Home > Dragon Mine (Dragon Kings #2)(6)

Dragon Mine (Dragon Kings #2)(6)
Author: Donna Grant

Vaughn turned and searched for the Teals. The moment he found them, he shifted into his true form and jumped into the air, his wings catching a current. He flew above the other dragons. As he dipped his wing to turn back, he spotted his clan flying toward him.

A multitude of voices filled his head as the adolescents began talking at once. Then, suddenly, they grew quiet. Vaughn saw why a second later when a dozen adult Teals closed in around him in a defensive, aggressive manner. He took no offense. He would’ve done the same in their shoes.

He felt a push in his head before a female voice asked, “Are you really the King of Teals?”

“Aye. Before we had to send the dragons away to keep them alive,” Vaughn answered.

“You should’ve wiped out those mortals,” said a deep, male voice. “Eurwen and Brandr have made it so the humans here willna try the same things.”

Vaughn understood their anger, which had most likely been handed down by past generations. Dragons lived a long time, but only Kings and their mates were immortal. And the only way a Dragon King could be killed was by another Dragon King or Queen. “I’m happy to hear it.”

“Are you here to be our King?”

The young voice shocked him. Vaughn wasn’t sure which of the dragons it was, but he heard the wariness in the tone. “We’ve only recently discovered that you found a home. We’ve been trying to find you. I can no’ begin to describe the ache of missing all of you on Earth. It’s our home.”

“Your home,” said another adult female, her anger palpable. “This is ours.”

With that, the Teals flew off in a different direction. Vaughn watched them, wondering if he should follow. In the end, he decided against it. Hopefully, he’d have time to speak to his dragons again later.

For the moment, his thoughts were on a particular woman he’d believed he would never find.



Chapter Four



He was here.

He was really here.

Eurwen had hoped that Vaughn would come eventually, but she hadn’t thought he would be one of the first. It had been everything she could do not to stare at him. Not to rush to him. She had forced herself to keep her attention on her parents.

Seeing Vaughn once more had caused her knees to go weak. Her blood had pounded in her ears, and her hands became clammy. Need, swift and powerful, coursed through her. The kind that only Vaughn could quench.

Her stomach had fluttered as if a thousand butterflies were in residence when she looked into his Persian blue eyes. No one had eyes that color. And his mouth. By the gods, his wide lips drove her wild. Her heart skipped a beat when she thought of the hard lines of his jaw. He moved with cat-like grace that belied the untamed, fierce dragon he was.

She both hoped he followed her to her cabin and prayed that he didn’t. He would no doubt demand information, answers she wasn’t sure she could give. Eurwen’s legs shook from anticipation and nervousness as she walked. Mixed with her emotions about Vaughn were those concerning her parents. It created a maelstrom of feelings that made her slightly nauseous—and wondering if she could get through it all. This was the time she would normally turn to Brandr. But he had made his position clear.

Besides, he knew nothing about her time with Vaughn.

Eurwen reached her cottage and walked inside, leaving the door open. Her curiosity was killing her. She desperately wanted to know what Vaughn was doing. It became so unbearable that she finally gave in and turned around. Her gaze landed on her parents without any sign of Vaughn.

Her disappointment was swift and sharp. She tried to tell herself it was for the best that Vaughn hadn’t followed her, but there was no getting around the hurt that opened like a yawning void. Eurwen swallowed her wounded pride and squared her shoulders as Con and Rhi reached the doorway.

“This is charming,” Rhi said from the entryway as her gaze swept the area.

Eurwen motioned them in. “Would either of you care for anything to drink? Eat?”

“We’re fine, thank you,” Constantine replied.

His black eyes watched her thoughtfully, carefully. Eurwen wondered what he thought of her and Brandr. The King of Dragon Kings was someone she had studied for centuries. He was pensive, brooding even, as well as astute and cunning. There was a reason the magic had chosen him to lead the Golds and be King of Dragon Kings.

As for her mother, Rhi was loyal, spirited, bold, and courageous. While Con thought things through, Rhi leapt before she looked more often than not. They complemented each other well.

“If this isna a good time, we can come back,” Con offered. “Or, if it’s better, you could come to Dreagan.”

Eurwen drew in a breath and forced a smile. “My apologies. I wasn’t expecting to see anyone with you.”

“Every King wishes to see the dragons,” Rhi said with a grin.

Eurwen motioned to the sofa as she walked to a chair and sat. “I’m sure you have many questions.”

“Do you no’?” Con asked Eurwen as he led Rhi to the sofa and waited for her to sit before he lowered himself next to her.

Eurwen wasn’t surprised by his words. “As you know from Erith, Brandr and I have visited Earth many times. We’ve seen both of you.”

Rhi crossed one long leg over the other. “I hope that didn’t cause you to form bad opinions of us.”

“Of course, it did,” Con said, though there was no heat in his words.

Eurwen looked from Con to Rhi, staring into eyes the exact shade of hers. She decided to choose her words carefully. “It’s true that our feelings toward both of you were…not favorable for a considerable time.”

Rhi blew out a breath and looked toward Con as the two locked gazes briefly. “There is much of our story you don’t know.”

“That’s true. It’s one of the reasons I created the doorway. Although, I don’t think any child should know everything about their parents,” Eurwen replied.

Con reached over and set his hand upon Rhi’s. The instant he did, Rhi twined her fingers with his. “We’re verra glad you did open the doorway for us,” Con said.

Eurwen watched her parents. It was weird having them together after seeing them apart for so long, but the one thing nobody could deny was the love the two shared.

Rhi nervously licked her lips. “I’m probably going to regret asking this, but why did you hate us? We knew nothing of your existence. Otherwise, believe me, both of us would’ve come for you and Brandr.”

Eurwen glanced out the window to the mist-shrouded mountaintop. “The first emotion I remember was desolation. Coming close behind that was anger—before either Brandr or I learned to speak. We weren’t sure where those feelings came from or why we had them. It wasn’t until we were older that I asked Erith. That’s when she told me she believed the feelings came from the day things ended between the two of you.”

“And I went to the Fae Realm,” Rhi said in a soft voice. She looked down at her hand, a tear rolling down her face.

Con instantly turned to Rhi, a frown marring his face. “Neither of us knew you were with child.”

Rhi lifted her gaze and met Eurwen’s. “You thought I didn’t want you. That we didn’t want you.”

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