Home > Blood & Bones : Rev(67)

Blood & Bones : Rev(67)
Author: Jeanne St. James

“Judge wants all the prospects to take turns patrollin’ the area at night.”

This was news to him. He would check with Judge to make sure that was true and Scar wasn’t just being a peeping fucking Tom when it came to Rev fucking Reilly on the hood of her cage.

Because then there’d be a problem. Not only with Rev breaking one of the cardinal rules but between Scar and Rev. If the fucker was lying, there’d also be a problem between the club and prospect.

Three potential issues caused by one nosy motherfucker.

Rev decided to test the water. “What’d you see?”

“What d’you mean?” the man grumbled, turning to face Rev with his hands now planted on his hips. His head was cocked to the side and if it hadn’t been so dark out, Rev just bet his expression and his eyes held a challenge.

And the asshole had no right to challenge Rev. None at all.

“Exactly what I fuckin’ asked.” He repeated the question but slower this time speaking like Scar was too stupid to understand plain English. “What the fuck did you see?”

The ex-con’s hesitation was long enough to put a bitter taste in Rev’s mouth. “Didn’t see shit. Heard a commotion, came around the corner, saw a Fury cut and decided whoever it was had things covered.”

He was being a fucking smart ass by using the word “covered.” Scar was also lying about seeing Rev wearing his cut since he’d taken it off and turned it inside out and placed it on Reilly’s hood.

The problem was, if Rev made a big deal about it, Scar could run his fucking mouth and cause Rev a lot of grief. Just like when Scar kept challenging Rook about Jet. If Jet hadn’t belonged to Rook—even though no one knew it at the time—the former cop might have ended up dead and buried, never to be seen again. That’s how much Scar hated pigs. His hatred for law enforcement ran a lot deeper than most of the Fury members. It probably burned in his gut like acid.

But right now, Rev didn’t give a fuck. The man needed to go chew a Tums and get the fuck away from the shed before Reilly revealed herself.

“You got orders, then carry on with them,” Rev said quietly, but firmly, making sure the older biker knew who had the upper hand here. It wasn’t Scar.

The prospect had already crossed the line a few times. So far, those infractions had been forgiven. However, they hadn’t been forgotten. It wouldn’t take much more to get his prospect rocker stripped and send him on his merry way.

Problem solved.

But that didn’t mean Scar wouldn’t try to take Rev out the door with him. He could try to use the fact that Rev was banging someone on the “no fuck list” as leverage.


It was best to try to keep things between them civil. At least for now. Once he successfully claimed Reilly at the table all fucking bets were off.

If Trip assigned prospects to work with her in the new business, one of them better not be Scar. There was no fucking way she was working closely with that asshole.

He waited until Scar crossed the driveway, the courtyard and then disappeared into The Barn before turning and heading back to Reilly.

When he returned to her cage, she was fully dressed and outside the Kona, leaning against it, her arms crossed over her chest.

When he got closer, she asked, “Who was it?”

He considered lying to her and telling her it was no one so she wouldn’t worry but decided that might not be the smartest idea. “Scar.”

Her eyes went wide. “Shit. Did he see us?”

Now he needed to lie. “No. Said he was doin’ rounds.”


“Yeah, said Judge has the prospects now doin’ rounds to keep an eye out.”

“For what?”

Rev shrugged. “Shirleys? Someone breakin’ into the repo yard? Feds? Sasquatch? Probably anythin’ out of the ordinary.”

“Like someone on the ‘do not touch’ list getting bent over a car and fucked by someone who is supposed to be respecting that list. Do you think he saw me naked?”

“Doubt it. My bare ass was coverin’ yours. Unless he knows your cage, he wouldn’t even suspect it was you.”

She blew out a soft breath. “I hope not. Like I said, I’ll work on Reese.”

In the meantime, he’d make a plan to skip all of that and go directly to the source to plead his case. But for now, she could work on her sister until he could try his method. Her sister relenting would be the easy solution, him busting in on an exec meeting to confess to breaking a rule would be the more difficult and dangerous one.

He reached behind her and opened the driver’s door for her. She pushed off the rear of the car where she’d been leaning and before she could climb in, he stopped her. “Reilly…”

She hesitated and glanced over her shoulder.

“Wasn’t a mistake.”

“What wasn’t? The sex we just had?”

No, not the sex. The other thing. The words he’d said to her. The words she thought he said because he was drunk.

“All of it,” was how he answered.

She nodded, got into the Kona, started the engine and shifted into Reverse. Before she removed her foot from the brake, she powered down the window and poked out her head. “Hey, Rev.”

He lifted his head since he was busy buckling his belt. He hadn’t finished doing that in his rush to get dressed.

“In case you want to know… I feel the same.”

Then she drove away.



Rev swung the ring of keys around his index finger as he strode through the parking lot of Dutch’s Garage and stepped through the open bay door. The truck’s test drive proved he repaired the problem the customer had complained about. Now he needed to drop the keys off in the office and help Reilly write up the invoice so she could call the customer and Dutch could get paid.

One more job down for the day. He had a state inspection on another vehicle to do yet, as well as an oil change, then he’d be caught up with the job orders on his clipboard.

As he had approached the garage, he noticed two older sleds—one formerly owned by Dutch—parked out front. When he headed toward the office, he heard male voices inside along with Reilly’s.

He paused just outside the office door, and out of sight, so he could listen for a few.

Castle and Bones.

He’d been relieved when he heard they’d be the prospects to work with Reilly on the new business and not Scar. At least, he wasn’t involved yet.

Reilly was sitting at her desk discussing the business plan she had written up and going over the training the two prospects would need once they both obtained their commercial driver’s licenses.

That was the first step. If they couldn’t pass their CDL tests, then they wouldn’t be able to help her by delivering and setting up the emergency housing wherever and whenever it was needed.

A couple of weeks ago, Rev had read over her business plan. He’d been impressed with how detailed and extensive it was, proving that she was smart as fuck and Trip had made the right decision to drop the new business into her lap.

Her being intelligent wasn’t a surprise since her sister Reese was wicked smart, too. Their parents might have sucked at actual parenting, but they’d given the women something worthwhile. Their smart genes.

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