Home > The Edge of Chaos(37)

The Edge of Chaos(37)
Author: J. Saman

“A little bitter this morning?” I deadpan.

He rolls his eyes exactly the same way Aria does.

“Work still hard on you?”

“The worst, but I don’t want to talk about it. Certainly not out here on the street.”

Yeesh. That sounds bad.

“I was obsessed with Chandler,” I offer, still allowing him to have his arm around my shoulder. Knowing that the closer we get to the hospital, the more likely it is that someone I know will see us like this. Possibly even Margot, or Drew, or worst of all, Wes.

“Rachel. I liked Rachel. Monica looked a little too much like Aria to me.”

“I can definitely see that. This is me.” I point with my coffee to the door I usually enter.

He hands me the muffins, but as he transfers the bag to my wrist, he latches onto my hand. “Go out with me. Give me one date and if you decide it’s a no after that, I’ll back off. But I think we have something, Rina. I know you feel it too, which is why you’re fighting it so hard. I’m not a bad guy. I know I have this reputation, but a lot of it is bullshit. I fucking like you. I want you. One date.”

My eyes volley back and forth between his, the honest intensity in his stare making me weak in the knees. And evidently, my resolve falters.

“One date.”

A breathtaking smile lights up his face and before I know what’s happening, his lips fuse themselves to mine. The bag containing the box with the muffins tucked against me crinkles under the pressure of his body as he moves in, but I don’t get the impression Brecken cares all that much if the muffins are a little misshapen by the time they reach the floor.

The nurses won’t care either.

One hand cups my face, the pad of his thumb toying with my earlobe as he angles his head, deepening the kiss without trying for more. Our mouths move in sync, teasing and testing without tasting. It’s easily the sweetest and sexiest kiss I’ve ever had.

On a pant I pull back, licking my lips and staring up into his darkened eyes. “I have to get into work.”

His thumb brushes my cheek. “Go save lives. I’ll text you about our date. I might have already been thinking about this more than I should, so I’ve got it all mapped out.”

He presses his lips to mine one last time and with a fleet of butterflies in my stomach, I extricate myself from Brecken and go into work. Knowing I should feel guilty about saying yes. About that simple kiss that felt anything but. Yet unable to find anything but giddy anticipation and nervous excitement for what’s to come.

At least where Brecken is concerned.









Unknown: You’re at work but I thought I’d let you know that I had to offer up my kidney as a possible donor to get your number. Seriously, I think Wes might make me come in so he can check my blood type. Totally worth it though.

Unknown: It’s Brecken, by the way. In case that wasn’t clear. I want to start planning our date, but I realize I have no idea what a nurse’s schedule is like. What days do you have off in the next week? And by week I mean next few days because I’m impatient.

Wow. That was fast work. I quickly wipe the smile from my face as I type my response.

Me: I might have been too hasty by saying yes.

Unknown: Nope. That’s an unacceptable reply. If necessary I know which floor you work on and I can call your supervisor for your schedule. Without being overly aggressive or creepy, of course.

An insidious sense of foreboding hit my skin like the odor clinging to an alleyway on the summer night. Harrison’s letter should be here any day. Likely on the day if his fucknut of a father is as merciless as he comes across. Then what will I do? Why do dates in time have to mean so much even after the fact?

Me: I don’t like lying or betraying my friend.

Unknown: Respectable and understandable. What if you don’t call it a date then? What if you think of it as two people making plans to hang out?

Me: Is that what it will be?

Unknown: I didn’t say I would think of it that way. Don’t overthink something before you need to. It’s one date. Let’s start with that and go from there.

I don’t reply. Mostly because now I’m at work and everyone is gushing over the muffins in our break room. “Rina, can I float you?” Marissa, the charge nurse, asks, her eyes locked on her work phone.

“Where?” I question suspiciously, already knowing I won’t like her answer. Getting floated sucks and there are just certain floors I will not go to. Like labor and delivery because chances are, I’d end up working with Carter and while I love my brother, there is no way I want him telling me what to do all day.

“ED?” She looks up, not even bothering to be contrite.

I sag. Ugh. “Why me?”

“Because you worked ED when you first started and they’re short-staffed and we’re overstaffed because our acuity is down two beds.”

“I left the ED for a reason.”

She laughs at my petulant tone. “Come on. You’re already working overtime when I shouldn’t have let you. Go down and hang out with Margot and Drew for the day.”

“Fine. But I’m taking a few muffins with me.”

“Wouldn’t expect anything less.”

I end up grabbing only two muffins because the rest have been ransacked and make my way to the ED. And while I love the excitement and adrenaline of working down here, I also hate the madness of it. The tragedy you see roll in that never makes it up to the ICU.

The ICU is a controlled environment. The ED is the opposite of that and for someone who thrives on order, consistency, routine, and hates surprises, the ED was not a good fit for me.

“S’up lover. I brought you sustenance.”

Margot’s chocolate brown eyes quirk up from her computer screen before catching on the muffin in my hand. “You’re a godsend. It’s already been a long shift and it’s only seven fifteen.” She grabs the sugary cake from my hand, looks around to make sure no one catches her eating in the middle of the floor, and takes a bite out of the top, licking at the chocolate that’s already coating her lips. “Wow, that’s so good. I’ll need this to get through my shift.”

“Why?” I ask, leaning against the wall while staring up at the assignment board. “What’s up? Yes, I’m with Dr. Jordie.”

“You can thank me for that, though I think this muffin is payment enough. It was either him or Dr. Olivia Press who is new and green and also so condescending to the nurses it’s ridiculous.”

I snicker under my breath. “She’ll learn quickly that’s a dumb way to be if she wants anything to get done for her.”

“Yeah, I give it another week tops before she has her come to Jesus moment with that. Anyway, I’ll trade you if you want.”

I drag my eyes away from the board and over to her, watching as she polishes off the muffin in record time. I quirk an eyebrow as I fold my arms over my chest. “I thought working with Drew was your happy place?”

“It is,” she says quickly. Too quickly and with a slight squeal on the end. I fight my grin at her hint of a blush. “It’s just that. I don’t know. This weekend was like.” She huffs out a breath. “We just…”

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