Home > Whip's Breath(20)

Whip's Breath(20)
Author: E.C. Land

“You know what they say about karma?” I ask, ignoring his answer. Its bullshit and stupid as fuck.

“What do they say?” he asks actually acknowledging my question.

“That she always comes back tenfold,” I sneer, pulling my fist back and slamming into the mans face.

My brothers let go and take a step back from him as he falls to his ass.

Ghost from my past come forward and the man who almost killed Harper is no longer him, but rather than man who did kill my woman and set me up to take the fall. Grabbing Davis by his hair, I walk out into the lake dragging him with me. I get to knee high water and stop.

“This is what you get when you fuck with one of ours,” I state while pulling out my knife that’s dipped in viper venom and stab the mother fucker in the chest and twist the knife in place. I let go of the knife’s handle and shove Davis’s face into the water. I hold him there until he is not longer moving.

When Davis body stops twitching, I leave him there floating face down and walk out of the water. Time for justice as been meet. I’ll leave the clean up for the prospects. I need to get out of here. Clear my head and I know my brothers get why. They know the truth, just as I do, and there’s nothing none of us can do about it now.




“Other than a few cracked ribs, everything looks to be okay,” Doctor Alverez says. Heading here to the hospital, one of my brothers must have given Tinsley or Harlow a heads up what went down. The moment we pulled up, nurses were there waiting to take Harper to the back and have her checked over.

Doctor Alverez joined a few minutes later. The nurses attempted to push me out, but I wasn’t about to be kept from my woman.

“That’s good. Can I go home know?” Harper quips, interrupting Alverez from speaking further, sitting up straighter on the bed.

“I’m sorry Harper, but you’re going to be admitted tonight for observation. You experienced something traumatic and drowning victims sometimes still have water in your lungs and we need to make sure everything stays looking okay. We also want to make sure you don’t end up with an infection,” Alverez says.

“But I’m okay,” Harper pouts, obviously disappointed to not be going home.

“Yes, and I would like to keep it that way. You can go home tomorrow as long as everything looks good,” Alverez says, gives Harper a smile, jerk of his chin to me and leaves the room.

“I wanna go home,” Harper murmurs quietly.

“You will, Pumpkin. I promise. I love you and this is where you need to be for the night,” I utter, giving her hand a squeeze.

“Promise you won’t leave me?”

“Harper, you don’t need to ask me that shit, I’m not letting you out of my sight,” I declare, lifting Harper’s hand to my mouth and kissing the back of her hand.

“I was so scared I wouldn’t see you again. That I would get the chance to tell you I love you.” Tears well in my woman’s eyes.

“Don’t cry, baby, its over. No one is going to hurt you again.” I will make sure of it.

Harper’s my world and I refuse to lose her. It was to close of a call this time, there won’t be another.



Chapter Eighteen




“Pumpkin,” Whip growls, his eyes narrowed, hands at his hips, and he’s shaking his head at me, but he at least is somewhat grinning at me.

“What?” I ask, smiling sweetly. It’s been a week since I was kidnapped and drowned. I thought I’d have nightmares about that day, but Whip keeps them at bay.

Everyone has checked on me, even my parents, after Whip called them. My mom flipped and Dad was pissed. Mainly, he was pissed he didn’t get his hands on Davis himself. Hart went ballistic. It took a good solid day to get him to calm down marginally.

The guys have all been nice to me. I haven’t gone back to work yet, and the administration has been understanding about it all. The principal stated to come back when I’m ready.

I’ll eventually go back in another week or so. I just need to be cleared by the doctor.

And right at this very moment, much to Whip’s annoyance, and me being bored out of my mind, he found me not resting. But rather outside on my knees in the flowerbeds, pulling weeds.

“You know what, Harper,” he grumbles.

“I’m sorry, I can’t stand being still, and I don’t like weeds.” I smirk, because he already knows this. He learned that when I was working on my rental house, a house I gave up the lease on after doing all that hard work. It’s because of that work the rental company didn’t take my deposit. That and Whip being right there glowering at them about it all.

“Baby.” His tone of voice held a warning in it.

“Don’t baby or Pumpkin me, Bryan. I’m tired of lying around. I needed something to do and I’m doing it,” I sass, sitting up on my knees.

Whip moves, his hands come to rest under my arms, and he lifts me. His hands slide to cup my rear when I’m standing in front of him. Whip then lifts me fully off my feet. I wrap my legs around his waist and my hands tighten at his neck. “Since you need something to do, I’ll give you something to do,” he growls and starts for the house.

Oh my.

Well, I do like his idea.

Whip carries me through the house to our room, where he throws me onto the bed. With Amaya at the clubhouse helping with the kids there, Venom at the garage, and Lincoln at school, we’ve got the house to ourselves. The guys have started on what they want to do with the house but haven’t told Amaya or me about what they have planned.

Leaning over me, Whip pulls my yoga pants down my legs, taking my panties with them. “It’s been over a week since I’ve had this pussy, and I intend to have my fill to make up for it,” he announces. My body shudders in anticipation.

Yes, please.

Whip takes his time with me doing just as he said, getting his fill. In doing so, he had made me come multiple times with his mouth and fingers. By the time he finishes, I thought he’d rung me dry, but that’s not the case. Whip slides himself into my entrance and slowly makes love to me.

“I love you, Harper DeRose,” he groans. His movements hold a steady, slow pace, driving me insane. I can feel it building within me again.

“I love you, too, Bryan DeRose,” I whisper breathlessly.

Soon he has me coming and I scream his name due to the intensity of it all.

“Fuck yeah, baby.” Whip comes with me, his cock twitching as he spills himself inside my pussy.

It takes me a moment to catch my breath while coming back down to earth, and I’m shaking with the thoughts that if it weren’t for Whip’s breath, I wouldn’t be here right now.

I thank my lucky stars every day that I’m able to spend the rest of my life with Whip and I look forward to it every day.







I thought I would never have expected my life to turn out like this. Not when I swore years ago before I even know what I would be missing out that I would never marry. That I would never find a woman to whom I could give my heart.

Then I met my ol’ lady.

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