Home > Sawyer (Rydeville Elite #6)(21)

Sawyer (Rydeville Elite #6)(21)
Author: Siobhan Davis

“There is nothing to stop them turning us over to the authorities then,” I say.

“Perhaps you are right. Maybe they are behind this, but they won’t find that evidence within Techxet. We have covered all of our bases, and we have made contingency plans. We have several copies in secure locations with procedures in place that will be automatically enacted if anyone tries to retrieve it. These people are smart enough to know I wouldn’t keep it within my company.”

“I agree with that,” I say, sinking into the seat beside my friend. “But that doesn’t mean they aren’t trying to bankrupt you and ruin you to serve the same end goal. That they won’t try to do the same to all of us until we are forced into selling it to them.”

“They have a point,” Travis says to my dad. “It’s not like we haven’t considered this.”

“And we discounted it because it was too risky.” Dad swings his sober eyes on me. “We can’t go after the elite, son. We stick to our original plan. If we keep investigating, we will find something. I know we will.”

“And if we don’t?” I ask.

“Then Techxet goes under.” He clasps his hands together on the table.

“You are remarkably calm when discussing losing the company you have invested blood, sweat, and tears in.”

“I am because this whole elite situation has taught me one valuable lesson. Nothing is more important than keeping my family safe. You and your mother are what matter.”

“That’s bullshit,” Kai snaps. “Look at what you’re forcing your son to do?! If you truly cared, you would find another way.”

I say nothing because Anderson is right. How can he claim I’m so important, yet he has asked me to do this?

“It doesn’t have to be forever,” Dad says, looking a little sheepish as he peers into my eyes. “I know you understand why this needs to happen. I hate that I had to involve you, but desperate times call for desperate measures. We won’t go down without a fight, but if it comes to it, we’ll survive. As long as we have each other.”









“Did you think your dad meant it?” Anderson asks six nights later as we wait in a trendy bar in New York for Charlie, Drew, and Rick to arrive. I’m getting married tomorrow, and the guys insisted we go out for drinks. Not to celebrate—to commiserate. The need for distraction is the only thing that made me agree.

“Which part?” I ask, knowing he’s referencing the shocking conversation we had with the two dads last weekend.

“Where he said nothing matters but keeping you and your mom safe.”

I shrug. “Your guess is as good as mine. Actions speak louder than words, and the years of neglect speak volumes.” Anderson arches a brow. “What?” I ask.

“You rarely criticize your parents. Even when we were younger, you never bitched about them like Lauder and me did.”

I shrug again. “I’m older and wiser now. And if it sounds like bullshit, it usually is.” I swallow a healthy mouthful of beer, grateful for fake IDs and my name.

“I think the oldies are scared shitless. Do you think they told us the truth about the evidence they have?”

“Honestly? I don’t know what the fuck to think anymore.” I pick at the label on my beer bottle.

“Sup, assholes,” Rick says, sliding onto the stool across from Kai and me.

“You’re late. Again,” Kai drawls before reaching across the table to hug his older brother. “It’s good to see you, man.”

“You look way too sober.” Rick whistles to gain the attention of a passing waitress. He orders another round, adding two more beers as Charlie and Drew saunter over.

“This looks more like a funeral than a bachelor party,” Charlie says, sliding onto a stool beside me.

“Being forced into marriage is hardly something to celebrate,” I say before draining the last of my beer.

“I’m glad I dodged that bullet,” Drew says as the waitress arrives with our order. We don’t speak as she sets our drinks down, shooting fuck-me eyes at Kai.

“He’s married, sweetheart, and hopelessly devoted to his wife,” I say. “You’re wasting your time.”

Her gaze roams over me, and I almost laugh. “I’m getting married tomorrow, he’s also engaged”—I point at Charlie—“but those two are single-ish,” I add because I’m not one hundred percent sure.

“I’m not,” Rick says, taking himself out of the running. “It’s kind of back on with Rebecca. She’s coming with me tomorrow.”

The waitress grins flirtatiously at Drew as she pockets the hundred-dollar bill Rick just gave her.

“I’m not interested.” Drew drills her with a look that warns her to try her luck elsewhere.

“The hot ones are always taken,” she mutters under her breath, finally walking off. What a tool.

“What’s up with you and Shandra?” I ask, swiping a fresh beer.

“Nothing is up with us.”

“You sure about that?” Kai smirks. “I’d say there was definitely something up last weekend unless you were stuffing socks down your pants.”

Drew flips him off. “I’m not discussing Shandra.”

“What about Jane?” Charlie asks. “Have you heard from her?”

Drew slams his bottle down on the table, glaring at Charlie. “I’m not discussing Jane either.” He drains half his beer, looking like he’s ready to punch something or someone.

I take pity on him because I can relate now. “Any update on the prison visit?”

“I’m working on it. By the time you return from your honeymoon, I’ll have it lined up.”

“I’m not going on a honeymoon, and I’m really hoping you can set up the meet for next week.”

“I’m calling in a few favors, so it’s not directly within my control. But I’ll see if I can speed things up.”

“Where’s Sydney tonight?” Rick asks.

“I don’t know. At her father’s place, I guess.”

Rick stares at me. “Do you not speak to her at all?”

“I speak to her if there is something we need to discuss. It’s not like we’re even friends.”

“I’m starting to feel sorry for Sydney,” Charlie says.

“Don’t. She’s in it for the money.”

“Fuck, I think you’re even colder than me.” Drew’s lips twitch. “I’d love to be a fly on the wall at your penthouse next week. Talk about Awkward City.”

“Remind me why I invited you again?”

He flashes me a full-on grin. “Just keeping it real, dude. You might want to make a little bit more of an effort. She doesn’t seem like a horrible person, and she’s easy on the eyes. It could be a lot worse. You could’ve been saddled with someone like Alessandra Mathers. Man, she was a fucking bitch.”

“She was a cunt,” Anderson agrees. “All those Mathers women were.”

“They still haven’t declared Denton a missing person,” Charlie says. “I wonder why that is.”

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