Home > Deliver Us From Evil (Deliver Us From Evil #3)(42)

Deliver Us From Evil (Deliver Us From Evil #3)(42)
Author: Monica James

“I learned from the best, brother,” he replies, which touches me deeply. Even though I’m not his brother, he won’t see me as anything but that.

The door opens, and Cian holds it open so I can drag Shane’s cooling corpse inside.

I dump his body in the hallway, not caring where he falls. I need to attend to other pressing matters.

“We need to find proof he was workin’ with Sean. I’m sure Sean has paperwork here to blackmail Shane. That’s how he works.”

We take off into a sprint toward Sean’s office, and when inside, we quickly search drawers and filing cabinets for any incriminating evidence. I need something to make this look like a business deal gone wrong as there is no way we are taking the blame—again.

“Gotcha, you fucker,” Cian curses in elation as he holds up a piece of paper.

What he holds is clear proof of Sean’s and Shane’s involvement in money laundering for years. Shane’s signature is proof of it. But I know there is more, and I find it as I break into the bottom drawer of Sean’s desk.

His journal.

I discovered Sean’s love for journaling when it was revealed who he really was. So I knew he would have entries about Shane Moore.

I skim through the pages quickly, hoping it will contain what we need to reinforce Shane’s involvement with Sean. And I find it.

The entry details how Shane exploited his power to help keep Sean hidden when I was behind bars. I always wondered how Sean remained so elusive. Now I know. He had the law on his side—no wonder he thinks he’s untouchable.

I place the paper on Sean’s desk, where the police will find it. But the journal, I conceal beneath Sean’s diary. I can’t stage the crime scene. It has to look like Sean and Shane had an argument that ended in Shane’s death, forcing Sean to flee.

This will make hiding impossible for Sean as the police force won’t stop until Shane’s killer is caught. But we’re going to get to him first.

Once everything is set, I can’t help but look at Sean’s drawer, where more journals are stored. I hate him, but I want to understand him. I don’t understand it myself, but maybe these journals will help. Collecting as many as I can carry, we race out the back door and flee into the dead of night.

Cian and Ethan speed away, and I follow soon after, headed for the castle.

Checking my phone, I sigh in relief when I don’t have any missed calls or text messages. I hope that means everything is all right.

The grounds are quiet when I arrive so I drive straight to my home.

Parking my truck and reaching for Sean’s journals, I tread with caution as I walk toward my front door. It’s unlocked. Just as I’m about to call out, Babydoll appears, and just like that, I can breathe again.

She runs, wrapping her arms around me. Her cast is off early. She must have seen Dr. Shannon, insisting he take it off. My brave girl. “Thank God you’re all right.”

I kiss the top of her head, inhaling her comforting scent. “Where’s Shay?”

“He’s sleeping. I don’t think he understands what’s going on.”

“I don’t either,” I confess, gently pulling out of our embrace. “You look knackered. Go sleep.”

“I can’t,” she says, shaking her head. “What are we going to do?”

She only just realizes I’m holding the stack of journals.

“Sean has run, but I didn’t expect anythin’ less.” When she works her bottom lip, I place the journals onto the kitchen bench. “It’s goin’ to be okay. We’re goin’ to find him.”

“You don’t know that.” Her response reflects her fear. I wish I could make it go away.

But the only way I can do that is to find Sean.

“What happened?” she asks, watching me closely.

There will never be a right time to tell her what happened to Amber. When I proposed to Babydoll, it was a promise to never keep anything from her.

So, reaching out and cupping her cheek, I break her heart as gently as I can. “Amber, she didn’t…she’s dead. I’m so sorry, Cami.”

She blinks once. “What? Dead? Wh-what do you mean she’s dead?” Her voice raises in volume, hinting at her impending breakdown.

“I don’t know the details,” I explain, brushing my thumb across the apple of her cheek. “But I saw Cian. He and Ethan came to Sean’s house as I was gettin’ beaten by Constable Shane Moore.”

“Oh my God,” she gasps, tears welling. “Are you all right?”

When she tries to fuss, I grip her hands. “I’m fine. But the constable is not. I shot him. He’s dead.”

The realization of what I just shared hits her, and she pulls back, beginning to pace the room.

I give her the time and space she needs, as I know this is a lot to take in. But it always is. There is never a pause button option for us. We are always moving in fast forward.

“This is—” But she stops midsentence, clearly needing more time.

I really need to regroup with my men as time is of the essence. But I won’t rush this. Babydoll always comes first.

“You killed a cop?” she questions, only wrapping her head around what I shared.

“Aye. But it’s goin’ to be okay. We’ve laid the evidence out for the peelers to find. They’ll see he was dirty. That he was workin’ with Sean. With Sean missing, they’ll assume he killed the constable. They won’t stop lookin’ for him, which means he doesn’t have many places left to hide.

“His time is comin’, and it’s comin’ soon. We will find him, and he will get everythin’ he deserves.”

“But last time—”

“This isn’t like last time,” I assure her. “There is no sequel.”

When her bottom lip trembles, I lower my mouth to hers and kiss her softly. I can’t stand to see her cry.

“I promise ye, y’ll be my wife,” I whisper against her mouth. “Yer goin’ to be the mum to my kids. We’re goin’ to live a normal, boring life. We’re goin’ to grow aul’ together. And when this life ends for me, I’m goin’ to look back and not regret a thing because I got to live it…with you.”

She bursts into tears, wrapping her arms around me and hugging me tight.

Everything I do, I do for her. I want her to know that.

We stay hugging for minutes, and when Babydoll’s breathing becomes shallow, I assume she’s almost asleep on her feet.

“Get some rest, Baby.”

This time, she doesn’t protest.

However, I don’t want to be away from her, so I gently lead her to the couch. She lies down, her eyes at half-mast. Reaching for a blanket, I gently place it over her, and she’s asleep within seconds.

Peering down at her, I smile, unbelieving she is mine.

My phone chimes, and when I reach for it, I see it’s a text message from Ron.


We’re out looking for him. There aren’t many places left for him to hide.


I know this means Ron won’t give up either. I could help him, but I don’t want to leave Babydoll and Shay. I know that’s selfish, but I won’t lose either of them again.

I’m sure Alek has his own men looking out for Sean because this affects him too.

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