Home > Cursed (Enchanted Gods #1)(31)

Cursed (Enchanted Gods #1)(31)
Author: K.K. Allen

She pulls another gold-wrapped package from behind her back and brings it over to me. I take it slowly. With shaking hands, I unwrap the package to find a long jewelry box. I crack it open, and immediately, I feel faint. Inside is the same green stone from my dream. The one I was wearing as I stared back at my reflection. The same stone I saw in Rose’s den. The one she described as a rare green emerald crystal.

“It’s beautiful,” I say breathlessly, more freaked out by the vision.

The next thing I know, Charlotte is behind me, gently placing the necklace with the ancient stone around my neck. I suck in a slow breath as I sort through the anxious feelings that take hold of my chest.

“What’s wrong, Kat?” Charlotte’s question is almost expectant, as if she knows the answer.

A tear falls from the corner of each eye, and I swipe them away. “What is going on?” I whisper. “I’ve spent the past two years wondering why I’m so… different. I get angry and accidents happen, and people look at me like I’m some kind of devil. Ever since I arrived in Apollo Beach, things have only gotten stranger. Why am I having visions and dreams that all feel so real?” I touch the emerald. “Like this. I was wearing it in a dream I had when I first arrived.”

I release the necklace and suck in another breath. “But not only that.” I think of that day I overheard a conversation from clear across a restaurant. “How can I hear things that I shouldn’t?” I think about my endurance when I went for that jog with Alec and how quickly I picked up the game of pool. Sure, all of that could be pure coincidence and good luck, but what if it means something more? “It all seems so impossible.”

“It’s not.” Rose speaks clearly and confidently, and I hang on her every word as if they will decide my future. “I couldn’t have possibly prepared you for what you’ve been experiencing. Your visions, your dreams, your heightened senses, it’s all part of something… well, enchanting.”

There’s that word again. Rose knows she has my attention. I haven’t moved. She shifts slightly as if waiting for me to cut in with my questions.

When I say nothing, she continues. “You are an Enchanter, my dear. More specifically, a Solstice. It’s what I am too.”

I stare at Rose while anger builds up inside me, just waiting for her to start laughing and tell me this is all a practical joke. “I don’t understand what that means.”

“It means that we have the power to do great things in this world. Magical things. Everything that is happening to you is directly related to your ancient Greek heritage, but from today on, today being your eighteenth birthday, you are in full control of your powers.”

“Powers? Magic?” My eyes narrow. “Do you know how crazy you sound right now?”

Despite my fury, Rose smiles. “Think about it, dear. The accidents that always landed you in hot water—your strength and endurance, your heightened senses—and tell me, have you made any wishes that happened to come true? Those weren’t coincidences. All of it is just a small part of what you are capable of. Your dreams and visions are your powers’ ways of communicating with you—to warn you, to help you. Don’t discount them.”

I stare back at her, bewildered, as the image of myself in the vanity crosses my mind again. “I was levitating a vase in my dream, Rose.”

Rose shrugs. “Levitation is a power you possess. Try it.”

I stand up abruptly, furious with this mad woman I have come to live with. “Stop it. This is not funny. You think I’m seriously going to believe that I have magical powers?” I choke out a laugh. “Rose, I’ve been through so much lately. The dreams and the headaches are obviously all part of that. You should be encouraging me to see a doctor, not feeding me ridiculous lies.” I’m close to tears.

Before I know what’s happening, Rose puts up her hand, and something of great force slams into my chest. It reels me back into the couch, which then slides across the floor, only held from careering across the room by Charlotte’s grip.

“Rose! Stop it!” Charlotte’s voice breaks through my shock and my grandmother’s intense stare.

Rose shakes her head as if breaking free from a trance. She’s breathing deeply now. “I didn’t mean to scare you, Katrina. I just needed you to see.”

My heart pounds as I come to grips with what just happened. Rose is now some distance away. I look at Charlotte. “What was that?” I ask meekly.

Rose sighs, and I turn to her. “I did it. It’s my magic, but I’m old. I’ve lost a lot of energy over the years, and over time, things have become harder to control. I try not to practice anymore, for fear of something going horribly wrong. I’m sorry.” She seems to calm down quickly and continues. “You’ve been reading about Greek mythology, yes? I told you about Astina Summer. You’ve read up on the stories of gods. Is it so hard to believe that we are descendants of those gods?”

I let out a breath. “I suppose not, but those are just myths. Do you know what the definition of a myth is? A myth is a false belief or idea.”

Rose rolls her eyes. “Clearly, you won’t believe me until you do it yourself. You just have to try. Try to levitate something.” Rose points at the cake on the table. “There.”

“Rose, stop.” Charlotte scoots closer to me. The authority in her voice surprises me, but her relationship with Rose is another strange aspect that I still don’t understand. Since I came here, Charlotte has acted more like a caretaker to me than to Rose. But as grateful as I am to Charlotte for jumping to my defense, I can’t believe she’s been drinking the Kool-Aid too. Charlotte obviously believes what Rose is saying.

“I think I need to be alone,” I croak. “Please. Can I go to my room? Or are you going to stop me again?” I focus on Rose as I speak.

Charlotte turns to face me. “Rose just wants to help you. It’s who you are, Kat. You wanted to know why these things are happening to you. I know it all sounds crazy, but it’s real.” Her smooth-as-silk voice helps, but it’s not enough to overcome what I’m seeing and hearing.

I look at her, my eyes wide with annoyance. Then I look at the cake Rose wanted me to levitate. “I won’t do it.”

Charlotte and Rose exchange a glance, then Charlotte is placing a hand on mine before lifting it in the air. “Here. You aim with your mind. Like it’s a wand. Focus on what you want to do, and do it.”

As gentle and instructional as Charlotte is, I cannot take her seriously. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Charlotte releases my hand, leaving me pointing numbly at the cake.

I try to do as she says. I even wiggle my fingers, but I feel ridiculous and lower my hand. “See? I can’t do it.” I stand. “You two are officially insane. May I be excused?”

Rose nods, disappointment washing over her expression. “You’re dismissed.”

As I take the grand staircase, I can’t help but listen into the conversation below, as clear as a bell. I refuse to believe there’s anything magical about my great hearing.

“She needs to see for herself, Rose. Just give her time. It’s not like she can escape it.”

“That girl is so stubborn,” Rose hisses. “Just like her mother.”

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