off to bed. Tomorrow morning’s gonna come early.”

“Let me help you get your things in there,” she responds, hurrying to the big pile of belongings on the floor.

“This way.” I wave to Dustin, standing beside him, ready to help if needed.

I show him the half-bath in the office, never more grateful for that small toilet and sink than I am right now. “The full bathroom is directly across the hall. You’re the only one to use that shower, so feel free to keep anything you need in there.”

Dustin walks to the wingback chair and takes a seat as his sister brings in his bags. “This is a great room,” he says, glancing around.

“I barely use it, honestly. Most of my work is done in the kitchen, not an office. What time do you have to go in?” I ask, looking from brother to sister.

Lyndee yawns. “I did a lot of my prepping today while we were closed, but I’ll still need to be there by four thirty.”

“What about you?” I ask, my gaze on Dustin.

“I’ll need to go with Lyndee. She’s my ride.”

“What if I take you a little later so you can sleep in a bit? Do you have to be there so early too?”

The exchange a look. “No, he doesn’t, but I can’t ask you to do that,” she says.

“You didn’t ask. I offered.”

She doesn’t reply right away, just helps put some of her brother’s things in the small half bath, but I can tell she’s thinking. She’s probably used to doing a lot of this by herself. Since her mom passed, she’s been the caregiver to her brother. To be honest, I respect the hell out of her for it, for taking on this extra task of making sure he has exactly what he needs in this life.

I just want to help alleviate the load just a bit.

That doesn’t scare me as much as I always thought it would.

I’m a selfish man, always have been. Thinking of others isn’t exactly my strong suit. I’m a complete dick to boot, which puts me solidly in the asshole category. I know this. Sometimes even embrace it. It’s who I am.

Yet here I am, ready to do whatever I can, and not only for Lyndee, but Dustin too. I really like spending time with him, so hanging out a little bit before work tomorrow isn’t going to be a hardship. Especially if it helps him get a little more rest before he goes to work.

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