Home > Tangled Sheets(428)

Tangled Sheets(428)
Author: J.L. Beck

I jump and turn my head slightly toward her. “Look at him. You can’t tell me he isn’t the prettiest thing to gawk at.”

She laughs with a scoff. “You’re delusional if you think I’m going to agree or disagree. I plead the fifth because I don’t want to end up at the bottom of the ocean.”

I cross my arms over my chest and tip my head. “What is that supposed to mean?”

She cocks an eyebrow at me. “You can play dumb all you want, but what respecting jewelry store owner carries guns on them?” She nods in his direction.

I follow her finger and catch the quickest peek of a Glock tucked into a holster when he lifts his arm.

“Shut up, Greer. You know it’s only to protect his shop.”

“Mhm. You can try to play it off as that all you want, but I know who he is.” She picks up Tatum’s book and waves it in my face, then points to the cover model meant to depict his latest Mafia king. “He’s exactly like him.”

I shake my head and snatch the book from her. “Greer, things like this,” I hold up the book, “only happen in books.”

“Right. And you’re just living your own fairy tale?”

I turn back to Easton and smile as he leans back on to the table he moved and set up. “Maybe I am.”



As I’m folding up all of the tables and chairs we put out for the reading, Tatum walks over to me. “Thank you again for letting me come and read, Arloe. I love it here.”

I match his smile. “You’re welcome. You being here helps us more than you know.”

“Well, hopefully, I’ll be back soon. My publisher is pushing for an earlier release for my next book.”

“We’ll be here.” I lay the chair I was folding against the wall and give him a side hug before he walks away.

“It isn’t fair how many men flock to your feet,” Greer quips behind me.

I chuckle. “That was only a simple thank you, Greer.”

“Yeah,” she scoffs with a grin. “And what exactly is Easton always thanking you for?” She props her hand on her hip and wiggles her eyebrows at me.

I shake my head and flip the light switch off on the wall. “Speaking of Easton, I have plans. So, head out. I’ll come early tomorrow and get the rest of this put up.”

“You sure? I don’t mind staying a bit later.”

“Really. Go home and enjoy your book. I saw you snag Tatum’s latest release.”

She sighs dramatically. “Fine. I’ll go lie on my couch and read, then dream of the day a real Mafia king comes to scoop me up the way Easton did you.”

I walk and grab my purse from the office as she follows. “You know, Easton does have six brothers.”

Her eyes grow to the size of saucers. “Seriously?”

I snicker and slip out the backdoor with her hot on my heels. “Goodnight, Greer.”

As I seat myself in my car, I can still hear her shouting.

“You can’t say that then leave. Hook a bitch up! I want someone to use my body and kill in my honor! Come on, Arloe!”

I push my car into drive and leave her standing by hers with a laugh. As much as I love Greer, I know this life isn’t for her. Hell, sometimes I wonder if it’s even for me.

In fiction they paint these men to be heroic and ruthless in a delicious way, but in reality, it isn’t as pretty.

Easton and I are still trying to navigate how to be together. How to keep my life normal and his as the normal he knows. Even though I know what he does, I don’t necessarily want to hear about it. We don’t have open discussions after a long day’s work where he tells me who he happened to murder or blackmail.

In this life, ignorance is bliss.

As I pull up to Delirium, I circle to the back where the dancers park. Although I try to make sure most of our lives and business stay as normal, I know this is something Easton needs. Something he craves, and I love that I can give it to him.

After we finally talked and I learned more about who he is and why he does what he does, this part of him made more sense. He needs an outlet that isn’t corruption. A healthy way to express all of the built-up emotions that come with the life he leads.

I throw my hair into a bun on top of my head then step out of my car. As I walk across the parking lot to the back door of the club, my heart rate picks up the same way it does every time I come here.

It’s the anticipation. The want.

Just as much as Easton needs this, I’ve come to need it, too.

To need him.

As soon as I’m inside, I’m cloaked in darkness, but I know my way well. I follow the dark hallway to its opening, then everything comes to life. It’s almost like any other night at Delirium. Leaon is on stage singing, people are dancing or mingling, while even more order drinks from the bar. But where the real fun happens is behind the curtains.

I cross the dance floor then slide behind the purple drapes. When I open the door it’s like I’m transported to another dimension. You can feel the atmosphere change—a calm, relaxing blanket that comes over your skin. And that’s how I know.

This is it. This is exactly where I’m meant to be.

I continue my walk past the lounge couches and women dancing in cages until I hit a new hallway in the hidden part of Delirium. I follow it then enter the last door on the left.

Once inside, I do exactly what Easton has instructed me to do. Stripping out of my clothes, I leave them in a pile by the door then pad to the bed. I climb over it and position myself in the center, then turn around. With one deep breath, I let my ass sink and sit on the bottoms of my feet. Then, I wait.

Within minutes, the door creaks open again, and Easton enters. His eyes are hooded, and the smirk he wears like a second skin is on his lips. His chest rises and falls slowly as he starts to unbutton his shirt and stalk toward the bed. When his chest is finally exposed, he pushes the holster around his arms down, and the shirt follows suit, both falling to the floor with a soft thud.

His knees hit the edge of the bed, and my adrenaline picks up. He leans forward, his long arms stretching out, and pulls the tie from around my hair. “It’s too late for this, amore.”

I hide my smile the best I can. “I’m ready for my punishment.”




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Keep reading for a sneak peak of Hu$h Money by BL Mute…



Hu$h Money



Chapter One




 The music sounds broken up and distant. The base of the speakers pulsates through my body, vibrating my eardrums and making my heart beat a little bit faster, which excites me. I keep my eyes closed, running my fingers through my long hair, as my body moves in sync with the beat of whatever song is playing.

 When the song ends and another starts, I open my eyes and look at Carmen. Her ass is parked right on the ugly, mustard yellow couch next to a guy who is clearly too old to be at a high school party, and I can see it in her eyes. She’s about to barf which is my cue to save her.

 I always save her.

 I roll my eyes and leave the middle of the makeshift dance floor, strolling over to her. When I stop in front of Carmen, the guy next to her widens his eyes as he looks me up and down. I don’t blame him; I know I’m hot. Something about my thin fame, wide hips, and large tits always get them, but it’s my face I feel that seals the deal.

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