Home > The Edge of Chaos(15)

The Edge of Chaos(15)
Author: J. Saman

“That’ll never happen. For any of us. Hasn’t the last six years taught you that much?”

I can only shake my head at him, stumbling back a step and spinning around, staring out into the street of rush hour traffic. My mind runs, tripping and stumbling over visions and memories as I choke down a sob. Fuck. Something else to add to my overly brimming emotional plate.

“His birthday is next week.”

“Is that what this is?”

I continue shaking my head, walking a few paces before turning back and repeating the motion. I didn’t want to tell Oliver, but I should have known I wouldn’t be able to hide it from him either. When I woke up in the hospital in New York, Oliver and the twins, Landon and Luca, were there. My parents were in Australia, my eldest brother Kaplan was in England for his fellowship, and Carter was on his way from Virginia Beach.

But it was Oliver who was there with me after. He was in medical school at Columbia, and I was determined not to leave New York. It was just us and for the first six months after, I lived with him until I felt safe enough to move back out. He saw me. Learned the quirks I picked up.

Plus, he’s a doctor, so there’s that.

“You know Mom and Dad are leaving the country, right?”

“Yeah,” he hedges, righting himself and watching as I pace. “Well, they wanted me to go with them. It’s going to be the anniversary of that night while they’re gone, but it’s more than that.”

“Go on,” he pushes when I fall silent.

I stop my pacing and twist to face him, my hands on my hips, my elbows butterflied out. “Mister Bishop, Harrison’s father has been calling Mom and Dad looking for me. As you know, my phone, as well as my house are listed under my middle name, so it’s hard to find me. I also don’t think he knows I’m a nurse because I didn’t switch to nursing until after that night.”

“Okay.” He takes a cautious step in my direction, concern etched across his face. “Why is he calling to find you?”

I throw my hands up in the air before returning them to my hips. Sweat glides down my neck and back and all I want right now is a shower and to forget this entire conversation.

“Well, did you call him back?”

I shift my stance. “Not yet. Mom and Dad don’t think I should. They want our attorney to handle it. But I think I need to be the one.”

“I don’t know. You need to find out what he wants with you, yes. But that’s why we have lawyers. It’s been six years, Rina. Harrison is dead. He cannot hurt you from beyond the grave. But you’re letting his father calling Mom and Dad act like he can.”

“Exactly. It’s why I have to do it.”

He curses. “Then let’s call the man. Find out what he wants. And put it all to rest once and for all.”

I bob my head up and down, staring at the ground. “I know. That’s kinda my plan. I just have to build myself up to it first. I only found out about this last night. But as much as I know I need to be the one to do it, I also don’t want to talk to him. He was a fucking monster after it happened.”

Oliver’s hand meets my shoulder, his eyes boring into mine. “I know. I remember. But we can do it together if you want. In fact, I think I insist on that. I’d also like to have the family lawyer present.”

I shrug him off and continue my pacing, doing my best not to count my steps but tracking them anyway. “I plan on recording it just in case. I’d rather not make this a bigger thing than it already seems to be. Mom and Dad are freaking out about it. Hell, I’m freaking out about it. I don’t want the other boys to know.”

He gives me a look that says that might not be a promise he can keep, and I won’t push it. It’s not fair to put him in that position when we’re all so close. We don’t keep secrets. We don’t lie, and we don’t hide. Not anymore.

I meet his worried gaze. “I wouldn’t mind you being there when I do it.”

“Then I’m there.”

“Okay. Maybe after London and Savannah leave. They’re coming for an overnight next week.”

“That works for me. But why does it look like there’s more you’re not saying?”

I whine, flipping him off. “Come on, Oliver.”

He chuckles, finally giving up the fight with his shirt and removing it altogether so he can wipe down his face and neck. We’re both drenched. “Fine. you’ll tell me eventually anyway. Did Jonah mention I’m cutting back on some of my hours at the clinic?”

“What? No. Why?”

“I was offered a part-time position in family medicine at your hospital. My attending at Hughes Healthcare asked me to pick up some of my residency shifts there. I accepted it because I’m just that kind of masochist. Looks like I’ll be working with you and Carter a couple days a week.”

“Damn. That really sucks. I’ll never be able to get away with anything now. You’re also working with Grace.”

He nods and then shrugs, a small quirk of his lips tilting up. “Yeah. That was part of the incentive. We haven’t worked in the same place since med school.” Grace is Oliver’s best friend. They’ve been besties since they were babies, and frankly, I have no idea how she puts up with his manwhoring ways. Especially since she’s awesome. An OB-GYN and a no-bullshit sort of woman.

“Ugh, does this mean you’re going to try to fuck my friends?” Oliver has a thing for nurses. A big thing.

He laughs, reaching out to swipe at me, but I jump back out of his reach. He crouches down like a lion getting ready to spring and I match his stance as we start to circle. People passing us must think we’re nuts, but the smiles on our faces is enough to let anyone know we’re being playful.

“Are you talking about just in the ICU or the whole hospital?” he taunts.

I narrow my eyes, jutting my fist out and missing as he dips and weaves. “Oliver,” I chide, but the mischief in his eyes tells me he’s not done playing.

“Where did you learn how to punch like that? I’d say you fight like a girl, but Grace swings a million times better than that. Even if she can’t hit me either.”

“You’re such a bastard.” I kick out, nailing him in the thigh, but he’s quick and grabs my foot, holding it there and jerking it up, throwing me off balance. I crash onto the grass with a heavy thump, my butt making first contact. “Ouch.” I lie in the grass, staring up at the trees that are already showing signs of changing color and groan.

Oliver isn’t put off by my smarting ass, he nudges his foot into my side the way brothers do. Or at least the way my brothers do.

“We gotta work on that. It was pathetic. Usually you can kick my ass ten ways to Sunday. You’re off your game.”

“Dick,” I grumble.

He chuckles, bending down and reaching out a hand to help me up. “Come on. Let’s go have dinner. But I’m thinking it’s going to have to be takeout. I’m too nasty to go into a restaurant.”

“I agree. No worthy establishment in their right mind would let you in.”

Turning back around, we head up Commonwealth, taking a right onto Arlington, continuing in the direction of his condo at The Ritz. A guy runs past us who I swear is Brecken. And just as I have that thought, his head whips over to mine, holding my eyes as I follow him with mine. My heart jolts to life, bouncing up and down and waving all around in my chest as if it’s trying to get his attention.

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