Home > This Time Around(18)

This Time Around(18)
Author: Denise Hunter

“No, we haven’t danced in years!”

“We have ants in here?”

“I said, we haven’t— Oh, never mind. Just hold me, old man.”

Allie chuckled, her eyes stinging a little. A strange bubble swelled in her throat. It wasn’t all rainbows and sprinkles with her grandparents, but they loved each other. Allie couldn’t even imagine being with the same person for fifty years. But she’d sure like to try.

Olivia joined her at the railing, her dark braid hanging over her shoulder, looking no worse for wear after hours of slaving over the hot stove.

“Kitchen duties all done?” Allie asked.

“Spic-and-span.” She scanned the lawn. “Where are my kids? If they’re eating cake again, I’m gonna kill Spencer.”

Allie pointed toward the back of the property where they were trying to get Walter to fetch a stick. The dog was rooted to the ground like an ancient oak tree.

“Sugar rush aside,” Allie said, “I think I got them good and tired for you earlier.”

“Thanks for keeping them occupied. When Spencer gets to talking he forgets to watch them.” Olivia swished her drink around in the glass. “I was wanting to ask if you’d be free to babysit a couple weekends from now. Spencer has this work thing in New York, and I thought I might tag along.”

Allie’s lips parted. “Really? You want me to babysit?”

“Listen, I overreacted to the whole Cocoa Puffs thing. You acted in Evan’s best interest.” Olivia gave her a chagrined smile. “It’s not your fault he likes to put food up his nose.”

Allie chuckled. “I’d love to babysit, Olivia. Thanks for asking. And the meal was great tonight, by the way. Everything was delicious.”

“Thanks. And in case you didn’t notice . . . I switched out the napkins after Mom went through the line.”

Allie’s gaze connected with her sister’s. They burst out laughing. A moment of recognition that yes, their mother was ridiculous sometimes. But they were in this together, Olivia and Allie.

Allie’s laughter hadn’t yet died away when she caught sight of Luke by the rose trellis talking to her parents. He was so handsome under the golden glow of twinkle lights. He wore an attentive expression as he listened.

Dad put a hand on Luke’s shoulder as he spoke with him. Her mom chimed in, smiling. And then . . . a group hug.

Allie looked on, her eyes burning yet again, something like relief filling her. Also maybe a bit of gratification at having prompted this moment. Luke deserved to know he’d always have Bill and Becky. He was family. He was accepted. He was loved. Her heart went squishy at the thought.

And that’s when she knew. Somehow over the past two days she’d managed to fall in love with Luke Fletcher all over again. Her pulse fluttered as she homed in on him.

The hug ended. Her mom spoke to him, gave his hand a squeeze. And then her parents headed toward the dance floor.

Luke turned just then, and his eyes locked on Allie. Something vibrated between them. Heat flushed through her, settling in her cheeks. Even after all these years he still had her, heart and soul.

Olivia nudged her. “When are you going to do something about that?”

Allie blinked at her sister. “About what?”

“Please. I’m not blind. You’ve had a crush on him for years.”

And here Allie had thought she’d hidden it so well.

“Go dance with the man.” Olivia nudged her with a shoulder. “From the look on his face, he’s just as crazy about you.”



Chapter 13


Luke couldn’t take his eyes off Allie as he walked up the deck stairs. She was beautiful, standing under the white lights, her blonde hair ruffling in the breeze, her eyes locked on his. He’d watched her from afar all evening, and he couldn’t keep his distance a moment longer—not when she was looking at him like that.

He joined her at the railing and held out his hand. “Care to dance?”

“Thought you’d never ask.”

Her hand small and soft in his, he led her down the deck and onto the makeshift dance floor. A poignant melody filled the night, the lyrics piercing his heart as he led her into the fray.

“Could I have this dance, for the rest of my life?”

Luke slipped his arm around her waist, his heart giving an extra thump at the slight weight of her hand on his shoulder. Allie’s sweet scent wrapped around him like a sultry breeze, driving him a little wild.

Her fingers moved against his shoulder as she smiled sweetly at him. “Thank you for what you did earlier. It meant a lot that you’d take the blame. I know how you hate to disappoint my parents—as do we all.”

He returned her smile. “And yet you set them straight.”

“It was the responsible thing to do.”

“They were talking to me a minute ago. They said some very nice things.”

She glanced away. “I’m glad.”

“Why do I get the feeling you had something to do with that?”

She blinked, all innocence. “I have no idea.”

That talk had left him feeling light and worry-free. It had left him feeling loved. Maybe it was time to stop clinging to the unrealistic hope that his parents would become what he needed and just be grateful for what he already had.

“You know, I think I’m going to get rid of my landline.”

She gave him a questioning look. “What? Where did that come from?”

“Never mind.” He smiled, drawing her closer, his heart stuttering as her head settled against his shoulder. He breathed her in, hardly able to believe she was in his arms again after all these years. But there was still so much unsaid between them.

“My grandparents seem to be having a good time despite the car debacle.”

In the middle of the pack Mr. Stuart spun his wife out, then gathered her close again, laughing.

“Fifty years . . . ,” Luke said.

“Twice as long as I’ve been alive.”

“They’re a good match.”

“Well, they’re not perfect . . . but they’re perfect for each other.”

Was she still talking about her grandparents? The air seemed to crackle between them. His chest tightened as his heart swelled with love for her.

He wanted that for himself, fifty years of love and marriage.

And he knew with sudden certainty—he wanted it with Allie.

* * *

Allie breathed Luke in, relishing the feel of being in his arms again. As a girl she’d dreamed of this, and later she’d had him for a short while. But her feelings for Luke had grown and deepened. What she felt now was no longer the crush of a girl but the mature love of a woman.

Luke saw her for the way she was—he always had. She was most herself when she was with him, and she didn’t worry she’d disappoint him. The thought of it tightened her chest.

“Allie?” Luke drew back, his hand sliding from the center of her back to her side.

That voice. Those hands. Those eyes. He looked at her with such intensity that her breath hitched.

“I’m glad we got to spend the last two days together.” His lips curled in a smile. “I’ve enjoyed your company. Enjoyed getting to know you all over again.”

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