Home > Tangled Sheets(140)

Tangled Sheets(140)
Author: J.L. Beck

With a subtle nod, Briella went back to work while I made my way out of the office, both of us effectively ending the conversation. I feared that Briella was going to go all mama bear on Willow when she showed up for work on Monday, but I hoped that my manager could keep an open mind and realize how great Willow was going to be as an intern.

Stripping down in the bathroom, I changed out of my suit pants that had begun to harden long the lower legs from the mud, making them difficult to strip off. I was thankful I kept a pair of running pants in my duffle bag, opting to change out of my suit jacket and dress shirt as well.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I appeared more casual than I had in a long time. Suits always made me feel powerful and authoritative. Employees and random strangers always seemed to react more favorably when they encountered me in a suit than when I was dressed more casually.

As I made my way to the front of the facility, I saw the wave of dust flying behind my pickup truck as it approached. Suddenly I was nervous in a way I had never felt before. Was it because I had no idea what to expect from Willow or was it because I wanted her to want to be here as much as I did?

The truck came to a quick stop and I could see Willow’s slight frame jerk from the movement. I wanted to rush out and smack CJ for driving like a mad man, but I held back when I saw the smile on Willow’s face. God, her smile did something to my insides. It left me feeling as excited and nervous as I did when I rode my first roller coaster.

Taking a deep breath, I carried my bag across my chest as I made my way outside, pressing both oversized glass doors to draw their gazes. It was cocky of me, but I wanted all of her attention and something about the way she smiled at CJ grated on my nerves.

“You made it,” I called out as I approached the duo.

Willow’s gaze traveled slowly up from the bottom of my pants to the top of my wavy hair before settling on my face. Her perusal left me feeling bereft. Was I lacking in her eyes? Did she expect more?

“Here I am,” she whispered.

We stared at each other in silence, neither of us willing to break the spell that brought us closer. That is until CJ spoke up and tossed me my keys. Thank goodness for quick reflexes.

“Man, that truck drives like a dream. I’m going to need to save for one of those.”

“Thanks for picking her up, CJ. I’ll need you to go check on the field A6 before you head out. We had some flooding with the irrigation system.”

“Sure thing, boss,” the young worker said as he moved away from the truck and headed toward the fields. “It was nice to meet you, Willow. I’ll be seeing you around.”

Like hell he would be. I knew that if I didn’t claim Willow for myself, I’d be left watching all of the single men in town trail after her like lovesick puppies.

“Bye, CJ. Thanks for showing me around,” Willow shouted back in reply.

“Shit,” I growled and Willow whipped her head around, the soft blonde waves sashaying against her shoulders with the movement. “Sorry. I was just hoping to get the chance to take you around town tonight or tomorrow. I do apologize for not being able to pick you up. I was literally knee-deep in mud.”

“That’s okay. I understand. And CJ only pointed out places as we drove through. I’d love an actual tour.”

Closing the distance between us, I allowed my hand to reach out for hers, unsure if she’d pull away. I was surprised when she gripped my fingers just as tightly as if I was her lifeline at the moment.

“If I hadn’t said it before, I’m really glad that you’re here, Willow. I wasn’t sure if you’d accept my offer.”

She bit her plump bottom lip and it took every ounce of restraint to keep myself from sealing my mouth against hers. That lip was one of my favorite things to suck on while I kissed her.

“I’m glad that I’m here too. I’m just a tad bit nervous.”

“What has you nervous?”

She laughed but the noise sounded forced to my ears. “What has me nervous? Being in a new place, starting a position that I know nothing about, having absolutely no idea where I am staying or how I’ll get to work, and you. So, yeah, I’m rightfully nervous.”

“I’d say so,” I replied with a chuckle of my own. “It’s still early. How about I take you to the cabin that I’ve rented for you so you can unpack some of your things. As far as getting to work, I’ll be happy to take you. My cabin is on the same property. Or I can rent you a car while you’re here. The job is whatever you make of it, but my manager Briella has a few tasks ready for you I’m sure. And. . .well. . .as far as I go, I’m just as nervous as you. I don’t want to screw up any chance I have to be with you, Willow, and that’s all I seem to think about.”

“Eric. . .I. . .” she began, but I cut her off before she could tell me that there was no chance for me, for us.

“We’ll give it time. I’ll be patient, sweetheart. Just know that you’re what I want, all that I want. Now, let me show you where you’ll be staying and then I’ll take you to get some dinner, strictly platonic.”

“Okay,” she whispered as she followed me back to the passenger side of the vehicle and let me assist her into the truck. As I settled her into the seat, reaching over to fasten her seatbelt for her, I took a moment to drink her in, smelling the sweet vanilla perfume that she wore. It was intoxicating and I couldn’t get enough. Luckily she didn’t call me out as I lingered over her body. I stood straighter, which brought our lips only a few inches apart. Willow’s eyes darkened and her pupils grew larger as she leaned closer to me, if only by instinct. My hand reached up to cup her face, savoring the softness of her skin beneath my fingertips. It felt as supple and delicate as the petals of a rose.

“Willow,” I murmured as I brought my lips closer to hers, her face tilting toward mine without much persuasion from me.

It was the slightest of brushes. Barely a whisper of a kiss, but I felt it down to the depths of my soul. It was at this moment that I knew I had made the right choice to pursue Willow. She was more than just a girl that had left me in the middle of the night, leaving me wondering why. She had imprinted herself on my body and heart and there was nothing that I could do to erase her.

Her tongue slipped past her lips and licked at my mouth, begging for entrance. I wanted to let her in, wanted to savor her kiss, but I didn’t want to risk an audience or have Willow regret it later. With the strength of a thousand men, I pulled myself away from her mouth, instantly missing the warmth of her skin beneath my palm and the taste of her lips.

She looked up at me in confusion and, if I wasn’t mistaken, a dash of hurt. I quickly explained that sitting in the truck's cab in the vineyard parking lot wasn’t where I wanted to rediscover our chemistry. Willow seemed to break free from the spell we were under as she glanced around the cab of the truck until her gaze landed on the entrance to the vineyard. Turning my head, I noticed Briella standing behind the glass door with a pinched expression on her face.

“Sorry that I got a bit carried away. Let’s get you to your cabin.”









I remained quiet as Eric drove his truck along the windy roads of the town. I was a bit mortified at the way I had reacted when he buckled my seatbelt. It was as if I couldn’t go another second without feeling his lips against mine. It was the strangest sensation, almost as if I felt like I was home.

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