Home > Cursed (Enchanted Gods #1)(41)

Cursed (Enchanted Gods #1)(41)
Author: K.K. Allen

“You didn’t see that? A gust of wind created a small tornado right there in front of us.” His expression is one of fascination, and he gets up to examine what was once my magical masterpiece.

If Rose finds out about this, she will be furious. I shrug. “I didn’t see anything.” I don’t know what else to say. I’ve never been the best liar. My mom would always tell me she could see right through me. I try to think of how to change the subject. “Do you think Iris and Ava will ever warm up to me?”

Alec soon forgets about the sand and looks at me. “Probably not.” He smiles then shrugs. “I had hope, but I’ve given up on that.”

I make a noise in the back of my throat. “Well, that’s just great. I didn’t do anything to them.”

Alec tilts his head. “No, but you have my attention in a way I’ve never given it to them.”

I suck in a breath. “How is that?”

His gaze dips down to my lips. He inches closer, his fingers playing with a loose strand of my hair. “Maybe it’s the way I look at you when I think no one else is watching.” He leans in slightly. “Or maybe it’s the way I can’t help but smile when you’re near.” He leans in again so there’s only an inch of space between our lips. “Maybe it’s how I can have dozens of my friends together at a party and not give a damn because it’s you who steals all my attention.” His hand leaves my hair and makes its way to my neck until he’s gently stroking it with his thumb.

My heart is going crazy, its erratic beat consuming all the space in my chest. As he starts to close the final gap between our lips, my heart feels like it’s about to burst through my chest. I shut my eyes and completely give in to this new feeling of—I can’t even think.

Everything feels so perfect. Fireworks are whizzing through the night sky, lighting it up like colored popcorn. Laughter and chatter fill the space around us. A crowd cheers in response to the end of the band’s last song.

As soon as his lips touch mine, it feels like our first kiss all over again. He tastes of salt and fruit punch. I’m thankful we’re sitting this time, because my knees turn to Jell-O. His lips firm against mine before the kiss deepens, his tongue sweeping the inside of my mouth. A rush shoots through me.

When our mouths separate and our faces draw apart a few seconds later, my lips are tingling. Our eyes meet, and smiles form on both our faces. He starts to lean in for more, but in the moment before we connect, something whizzes through the air and smacks hard into the side of my face. It makes a popping sound, and water bursts around me. I gasp and reach up to touch my stinging cheek. Looking down, I find a broken water balloon in my lap.

It doesn’t take me long to guess where that came from, but I’m too shocked to move. I hear the adolescent giggles of Iris and Ava as they approach, then their annoying voices get louder.

“Oops. We’re so sorry, Kat. We were just playing around.” Iris’s voice is high-pitched and riddled with fake sympathy.

I remain silent, anger bubbling inside me again. I grab my necklace, knowing I’ll need all the help in the world to get my anger get under control.

I look over at Alec, who seems just as shocked. His shirt is damp, and he’s looking at me like he’s assessing the damage. His eyes sweep briefly over my soaked top. When his eyes turn toward Iris and Ava, he looks furious.

“It was just an accident,” Iris says defensively, although she’s still laughing.

“You two are behaving like assholes,” he says, exasperated. “You should leave.”

“Alec, c’mon. It was just an accident, and we apologized,” Iris whines.

“We’re not going anywhere.” Ava says firmly. “We haven’t even checked out the bonfire yet.”

I’m so busy swiping my hands against my drenched outfit—I’m tempted to use my powers to dry it completely, but I resist—that I don’t even notice when Iris and Ava walk off.

“I’ll be right back,” Alec says, his eyes on their departing figures. “I’m going to find them a ride home.”

“Wait.” I grab his wrist. “It was just a water balloon.” I smile. “It’s really not a big deal. Don’t send them home. It will only cause a bigger scene and give them more reason to hate me.”

He sighs and looks to be giving in.

I tug at his hand. “Walk with me to the water?”

Hesitating, he throws the girls a parting glance then takes my hand. We walk toward the water, sinking our feet sinking into the sand once we reach the edge. Fireworks are still exploding in the distance, but this time, there are thunderous pops and screams accompanying them. We both look toward the noise.

Iris and Ava are running around the bonfire, giggling.

“Are they holding fireworks?” I can’t hold back from the horror that makes it into my voice.

“What the hell is wrong with them?” Alec says nothing else. It’s all in his expression as he charges off toward the bonfire, where the girls are screaming and laughing hysterically. One of them trips and falls, but she gets back up again and continues to run.

When Alec catches up with them, things seem to settle down, so I turn back toward the water. But almost as soon as I’ve turned around, I hear another outburst of screams. I turn back to the fire to see Alec, Ava, and Iris fighting. Their voices grow louder and louder.

“Go home,” Alec roars. “You’ve been nothing but trouble all night.”

Iris turns her dagger-like eyes on him. “It’s a party, Alec. Lighten up.”

“Someone is going to get hurt.”

Iris steps closer to him and glares. “You’re the one who’s going to get hurt, hanging out with that Summer girl. I warned you about her, Alec. But you won’t listen. She’s a witch. Just like her grandmother.” The disgust in Iris’s voice is clear.

And there it is. That word. Witch. Fire builds up inside me.

“Because what you’re saying is crazy,” Alec says in my defense.

Iris continues to blast me with her hateful words, and Alec continues to defend me. I try to turn off their conversation, but I’m already bristling with anger. I can feel the temperature in my body rising higher and higher like a bubbling cauldron. This is new. Not euphoric like when I used my powers before. This is different. Strange. Angry.

Something in the sky pulls my focus. Dark, ominous clouds swarm in to cover the entire beach. I panic, knowing I need to find a way to calm down before I lose control completely.

Iris throws herself into Alec’s arms and slams her mouth onto his to kiss him. Anger spirals inside of me. It’s too much. My hands ball into tight fists, and before I know what’s happening, a ball of energy explodes from my chest and hurtles straight toward the threesome.

My mouth grows wide in horror as I watch the scene unfold in slow motion. Iris reels back from my blast as she’s propelled toward the bonfire.



Terror fills Alec’s expression as he lunges for Iris and wraps his arms around her body. He yanks her back from the raging fire, and they crash onto the sand. Fire whooshes to life as if it's just been fueled with gas, then a thunderous growl shakes the sky overhead. Guests are already fleeing the hot, deafening flames, scattering in all directions.

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