Home > Adrift (Kill Devil Hills #3)(2)

Adrift (Kill Devil Hills #3)(2)
Author: Kaylea Cross

Hopefully a lot less than that, or she’d miss the deadline. Because the asshole had given her barely any notice this time. “Thanks very much. Have a good day.”

“You too.”

She’d been bracing herself for the woman to ask for an autograph, and was mildly surprised when it didn’t happen. Becca slipped on her sunglasses as she turned away and headed for the door. She could feel the woman and her coworkers watching her as she left the bank, could imagine them whispering to each other. Oh my God, that was Becca Sandoza!

Scalding heat radiated up from the pavement as she walked back to her car. A group of college-aged people was standing beside a Jeep parked next to her. One of the girls spotted her, stopped talking, and Becca’s heart sank when that bright blue gaze locked on her.

The girl’s face lit up and she elbowed the guy next to her. “It’s Becca Sandoza.”

All five of them whipped around to stare at her. Becca suppressed a groan and kept walking toward her car. She didn’t have a bodyguard or any other kind of personal security—yet—in an effort to maintain her low-key lifestyle. But the way things were going, she might have to give in on that soon.

There was no way to avoid the group, they were right next to the driver’s door, and lately she’d been ripped in the press and on social media for being cold and unapproachable with fans. Her agent and assistant had both scolded her about it, telling her to make more of an effort to interact with fans, because they mistook her introversion and social anxiety for being a bitch.

The first girl stepped forward. “Excuse me. You’re...Becca Sandoza, right?”

“I am.” She put on another smile and did her best to make it genuine. The girl’s friends were all gaping now.

“Would you... Is it cool if I get a picture with you?”


“Can we all get a picture?” one of the guys asked.

Why not? “Of course.” She stopped next to the girl and waited while the others crowded around them.

The girl leaned her head and upper body toward her, beaming and not crowding her, but one of the guys stretched an arm across Becca’s shoulders like they were best pals or something.

She bit her tongue and didn’t say anything as he held his phone out in front of them to get some pictures, but it bothered her that people thought they could touch her whenever they wanted. That she’d somehow lost the right to privacy or personal space when she’d earned her first big role a few years back.

“Say cheese,” the guy said.

“Cheese,” Becca chorused along with the others, practiced selfie smile in place. The guy’s hand was gripping her shoulder now. At least he wasn’t drunk or trying to cop a feel or steal a kiss. She’d dealt with way too much of that.

She stood still and kept smiling until he’d taken enough shots, her anxiety sharpening when she noticed more people in her peripheral vision stopping to watch. She just wanted to get into her car and get out of here so she could return to the set.

Finally, the informal photo shoot was done. Just as she opened her mouth to say goodbye, another girl from the group shoved a piece of paper and a pen at her. “Would you mind?”

“Not at all.” She took them. “What’s your name?”


She signed a little note for her, then one for the other girl, and handed the pen and paper back. More people were staring from the sidewalk now. Time to leave. “Well, I need to go. I’m due back on set on the other side of town in...” She glanced at her watch. “Thirty-two minutes.”

The girls nodded, eyes wide. “Oh my gosh, is it that new thriller I heard about?” one of them gushed.

“That’s right.”

“When is it releasing?”


“I can’t wait to see it! Oh, man, thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome.” She smiled at them all. “Have a good one.”

“You too,” they all said at once.

She climbed into her car, locked the doors and pulled out of the spot, pausing only to wave at them before driving away. As soon as she turned onto the street, she let out a deep breath, relief washing over her.

She loved a lot of things about her career. Acting was her dream job, and she’d been fortunate enough to reach the level where she could support herself and her mom with it. She loved how it felt when she was acting, the sense of freedom it gave her. She had access to good healthcare, working with talented people, getting to travel. She was grateful for the opportunities and success it had given her. But that success was a double-edged sword, and it had come with a price.

Privacy was a thing of the past. Until she’d become “famous,” she’d never fully appreciated the full value of something everyone else could take for granted. And her fame had also made her a target.

Her phone rang through the car speakers and her mom’s name appeared on the display. Becca answered immediately, her mood brightening. “Hi, Mom. How’s it going?”

“Going great, we’re just about to make polymer clay sea creatures for a charity auction for the local children’s hospital. Sounds like I caught you in the car. Where are you off to?”

Just hearing her mom’s voice soothed all the frayed edges inside her, knowing she was safe and happy. Becca would do anything, pay any amount, even go bankrupt to keep her mother that way. “Back to work.”

“Ah. What are you shooting today?”

“Some chase and fight scenes. Really intense.” The night shoot was going to be exhausting for her because of the emotionally demanding scenes required. For scenes like that she had to dig deep in order to do them justice on screen. The work was hard, but it was more satisfying that way, and made her feel like she’d earned her spot in the film.

“Sounds fab. Any hunks on set?”

“A few.” Although one particular face popped into her head. The same one that had been in her dreams lately.

Dark golden-brown hair. Warm hazel eyes. A smile that made her heart kick against her ribs. And an authenticity that, especially in this business, was rarer than an Oscar.

“Ooh, who? Your co-star?”

“No, you wouldn’t know him. He’s a stuntman.”

“Mm, he already sounds dreamy.”

He was. They’d met on the set of her last film, and after getting to know him a little bit, she couldn’t stop thinking about him. “Let’s just say I look forward to showing up on set when I know he’ll be there.”

“That’s big, for someone as shy as you,” her mom said with a laugh. “What’s his name?”

“Chase.” Chase Davenport. And she’d thought about him way too much over the past few months. There was just something about him that made her feel safe in a way she never had before. As if he saw her, not Becca Sandoza the movie star.

“He asked you out yet?”

“No. He’s too professional for that.” And probably thought she was too famous for him. Only the crazies and conceited narcissists seemed brave enough to hit on her.

“Then why don’t you ask him out?”

She smiled at her mom’s teasing. “That’s not gonna happen.”

“Well, can’t blame a mother for hoping. Send me a picture of him at least?”

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