Home > Tangled Sheets(482)

Tangled Sheets(482)
Author: J.L. Beck

He bites my clit and I lose it. I scream his name and come. Hard.

Logan licks me again, but I push him away, whimpering, too sensitized. He reluctantly pulls away, breathing heavily.

“I can’t get enough of you,” he growls, licking me one last time from bottom to top.

He crawls back up my shaking body, claiming my mouth in a soul-crushing kiss. I taste myself on him and it turns me on even more. Logan finally pulls away, both of us panting and sweating. He rolls onto his back and takes me with him, draping me over his body.

“Was that what you needed?” he asks after we’ve caught our breath.

I nod against his chest, molding myself to him. I don’t think I could move if my life depended on it. Logan grunts as if confirming something. I smile against his chest, just picturing him writing that down on the list he’s keeping on me.

“Thank you,” I murmur, clinging to him.

The last thing I remember is Logan kissing the top of my head and whispering how beautiful I am before tucking the blanket around both of us. This is my new happy place.









Despite sleeping on the floor of a one-room cabin in the middle of nowhere, I had the most peaceful night of sleep in my life. All thanks to the sweet angel currently curled up on my chest.

The fire died hours ago, but the first rays of sunlight are peeking in through the window, lighting up the cabin with a soft orange glow.

Spencer mumbles something in her sleep, then turns her head and buries it into the side of my neck. I chuckle and skim my fingers up and down her spine as she snuggles closer. The weight of her body in my arms, her warm skin rubbing against mine, her soft breaths against my neck...it’s perfect. She’s perfect.

And for some reason, this goddess wants me.

She trusted me with her body last night, baring herself to me in a way I know she’s never done before. Fuck if that didn’t make me feel like a king as I peeled her clothes off and licked every inch of her curvy little body.

More than that, she trusted me with her fear. Spencer didn’t say much except that she didn’t like being in the dark, but her actions told me everything I needed to know. She woke up alone, in a dark room, in a strange place, and her first instinct was to find me.

My chest grows tight just thinking about it.

Waking up to her pressed against my side was the best feeling in the world. Second only to making her come on my tongue.

I swallow down a groan and will my dick to go down. I know it’s a losing battle, however. It always is when Spencer is in the room, so how the hell can I control myself when she’s naked and draped over my chest?

My phone rings, cutting through the early morning stillness.

Spencer makes the most adorably grumpy sound before snuggling deeper into the blankets. I grin at her as she steals the covers right off my body. I don’t even mind. If it makes her happy, I’d buy all the blankets in the world and wrap her up in them every morning.

The phone rings again, and this time it’s me who groans. I carefully readjust Spencer, who is somehow still fast asleep even as she clutches the blankets tightly around her. I can barely make out the freckles sprinkled over her cheeks and nose from beneath the cocoon she made for herself.

It takes everything in me to stand up and leave her there, but I know this call is important. Grabbing my phone, I throw a shirt on and a pair of shoes and make my way outside to answer the call.

“Logan,” Marcus barks out over the phone.

“Marcus,” I answer, running my free hand through my hair. He doesn’t seem very happy with me. That’s fine, because I’m not very happy with him, either. I did some digging last night and found some pertinent information Spencer’s father left out about her stalker.

“Spencer is safe?”

“Yes,” I confirm. At least he asked about her first. That wins him some points, but not enough to make up for his withholding information from me.

“Good, good,” he says with a sigh, the relief evident in his voice. “Did you get anything on the fucker who tried to break in?”

“How do you know he was trying to break in?” I ask.

“Well, I assume he was. Why else would someone scale the wall and sneak into the backyard?”

“To leave a note like they have in the past?” I say pointedly. After a moment of silence, I continue. “Why didn’t you tell me the notes Spencer got were left inside the property? It wasn’t safe for her there.”

“That’s why I hired you. She’s safe with you, and look, you got her out of harm’s way.”

I grind my teeth together and swallow back the growl stuck in my throat. “What aren’t you telling me?” I grunt. I know what he’s not telling me, but I want to see if he fesses up to it.

“I...It’s not...Look, Logan. It’s not what it seems.”

“And what does it seem like?” I’m surprised he said anything at all, though Marcus still didn’t confess to anything.

"You already know, don't you? Otherwise, you wouldn't be asking me these questions."

“Humor me.”

A long, tension-filled moment stretches between us. I can hear Marcus’s labored breaths as he decides what to tell me. He knows I know something, but he’s not sure what or how much. That right there is almost as good as a confession.

“I’ve worked with him in the past,” Marcus says softly.

“Him being Spencer’s stalker? The person threatening her life and sneaking onto your property? Just to be clear,” I spit out.

When I looked up the license plate number of the car from yesterday, I discovered it was a rental, which isn’t surprising. What was interesting, however, was that the man who rented it is here on a visa all the way from beautiful Paris, France. I don’t believe in coincidences, especially in my line of business.

“Yes,” Marcus growls. He’s pissed. Good. So am I. “That’s none of your concern though, Logan. I hired you for your muscle, not your investigative skills.”

“It’s one and the same for me. In order to protect Spencer, I have to know what the threat is. Jesus, Marcus, why didn’t you tell me?” I have to pull the phone away from my face to calm down a bit. I’m still missing a few pieces, and I know yelling at him isn’t going to help.

“All that matters is that I’ll be back soon. This latest stunt...it changes things.”

“What? What things? What are you—”

“I’m handling it,” Marcus snaps. “Just keep Spencer safe.”


“I’ll call later in the evening to check-in,” he says, ending the call abruptly.

I gape at my phone, not sure what to do. What the actual fuck?

My hand squeezes around the shitty piece of plastic and glass, but I relax my hold, not wanting to snap the damn phone in half. I take a deep breath, and then another, willing my muscles to uncoil and my heart to calm the fuck down.


All the anger drains out of me at the sound of her voice.

I turn to see my sweet, sleepy angel padding her way out onto the deck, all wrapped up in a blanket. My feet carry me toward her before my brain has a chance to catch up.

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