Home > Don't Go Away Mad (Burgers and Brew Crue #2)(44)

Don't Go Away Mad (Burgers and Brew Crue #2)(44)
Author: Lacey Black

“Like you?” Dustin asks, laughing.

“Like me,” I quip, smiling over my coffee cup. “Come on, smarty pants. Let’s get you to the bakery.”


“What happened last night?”

I glance up from the grill and find Jameson standing near me, his dark eyes assessing. The first thing to flash through my mind is Lyndee, spread wide open as I eat her sweet pussy. Then there’s the image of me taking her from behind, my ears filling with the sounds of every one of her three orgasms.

But I don’t tell him that. Those dirty replays are for my filthy mind only.

Instead, I shrug. “What do you mean?”

“Dustin said they had a pipe burst and are staying with you?”

I place the burger I’m grilling onto the ready bun and send the plate off to get fries. “Yeah. Should only be a few days. Why?”

Jameson’s grin starts slow and spreads widely across his face. “Interesting.”

“What is?” I ask, placing four freshly made patties on the grill top.

“You. Lyndee. Sharing a house,” he states, his all-knowing eyes following my every move.

“It’s not like that,” I argue.

Oh, but it is.

Jameson barks out a laugh. “If you say so, but you should probably put your tongue away. Ever since I mentioned her name, it’s been dangling out of your mouth like a dog in heat.”

I narrow my eyes at my friend. “Fuck you.”

He snorts. “Tempting, but you’re not my type. Lyndee though…”

A growl erupts from my throat, making him laugh.

“And I rest my case.” Jameson steps forward and lowers his voice so the rest of my kitchen staff can’t hear. “I really like her, and I think she’d be good for you. Might even get you out of the kitchen every now and again.”

“It’s not like that,” I argue, flipping the patties before they’re ready.

“So you’ve said, but your eyes tell a different story, Jasper. All I’m saying is don’t discount something because you’re scared.”

“I’m not scared,” I counter.

He just gives me a look, letting me know he doesn’t believe me. “Fine, you’re not scared. But you’re not doing what you should be doing either, which is asking her out on a date.”

“A date?” The concept seems a little foreign to me. How long has it been since I’ve gone out on a date? A hookup, sure. Taken women home from the bar, yes. But dinner and a movie? Shit, probably since college. Maybe even high school. The women I’ve been with recently knew the score. Sex and fun.

“Yeah, a date. Take her out, get to know her outside of the bedroom. It’s this radical new concept, you should try it.”

I roll my eyes. “I’ve tried it. Not my thing.”

“Okay, but it might be Lyndee’s thing. All I’m saying is you could give it a shot. She seems like the type of woman who likes the whole wine and dine thing,” he says, making me think.

Is he right? Is Lyndee a big date kind of woman? She’s already said she doesn’t like flowers, but what about all the other bullshit that goes along with dating someone? Fancy dinners, expensive wines, and moonlit walks under the stars?


My mind floods with questions, but no answers. Before I go there, I probably need to decide what I want out of this. I’ll admit, at first, I wanted sex, but now? After I’ve gotten to know her a little bit? The attraction I feel is too big to ignore, and the idea of spending more time with her, possibly even going on a date or two, has some appeal. Add in great sex, which I already know is pretty fucking phenomenal, and this dating thing doesn’t sound so bad.

“Come on, Romeo. The guys will be waiting to start our meeting. Bring the food and get your lovesick ass to the bar,” Jameson says, humor lacing every word, as he slaps me on the back and heads off to the door.

I finish making the burgers, but my mind isn’t present. No, all thoughts are across the street with Lyndee. I wonder what she’s doing right now and how her day has been. Will she be home when I get there? And why does it make my heart happy when I think about her being there, waiting?

Sighing, I plate up the food, put it on a tray, and head to the bar for our weekly meeting, doing all I can to leave thoughts of Lyndee behind.



Chapter Twenty


“Hey, something smells amazing in here,” Jasper says as he enters the kitchen, having just kicked off his shoes in the mudroom.

“I know you’re the chef, but I thought I’d give it a try tonight. As a thank you for letting us stay here,” I reply, pulling the chicken dish out of the oven and setting it on the potholders on the counter.

He leans against the fridge, so very close to me, and smirks. “I believe you have the same degree as I do, sweets,” he states, opening the door and grabbing a bottle of water.

“True, but we took two totally different paths in our careers. I prefer to stick to the basics,” I confess, uncovering the garlic smashed potatoes on the stove and sticking a spoon in the pot.

When I glance at him, I find his eyes watching me intently, the faintest hint of a smile on those lips. Lips that did very naughty things to my body early this morning. I have to turn away to hide the blush.

“Well, I’m impressed. This definitely isn’t basic.” Jasper watches as I plate the chicken and take it to the table. He follows suit, delivering the potatoes to the center of the set table and joining me at one of the three settings.

“Where’s Dustin?” he asks, scooping a piece of stuffed chicken onto his plate.

“Right here,” my brother chimes in as he enters the kitchen, a big smile on his face. “And I have news.”

I can feel myself blushing.

“Tell me,” Jasper instructs, scooping a healthy dollop of potatoes on his plate.

“I have a date.” Dustin takes a seat and dives into the food. “Tomorrow night.”

“Really?” he asks, eyes wide. “With who?”

“Daisy’s older sister, Dana. She came in again today, and we got to chatting,” Dustin informs Jasper.

“For almost two hours,” I mumble with humor in my voice. The truth is, he worked while they visited, and I could tell there was something going on. Since my brother doesn’t have a lot of friends, I stayed away and let it unfold.

When I glance up, Jasper is grinning ear to ear. “That’s awesome. Where are ya going?”

“Actually, to your place. She mentioned she had a craving for the Ride A Cowboy Burger and asked me if I wanted to go with her.”

Jasper slices into his chicken but meets my gaze at Dustin’s statement. “She asked him?”

I nod. “It was so cute. A little awkward, but so cute. He didn’t know what to say at first. He’s never been asked out before,” I tell him, cutting into my own meat.

“Truth. Girls don’t usually go after weirdos like me,” my brother says with a smile on his face.

“I think it’s wonderful. I’m happy for you. I’ll be sure Ross makes perfect burgers for you tomorrow night.” Jasper takes a bite. “Wow, this is delicious. Tell me about it.”

“Oh, it’s just stuffed chicken. Nothing fancy.”

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