Home > Tangled Sheets(382)

Tangled Sheets(382)
Author: J.L. Beck

There was no changing a man. She knew better, and now felt stupid to think that he would want to be in an actual relationship with her.

She had basically given him what he wanted.

A good fuck buddy who lived across the hall.

Pushing off the couch, she walked into her bedroom and stripped off the dress. That was a wasted purchase.

Diving into the bed in only her undies, she snuggled under her blanket, feeling crushed and betrayed.

He’d introduced her to his clients as his lady.

Did that truly mean anything to him?

Or was that some term men threw out casually?



London dialed Alana’s number for the fifth time, all his calls going to voicemail. He wasn’t sure what was going on. She should’ve been back from Chicago by now. She’d said Friday, so did something change?

Why wouldn’t she have called him when she got home?

He leaned back on the chaise on the veranda of his mansion. It was a beautiful night, and he was waiting for her to call to let him know when she was back in Cleveland.

He wanted to scoop her up and bring her to his home.

After the week he’d had, he just wanted to relax and enjoy some peace and quiet.

Resting his phone on his lap, he reached for his glass of bourbon and took a sip as he stared off at the landscape. Time spent out here would be perfect if Alana were here.

He took another sip of his drink, the amber liquid burning on its way down.

“Where are you, Alana?” he murmured.

Picking up his phone, he stared at it.

Something wasn’t sitting right with him.

Getting to his feet, he made his way through the house. He was going to her apartment.

Minutes later, he was driving along the winding road that led to the highway. He wasn’t much of a praying man, but he sent up a small request, asking for her to be okay.

She was probably already in the bed.

He grinned, imagining crawling in next to her. He’d teach her about returning to town and not calling.

He drove into the underground parking lot and pulled into his spot. Exiting the vehicle, he headed toward the elevator, tossing his keys up in the air and catching them.

The few days away from Alana got him to thinking. He wanted more from what they had. Stopping in front of the elevator, he hit the button.

He never would have thought he’d be thinking of asking a woman to move in with him, but Alana was perfect for him.

She kept him grounded.

When the doors opened to the elevator, he got inside and hit the button for their floor.

He was sure he was grinning like an idiot.

Yeah, he’d ask her to move in with him. As much as she loved the mansion, they could move in there. He’d keep the condo for when Jaxon came to town, and she could sell hers.

It would be perfect.

He arrived at their floor and strolled down the hall toward their apartments. He glanced down at his watch. Yes, she should have been home by now. She hadn’t wanted him to pick her up.

Stopping in front of Alana’s door, he paused, feeling the butterflies fluttering around in his stomach.

He couldn’t remember the last time he was ever this nervous.

He rapped on her door.

The faint sound of her television could be heard coming from inside. A few moments later, the door opened partially.

Alana peered through the opening. She was dressed in shorts, a tank, and had her leopard print bonnet on her head. She stared at him through large black glasses.

“Babe. When were you going to call and tell me you made it back safe?” he asked.

Alarms went off in the back of his head.

One look at her face told him something was wrong.

She didn’t open the door fully, and appeared guarded.

“Khalil agreed to sign on with my agency. Remember?” he said, trying to ignore the voices. He smiled, but she didn’t return it.

“I remember.” Leaning against the doorjamb, she stared at him. “You must have had a wild night celebrating.”

He frowned, running a hand through his hair. “Not really.”

He reached for her hand to pull her to him, but she moved away.

What the hell was wrong?

He racked his brain, trying to think of what he could’ve done.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” He reached for her again, but she backed away.

“Don’t call me that,” she sniffed.

“Alana, what are you talking about? What did I do?”

“What did you do?” His heart ached at the sight of her tears sliding down her cheeks. “Do you think I’m stupid? Go call whoever you were with last night, baby.”

“Last night? I stayed at my house last night.”

“Oh, I know. Just stay over in your place, and never knock on my door again.”

With that, she slammed the door shut.

London stood there, stunned.

What the hell just happened?

Turning, he went over to his apartment, unlocked the door, and stepped inside.

He didn’t know how he went from flying on top of the world to falling down to the depths of hell.






“I guess I didn’t mean anything to him after all,” Alana murmured, snuggling up under her blanket on the couch, trying to watch television.

The giggling and non-stop partying was pissing her off.

Nausea rolled through her.

Of course, while London was partying it up and living the good life, she came down with some nasty bug. It had been two weeks since she’d cut all ties with him.

But that didn’t mean anything.

He was everywhere.

Television. Newspapers. Radio.

Everyone was talking about Khalil coming to Cleveland, thanks to London Keith. Not only was Cleveland gaining one of the best basketball players of all time, but London had negotiated the craziest deal any professional athlete had received.

She couldn’t help but see him anywhere and everywhere she looked.

This was the same London who had broken her heart.

As much as she wanted to hate him, she was proud of him. He’d worked so hard to get his client, and he’d succeeded.

She tried to avoid anyplace she would see him. Her new routine was work, then home, until lately. She’d been cooped up in the condo for the last two days, feeling as though she were dying.

Reaching for her ginger ale, she took a sip before putting the can back on the coffee table. She tried to focus on the movie, but all she could hear was the thumping music coming from London’s apartment.

It was as if he was purposely trying to piss her off.

There was a knock at the door.

“Finally,” she groaned. Sofie had promised to stop over after work.

Using all her strength to push up off the couch, she stumbled over to the door, still wrapped in her blanket. Opening it, she found Sofie standing in the hallway with a wide smile on her lips.

“God, you look like shit,” Sofie huffed, coming into the apartment carrying a few bags.

“I love you too,” Alana mumbled, following her into the kitchen.

“I know you do.” Laughing, she sat her bags down on the counter and turned back to Alana. “I brought enough drugs to wipe out whatever ails you.”

“Good. I just want to go to sleep for days.”

She hadn’t been sleeping well at all. Each night she’d toss and turn, remembering the sight of London walking into his apartment with those sluts.

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