Home > This Time Around(55)

This Time Around(55)
Author: Denise Hunter

She slipped her hand in his, and they left the room to start their new life together.

He loves me.



Discussion Questions



A Summer Detour

What was your favorite scene? Why?

Allie was determined to prove her competence by driving the restored Chevy for her parents. Have you ever tried to change someone’s opinion of you? Discuss what happened as a result.

Years ago Luke was so afraid of losing Bill and Becky’s love that he sacrificed his relationship with Allie to preserve it. Has fear ever caused you to make a bad decision? What was the outcome?

How did you feel about Becky’s treatment of Allie versus her treatment of Olivia? Did you relate most to Becky, Olivia, or Allie? Did your parents favor a sibling? What outcome did that have on your relationship with your siblings and your parents?

Luke took the blame for the stolen Chevy, sparing Allie her parents’ disapproval. How does this show Luke’s growth?

In the end Allie didn’t allow Luke to take the blame for the stolen car. How does this show her growth?

“Maybe it was time to stop clinging to the unrealistic hope that his parents would become what he needed and just be grateful for what he already had.” Are you clinging to unrealistic expectations in some area of your life? Discuss.

Who would you most like to take a road trip with? Who would least like to take one with?



Pining for You

Skye Fuller ran away from her relationship with Theo in her younger years and pursued becoming an artist in Seattle. She ultimately succeeded, but also lost her relationship with Theo. Do you think she should’ve left?

As it turns out, Theo had subtly given very much in efforts to support Skye’s family. Have you ever met someone with quiet integrity? Who were they and what were they like?

Theo is a “city” mouse whereas Skye is settled in the country. Do you like how they compromised in the end? Have you ever experienced differences of opinion with a loved one on where and how to live? How did you resolve them?

Theo settled on a mountaintop without enough town residents to fill a grocery store in order to be with his love. Would you do this? What city conveniences would you miss most? (Answer: Mine would be drive-thru coffee ;) ).

Skye had to learn a thing or two about the danger of making assumptions without seeking clarification of the truth. Have you ever made an assumption that turned out to be wrong? What happened?

Skye left Seattle in order to be near her family again and, sometimes the importance of being close to family changes with time. How close do you live to your family? Why? Has this changed over the years?

Though Theo loved Skye, there were real challenges and temptations during his long-distance relationship with Skye while at college. Do you think his fall was understandable? Have you ever experienced anything like this? How did it turn out?

Theo, a bachelor of thirty-five years, was so desperate for companionship and marriage that he very nearly settled down with Ashleigh, despite a few flaws. What do you think he should’ve done, had Skye never turned up? Do you think it’s right to settle for someone who may be great but isn’t quite the person you dreamed?

Who is your favorite character and why?

Who is your least favorite character and why?

Poor Ashleigh has been through quite the ringer, having lost her relationship with Chip in The Cul-de-Sac War and now Theo in Pining for You. Do you think she should have her own story? (Please email me personally your thoughts on this at [email protected]! I’d love to get feedback and decide about what to do with poor Ashleigh ;) ).



He Loves Me; He Loves Me Not

Sophie is reluctant to try online dating. Have you ever dated someone you met online, or know anyone who has?

Joe had to put the past behind him so he could move on with Sophie. Have you ever had an event in your past keep you from moving on?

What advice would you give to someone who was trying to let go of the past?

Sophie and Joe took a chance on love. Has there been a time in your life when you had to take a risk?






A Summer Detour

Bringing a book to market takes a lot of effort from many different people. I’m so incredibly blessed to partner with the fabulous team at HarperCollins Christian Fiction, led by publisher Amanda Bostic: Jocelyn Bailey, Matt Bray, Kimberly Carlton, Nekasha Pratt, Jodi Hughes, Margaret Kercher, Becky Monds, Kerri Potts, Savannah Summers, Marcee Wardell, and Laura Wheeler.

Not to mention all the wonderful sales reps and amazing people in the rights department—special shout-out to Robert Downs!

Thanks especially to my editor Kimberly Carlton. This collection was her brainchild, and I’m so thankful to have been included in it. Kim, thank you for your incredible insight and inspiration. You not only help me take the story deeper but also make the process enjoyable, and for that I am so grateful! Thanks also to my line editor, Julee Schwarzburg, whose attention to detail makes me look like a better writer than I really am.

Author Colleen Coble is my first reader and sister of my heart. Thank you, friend! This writing journey has been ever so much more fun because of you.

I’m grateful to my agent, Karen Solem, who’s able to somehow make sense of the legal garble of contracts and, even more amazing, help me understand it.

To my husband, Kevin, who has supported my dreams in every way possible—I’m so grateful! To all our kiddos: Chad, Trevor and Babette, and Justin and Hannah, who have favored us with two beautiful granddaughters. Every stage of parenthood has been a grand adventure, and I look forward to all the wonderful memories we have yet to make!

A hearty thank you to all the booksellers who make room on their shelves for my books—I’m deeply indebted! And to all the book bloggers and reviewers, whose passion for fiction is contagious—thank you!

Lastly, thank you, friends, for letting me share this story with you! I wouldn’t be doing this without you. Your notes, posts, and reviews keep me going on the days when writing doesn’t flow so easily. I appreciate your support more than you know.

I enjoy connecting with friends on my Facebook page, @authordenisehunter. Please pop over and say hello. You can also visit my website DeniseHunterBooks.com or drop me a note at [email protected]. I’d love to hear from you!



Pining for You

Where else could I start, but with everyone at Thomas Nelson? From the amazing efforts of the sales team to gorgeous designs of my cover designer, I am appreciative of you all every single day. Special hugs and cheers to: Kim Carlton, Jocelyn Bailey, Kerri Potts, Amanda Bostic, Becky Monds, Nekasha Pratt, Matt Bray, Marcee Wardell, Savannah Summers, Laura Wheeler, Jodi Hughes, and Margaret Kercher.

Special thanks to Kim Carlton: supremely intelligent, witty, insightful, and an overall joy and balm to the soul to be around. I love our little lunches that surprise us both by turning into something more—like this!

To Erin Healy for your perennial wisdom that continues to grow me into the writer I want to be. I love working with you.

To Halie Cotton, thank you for making the cutest cover for this collection!

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