Home > Blood & Bones : Rev(62)

Blood & Bones : Rev(62)
Author: Jeanne St. James

Reese gave her a soft smile and cleared the thick from her throat. “That’s what family is for… Anyway, I’m excited for this new opportunity for you.”

“Me, too. I love you and I love this crazy, patchwork family of ours. It’s crazy how we ended up here but I’m glad we did.”

Reese nodded. “I never, ever could have imagined it.” She laughed and shook her head. “Look at me, wearing a leather vest that says I’m property of a man.”

“Hell froze over the day you first put that on. But seriously… I doubt Deke holds you to that.”

Her sister’s expression turned serious. “He’d like to.”

“But he doesn’t. I don’t think he’d ever want to try to take away how strong and independent you are. He loves that about you.”

“And I love that he respects that. Which is why I wear his cut on club runs without an argument. I do it for him.”

Reilly wouldn’t doubt Reese wore it for herself, too. Deacon made her realize there was so much more to life than burying herself in her work. Every time she donned Deacon’s cut and climbed on his sled, Reese allowed the pressures of life to fall away. Even if only temporarily.

Before Deacon, all she did was focus on her career. Reilly had been afraid she’d work herself to death.

“I’m glad you’re happy.”

“You have no idea,” Reese breathed. She glanced around first before lowering her voice so only Reilly could hear her. The other women were now busy chit-chatting and drinking at the other tables. “But I’m also really scared right now.”

Her strong, fearless sister was scared?

“What about? Me?”

“No…” She shook her head. “I’m pregnant.”

“Holy shit,” Reilly whispered. Her eyes landed on the cup her sister was clutching like a lifeline.

“It’s iced tea,” Reese answered her unasked question after again making sure no one else was listening in on their whispered conversation.

“Does Deke know?”

“Of course.”

“Does anyone else know?” Reilly asked.

“Not yet. It’s early and we want to wait until after the first trimester to tell everyone. I’m not old but I am older and we just want to get past that first hurdle. And... I know Trip’s been working on Stella about having children, so I don’t want to put any more pressure on her. Plus, Judge and Cassie have been planning, too… I’m positive Cass will announce something soon. I think they were waiting to see how the Shirley thing shook out.”

“Was this planned?” Not once had Reese ever mentioned wanting children that she could remember.

“Not really,” Reese admitted. “Chalk it up to birth control failure.”

“Like Dyna.”

“Yes. Dyna is one reason I’m not so upset about it. Dyna’s a precious gift and she started to bring out the motherly instinct in me every time I held her. Also, every time I hold her, I remember cuddling you when you were that age. I remember holding you tight and hoping… praying I didn’t fail you. I was so scared, Reilly. I really was. After all that, I wasn’t sure I ever wanted to raise another child again, even my own.”

“You were eleven when I was born. Of course you were scared. What eleven-year-old can successfully raise a baby?” Reilly raised a hand. “You, of course. Because you’re a badass bitch, even when you were eleven. You put your mind to something and you get it done, no matter what. Tenacious should be your ol’ lady road name. I have no doubt you’ll be a badass mother this time around, too. And look at it this way, now you’re an expert because you have raising me under your belt.”

Reese laughed softly. “I’m certainly not an expert. I screwed up so many times with you.”

“And here we sit alive and well, with only a few emotional and physical scars. We survived.” She smiled at Reese. “Well, I’m happy for you. And I can’t wait to be an auntie. More importantly, I can’t wait for Deacon to be a daddy. Holy shit, he’ll be awesome at it. Daddy Deacon. I like the ring of that.”

Reese’s lips twitched. “He does, too.”

“Having a baby might put a kink in your kink,” Reilly teased.

“Having a baby will put a kink in a lot of things. Deke mentioned getting a house mouse to help out while we work, but I don’t know…”

“You’ve got time to decide.”

“There’s a really good daycare the next block down from my office. Plus, there’s always Lottie, though I’d hate to dump that kind of burden on Deke’s mother at this point in her life.”

“Again, you have time. Don’t stress it. You’ve got a huge family here to help, too.”

Reese’s smile broadened. “That’s for damn sure. You know, I’d hate to give that asshole Warren any credit but one good thing came out of that mess…”

“More than one,” Reilly corrected, slightly tipping her head to Reese’s stomach.

“True. More than one.”

“And lots more to come,” Reilly promised.

“Let’s hope the bad times are behind us and we only have good times ahead.” Reese lifted her drink and Reilly tapped their cups together.

She glanced over to where Rev stood, now by himself, leaning against The Barn, one hand buried deep in his front jeans pocket, a beer bottle hanging by his side between two fingers of his other hand. His bright blue eyes turned in Reilly’s direction.

Yes, she hoped the bad times were behind all of them and only good times lie ahead.

But life had a habit of throwing them all curve balls when they least expected it.



Chapter Eighteen



Rev leaned back with his right knee bent and his boot planted on the side of the shed. He lifted his hand-rolled cigarette to his lips, filled his lungs, then slowly let the smoke roll back out of his mouth.

He had a good buzz going between drinking all evening and sharing some high-quality bud with his brothers.

He was relaxed, but not quite happy.

He had fought off the sweet butts all night, scraped off any female hang-arounds looking for some action and tried to stick near his brothers who had ol’ ladies since the prowling females usually gave them a wide berth. For good reason.

One being the sisterhood, who had gathered in their pack and kept a side-eye on their men. The sweet butts knew better than to approach any of the Fury brothers who’d already been claimed, unless they were only having some friendly conversation, but some of the female hang-arounds didn’t know any better.

Just like some of the male hang-arounds didn’t know not to approach any of the Fury women not wearing “Property of” cuts. Right now, that basically boiled down to five: Tessa, Saylor, Maddie, Josie and Reilly.

Trip always kept an eye glued to Tessa. Shade watched Chelle’s daughters like a hawk. Rev really didn’t give a fuck if Saylor wanted to hook up with anyone as long as it wasn’t out in the open where everyone was watching. Also, as long as she consented. Even so, he didn’t tell any of his brothers that. He let them believe that he’d have a problem with them if they boned his sister.

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