Home > Tangled Sheets(57)

Tangled Sheets(57)
Author: J.L. Beck

Thankfully the truck turns into the parking lot of Big Al’s, putting me out of my misery. Reese stands, then helps me to my feet. Dev’s hand falls away with the blanket, and I stumble off the back of the truck on wobbly legs.

“Roni,” Dev says, as we shuffle towards the door, “hang back a second.”

I pause, and Reese does too. “I’ll be just a sec,” I assure him. He throws another murderous look in Devin’s direction, but Dev just smirks and shoves his hands in his pockets. Once we’re alone I narrow my eyes at the bastard. “What the hell was that?”

“Don’t pretend like you don’t love my hands on you, Veronica.”

“You don’t get to ignore me all damn day and then throw a fucking tantrum when someone else shows me an ounce of attention.”

“I wasn’t ignoring you.”

I shove him in his chest. “Reese texted me twenty times today. You know how many messages I got from you?”

“So, you’re choosing him because I don’t text you?”

“I chose you, Devin, and you laughed it off like a joke. I’m an option for you.” I point toward the diner. “He makes me feel like I’m a priority.”

“Your pussy is wet for me, not him.” He growls.

I turn around and slap him. “Yeah, well it’s a good thing she doesn’t get to make the decisions.”






Chapter 13



Devin, age 18


The door to the diner slams closed and I watch as Roni’s cute little ass disappears behind the beveled glass. “Fuck,” I shout into the night. Raking my fingers through my hair, I yank as hard as I can, just to feel that little bite of pain.

I fucked up. I was trying to protect her, and I sent her straight into Reese’s arms. I stare at the door for a second, debating on what to do. What I should do is put the petty bullshit with Reese aside and let Roni enjoy her summer with him. He isn’t a bad guy—a fucking prick, but he won’t hurt her.

What I should do is keep my dick out of our relationship. She’s my friend, my best friend, even after all this time apart. I can talk to her...about everything and I know she won’t judge me. Can I really risk losing that for sex?

I shake my head and pull on the door to the diner. I can’t be the one who takes her virginity.

No way.

No how.

I won’t.

I can’t.

The bell chimes overhead as I make my way to our usual spot in the back. The restaurant is mostly quiet. There are only a few other tables occupied, and all by kids around our age, either just starting their night or winding it down. I repeat the mantra in my head. I can’t. I won’t. No. Just. No.

I almost convince myself. That is until I see them. Reese has Roni pinned against the booth, his hands shoved in the back pockets of her shorts, and his fucking mouth lingers above her.

Fuck. That.

I storm towards them and yank him by the collar until he stumbles backwards.

“What the fuck, dude?” he roars, pushing me back.

My fists flex, and I want to break his fucking nose. If I can’t handle him kissing her, there’s no fucking way I can handle him taking her virginity.

Instead of rocking him in the fucking face, I grab Roni by the front of her overalls and turn to Aaron. “We’re out.”

Chloe moves to stand, but I glare at her and she drops back into the booth. “Are you okay?”

Roni glares at me, and I glare right back. “We’re leaving. Get your shit.”

She growls then gives me her middle finger. “I’m fine. I’ll call you when I get home.”

“You’re really going to leave with him?” Reese asks.

Her face softens and she walks over to him. She lifts up on her toes and presses a soft kiss to his cheeks. “Call me later?”

“Don’t bother,” I grunt and pull her backwards towards the door.

Once we’re outside, she yanks herself from my grip. “What the fuck was that?”

“He doesn’t deserve your firsts,” I grit.

She shakes her head angrily. “Fuck you, Devin Tedesco.” She sneers and stomps ahead into the night. I follow silently behind her as we walk the few blocks to our street. “I can’t fucking believe you just did that,” she fumes. “And I can’t believe I actually left.” She turns and jabs her finger into my chest. “You’re such a cock block.”

I grab her by the wrist and pull her to me. “His cock isn’t allowed anywhere near your block.”

Her eyes widen and she growls at me again before turning and storming back in the direction of our houses. We spend the rest of the walk in tense silence. I’m pretty sure she’s working out how to murder me and make it look like an accident, but I don’t care. As long as she’s with me, she can do whatever the fuck she wants.

Once we get to our street, she picks up her pace, practically sprinting up to her front porch. “Roni,” I call after her, pinching the bridge of my nose.

“Fuck off,” she huffs. Her front door opens, and she slams the door behind her without sparing me a second glance.

I stare at the door to my house, knowing that if I go in there I’ll find Mom passed out on the couch. Instead of dealing with that, I cross the dark lawn and round the back of the house before I climb up to her window. I catch a glimpse of her, sitting on the edge of her bed, her fingers pressed against her lips as she stares at the blank canvas perched on the easel in front of her.

My heart thuds in my chest as I slide the window open and hop through. Her shoulders tense, but she doesn’t turn to look at me. I make my way deeper into her room. “Veronica.”

She bites her bottom lip and scowls at me. “Was my fuck off not clear enough?”

“We need to talk,” I tell her stuffing my hands in my pockets.

“No we don’t,” she says, kicking her shoes off. “You need to leave before I end up on Snapped.”

“Look, I’m sorry, okay?”

She glares at me. “No, you’re not.”

“You’re right.” I shrug. “I’m not actually sorry, but I also don’t want to fuck things up between us.”

Her eyes go all wonky and she chucks a shoe at me. I catch it, which only pisses her off more. “It’s a bit late for that.”

“I just...I don’t want to lose you. You mean too much to me, and sex...that changes things, Roni.”

“Why can you have casual sex with Brooke and not with me?”

“Because you mean more to me than she does. You mean more to me than anyone. I don’t know how to be casual with you and I thought I had time to figure my shit out, but then tonight...I felt it.”

“Felt what?” she asks.

“The shift. Before, you looked at him like a friend, and then tonight.” I lift a shoulder. “Tonight you looked at him like he was more than that.”

“And that bothers you?”

“Fuck yes it bothers me. The thought of him having you makes me fucking homicidal. The thought of him being the first person to…” I shake my head. “I can’t even fucking say it. Do you like him?”

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