Home > Don't Go Away Mad (Burgers and Brew Crue #2)(50)

Don't Go Away Mad (Burgers and Brew Crue #2)(50)
Author: Lacey Black

He smiles softly. “So, maybe you could show me your appreciation later?” he asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

I giggle. “I think we used up all the icing.”

A heavy laugh spills from his mouth. “Good thing I have a whole pantry full of supplies then, huh?”


I’m snuggled against his chest, listening to the steady thunder of his heartbeat against my cheek. My body is completely sated, and I’m not sure I could form complete sentences yet. This man does things to me I’ve never experienced before. Not only in bed, but outside of it too. I enjoy running new ideas by him, different flavor options, or listening to him share about his day.

But what has my attention now is his words from earlier. Twice, he called me his girl. Right before he gave me that amazingly thoughtful gift. Considering the fact he just found out it was my birthday two days ago, he did well on short notice.

“If you’re able to still think that hard, I didn’t do my job right,” he says, a soft chuckle rumbling against my skin.

“You did your job just fine,” I mutter, placing a kiss on his chest and running my fingers through the dark hair peppered between his defined pecs.

“Fine. What every man loves to hear,” he teases with a hint of sarcasm.

Now it’s my turn to chuckle. “No, that part was more than fine.”

Jasper turns me on my side and faces me. “Then, what’s up?”

His deep brown eyes hold a touch of concern and wonder, and even though he hasn’t struck me as the “talking” type, I find myself opening up to him and saying what’s on my mind. “So…tonight you called me your girl.”

“I did. Twice, actually,” he replies, swiping a strand of hair off my cheek and moving it behind my ear. “Does that bother you?”

Does it? I realize quickly the answer is no.

I shake my head. “It doesn’t, but I guess I’m just curious as to what it means.”

He takes a deep breath and places his hand against my cheek. “To be honest, I don’t really know, but when I said it, I didn’t regret the words. I like you, Lyndee. I enjoy spending time with you, even though we don’t get that much of it. Between your schedule and mine, I find when we do actually get to share a meal or hang out, I enjoy it a lot.”

Jasper sighs. “I don’t date. I never have time, but with you, I find myself wanting to make time. And falling into bed with you after a long day is pretty fucking great too,” he adds with a sheepish grin. “If you want to put a label on this, we can—”

“I don’t need a label,” I quickly interrupt.

He relaxes. “I’d give it one if you needed,” he insists.

“I like spending time with you too.”

“Okay,” he replies, pulling me into his arms once more. “I know your condo will be done soon, but I was kinda hoping we could keep hanging out. You know, after you go back home. I have a crazy schedule, but I’d really like to keep seeing you.”

I offer him a smile. “I’d like that.”

He lowers his mouth and swipes it softly across mine. “Good. Now, let’s go back to this whole fine thing.”


Three weeks later, I’m just getting home from work, my legs almost too tired to carry me to my bedroom.

It’s a Saturday night, so Jasper’s working late at the restaurant. Dustin and Dana went to a movie, which means I have the condo to myself for a bit, and I’m grateful. My feet are killing me, as is my back from bending over my workstation and decorating cupcakes for an anniversary celebration at the furniture store down the street. It’s their twenty-fifth year in business, and they asked me to bake cupcakes for a week-long sale and celebration. I was honored and spent my entire Saturday evening making dozens of special cupcakes for the client.

All I want now is a bubble bath and a glass of wine.

When I push through my door, I’m surprised to find it lit with battery-operated candles on my dresser and nightstand, as well as a bottle of wine chilling in ice on a TV tray. Smiling, I head for the note sitting on my pillow.



I’ve been watching you work all afternoon, even after you closed for the day, so I wanted to give you a night to relax. Your brother is gone, there’s food warming in the oven, and some fancy bubble bath in your bathroom. I hope you enjoy a little alone time, and if the mood strikes you, you can think of me while you’re in the bath. Just make sure you take pictures…



A bark of laughter flies as I glance around, taking in the sight. For someone who doesn’t do the whole dating thing, he’s pretty damn good at it.

I go to the wine and pour myself a small glass before heading to the kitchen to see what’s for dinner. There’s a piece of lasagna in a dish, along with bacon wrapped asparagus and thick garlic toast. My mouth practically waters.

Deciding I need to eat something first, I dive into the dish, recognizing it as one of Jasper’s personal pans from his kitchen. That means, at some point today, he cooked me food. Considering he usually works all day Saturdays, that’s pretty amazing. As I shovel a big bite of food into my mouth and groan, I realize he’s not the only thing amazing.

So is this meal.

I inhale everything he left me before slipping down the hall and filling up the bathtub. The bubbles are lavender, one of my favorites, so I add more than enough and fill the room with the heavenly scent.

I grab my wine glass, take a sip, and search for my phone. There’s a playlist for relaxation, so I fire up John Mayer and strip out of my clothes. Only when I’m up to my neck in bubbles and warm water do I finally feel myself relaxing.

I sit for several minutes, trying not to think about what I need to do tomorrow. The bakery is closed on Sundays, but I always use that day to prep for the week. I place orders, bake bread, and fill any private orders for the upcoming week. Sundays are just as busy as any other day, except I don’t have the foot traffic.

But I refuse to think about that now.

I reach for my phone and pull up my camera. Making sure nothing shows through the bubbles, I snap a quick picture and fire it off with the caption “All that’s missing is you.”

I set my phone down on the toilet cover, knowing he won’t reply for a while. It’s just after seven, which means Jasper’s neck deep in orders. Smiling, I picture him behind the grill, his polo shirt stretched tautly over his arms and chest, as he barks orders to his staff. I can see where some might find him hard to work for, but I find it quite the opposite. I respect the hell out of him, as a businessman and a creator, and his work speaks volumes for both.

My hand slips below the bubbles and rubs across my clit. Sparks of desire race through my veins as I imagine it’s his hand between my legs. My nipples pebble as I hitch a leg up on the side of the tub and press two fingers inside of me. Pleasure takes over as I slide my fingers in and out, picturing Jasper’s intense face as if it were his hand moving beneath the water.

I reach for my phone and pull up the camera. Never having snapped a picture like this before, I boldly lift my hips up so my breasts are above the water and you can see where my fingers are. It’s difficult to take the photo, especially when I try to keep my face out of it, but I manage. As soon as I send it off with the one from earlier, I drop my phone on the rug and let the pleasure take over.

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