Home > A Murderous Relation (Veronica Speedwell #5)(43)

A Murderous Relation (Veronica Speedwell #5)(43)

   “And we cannot discover them until we are on the other side,” Stoker pointed out with maddening calm.

   “You know as well as I that getting him to drink the stuff will be nigh on impossible, and even if you manage it, how will you ensure that he collapses whilst he is still on this side of the door? And what of his companion?”

   He ticked off the replies on his fingers. “We shall simply have to be more clever than Quiet Dan, which I am quite certain I would be even were I in a thorough coma. As far as the timing, if I put all of the wretched stuff in at one time, it will work swiftly and we will simply have to hope that it will be swift enough. And with regards to his companion, Quiet Dan is armed and we will avail ourselves of his weapon in order to secure our release.”

   I again protested that there was no point in securing our release from the room until we knew what lay on the other side.

   “This door stands between us and freedom no matter how many others there are,” Stoker retorted. “And if we get on the other side, then there is one fewer obstacle to our release.”

   “Unless we walk directly into a nest of them,” I reminded him. “We have seen my uncle de Clare and two of his henchmen, but I counted more at the time of our abduction, and for all we know, they may be lurking just outside and prepared for such an eventuality. Quiet Dan will no doubt have told them that we loosed our own bonds.”

   “They would have done that in any event when they fed us,” Stoker said.

   While we argued, Eddy’s gaze bounced from one of us to the other, as if at a tennis match.

   “I say we are not men if we do not try,” he put in suddenly. “With apologies to your sex, Veronica. Although I daresay you are the match of any man in courage,” he added gallantly.

   I resisted the urge to remind him that men did not have a monopoly on bravery. It would only confuse him.

   Before we could agree on a plan, the door opened suddenly and Quiet Dan appeared, once more holding out a revolver to ensure our compliance. He gestured for us to move towards the bed, sitting side by side like laundry pegged out on a line. When we had arranged ourselves, he stepped aside.

   I expected my uncle to visit us again; abductors, in my experience, do love to come and chat with their captives. After the previous discussion, I was rather looking forward to it. My uncle was no great wit, but it passed the time, and I straightened my tunic, anticipating an amusing few minutes whilst I sparred with de Clare over the deluded and melodramatic plot he was intent upon pursuing.

   But the figure that moved out of the shadow of the doorway and into the light was not my uncle at all. And as I looked at the familiar face, I realized we were in far more danger than I had ever imagined.








Inspector Archibond!” Eddy exclaimed, attempting to rise, relief limned on his features. I grabbed at the cloak he wore wrapped about his person and tugged him back down as Quiet Dan lifted his gun.

   “Sit down, Eddy. I do not believe Inspector Archibond is in any way being a friend to us.”

   Archibond came forward. “Shall I apologize, Miss Speedwell? I realize these conditions are primitive, but I do hope you understand they are only temporary.”

   From the other side of me, Stoker made a low, menacing sound.

   “Mornaday told me he was like that when challenged,” Archibond said to me. “A thoroughly uncivilized fellow.”

   “I suppose that depends upon one’s notion of civility,” I remarked.

   He laughed. “I must say, I very much respect your bravado. You have a stout heart, Miss Speedwell.”

   He knelt, bringing his face on a level with mine. “I must say, I am deeply intrigued by the possibilities you present. I think we are going to get to know one another quite well in the coming weeks. These fellows will ensure you do not attempt anything unwise,” he added with a jerk of the head towards Quiet Dan and his companion, who had slipped into the room behind Archibond.

   “Wherever did you find them?” I asked sweetly. “Judging from their noses and ears, they are all former boxers. And, judging from their aroma, they are also unfamiliar with soap.”

   Archibond gave me a rueful shrug. “They belong to your uncle, my dear.”

   “I cannot believe you have thrown in your lot with such a madman,” I told him. “I never much cared for you, but I at least thought you were of sound intelligence. I see I was mistaken.”

   Eddy spoke up. “I must insist that you release us at once, Inspector,” he said. I marveled at how he managed to give the impression of looking down his nose at a man who was on eye level with us, but it was bravely done.

   Archibond shook his head. “I am afraid that is simply not possible, sir. Not at present.”

   “Have you sent the ransom note to my family?” Eddy demanded.

   Archibond’s expression was inscrutable. “No.”

   “Well, get on with it, man!” Eddy exploded. “You cannot expect us to stay here forever.”

   “I assure you, that is not at all my expectation,” Archibond said evenly.

   “What exactly is your expectation?” I inquired politely. “Please do tell us if this is a personal kidnapping or if your motives are political in nature. You have attached yourself to my uncle’s plan, so I can only assume you are in sympathy with the Irish cause.”

   Archibond shuddered visibly. “Heaven forbid.”

   “Then you are simply anti-monarchist,” I guessed. “Casting your lot with the Irish to topple the throne entirely and let us reinvent ourselves in England as a republic?”

   Archibond smiled. “Not even close, I’m afraid. But you are correct in that the present incumbent has entirely overstayed her welcome. We, all right-thinking Englishmen—and Irishmen,” he added at a low grumble from one of his ruffians, “are quite finished with being ruled over by a German hausfrau and her band of inbred ne’er-do-wells. It is high time that they were replaced. It is high time all of you,” he said with a significant glance at Stoker and Eddy, “were replaced.”

   “I told you,” Eddy muttered. “Anarchists.”

   “Near enough,” Archibond allowed. “Our current systems make a show of serving men of merit, but they are a lie. Without the proper connections, without the proper name, the proper schools, a man cannot make his way in the world according to his abilities. It is time for that to change.”

   “You ought to try America,” I suggested. “They are quite enthusiastic about self-made men there.”

   Archibond gave me a thin smile. “I would far rather reshape my own country, thank you.”

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