Home > No Rep (Mad CrossFit #1)(20)

No Rep (Mad CrossFit #1)(20)
Author: Lani Lynn Vale

He knew what I wanted, though.

He either read it in the way my hips were grinding against his cock, or some other superhuman way.

Whatever way he figured it out, when he moved so that his cock was notched at my entrance, I all but growled with excitement.

He froze right there at my entrance, pulling back from my breast with a soft pop of release.

“I’m clean,” he promised.

I blinked, feeling like I’d come out of a stupor, and groaned.

“I’m clean. Actually haven’t been with anyone in a… while. And I’m on birth control via an IUD,” I told him. “I’ve had it since I was like nineteen.”

His eyes held mine as he dropped back down, caging me in, at the same time starting to press his hips forward so that his length pressed into me.

But it wasn’t either of those things that had me slightly freaking out.

No, it was the way he grabbed my hair in his fist and pulled it lightly to the side, hoping to bare my neck.

What it did was make me freeze up.

He pulled back at the lock in my muscles and stared into my eyes as best he could with the low light provided in the early morning gloom.

Then he was twisting, taking me with him, as he rolled over onto his back.

Shortly after, I found myself on my knees with him between them, raised high up with his cock lodged at my entrance.

It was my decision from there.

I could see it in his eyes, the taut lines of his body, and the way he put his hands behind his head and watched me with a small smirk on his face.

I lowered myself down slightly, and that smirk was wiped cleanly off his face.

His jaw hardened, and my own little smirk appeared on my face as I paused.

“You’re really big,” I found myself saying.

He snorted. “I’m sure that I’m not. But… just move up and down. You’re really fuckin’ wet.”

I did as he suggested, finding it quite a bit easier to slide down his length when he was fully coated in me.

Up and down, wiggle, wiggle, up and down.

I did this until I was taking all of him.

And realizing that I’d made a huge mistake.

“What’s that look for?” he rasped, sounding like he was having a hard time keeping control.

I cleared my throat. “You want complete honesty?”

His eyes narrowed. “Of course I do.”

“Then, I was thinking that no other cock would compare after having yours,” I told him honestly. “I just don’t think...” I slid my hips upward, then back down. “I don’t think that,” I moaned when he pressed himself upward on my downward thrust. “I don’t think…”

I couldn’t complete coherent thoughts any longer.

All thoughts of what I was going to say fell to the wayside as I rode him.

I took him, faster, until I couldn’t stand it anymore and detonated.

The orgasm was hard.

It was all-consuming.

It was life changing.

It was… everything I didn’t know that I needed.

I cried out and curled my fingers, my small fingernails digging into his chest right beside all the chest hair that I could feel but not see due to the low lighting.

He grunted. My name was what it sounded like. But again, my ears were ringing, and I was having an out-of-body experience, so I wasn’t too sure on the actual terminology.

I collapsed in a heap next to Taos, my breathing worse now than it had been during the workout.

“I need to work out more,” I gasped.

He chuckled and reached for me, his cock jerking inside of me.

“I made you do all the work,” he teased. “It’s understandable that you’d be out of breath.”

He had made me do all the work. But mostly he’d made me do all the work because he’d seen the flash of fear that’d frozen me for a few seconds. Had understood it, and had let me take over so that I could be in control.

“Did you go?” I asked. “Because I can’t remember. My mind was a little… focused on myself.”

He chuckled. “Yes. I went.”

Those words were a bit of a growl, though, and it made tingles race up my spine.

“Good,” I breathed. “Give me five minutes. I want to do that again. Only a lot slower. With you on top.”

I gave him thirty.

Together we lay on the floor and talked quietly.

But it was more than obvious that my worry wasn’t going unnoticed.

I could tell he was about to ask what had me freaking out, but before he could, his phone rang.

He sighed. “That’s the chief’s ringtone. I need to get that.”

I moved off of him reluctantly, feeling the distinct wetness between my legs confirming his release as well.

I felt my face flush as I all but crawled toward his phone, then pushed it across the floor toward him.

He picked it up and answered it within a few seconds.


There was a long pause before Taos turned to look at me as he turned his phone onto speaker. “She’s what?”




Works out but clearly loves food.




“Maria’s dead,” Chief Wilkerson announced roughly. “Found her in your old house, that was sold last week. Couple of neighbors were complaining about lights from there that weren’t supposed to be on since nobody was living in it yet.”

I looked at my watch. “We just saw her about an hour ago.”

“We?” Chief Wilkerson sounded intrigued.

“Fran and I,” I said. “We were working out at the gym. Maria tried to come in, but I’d locked her out. It was thirty minutes past when class started, and I’d locked it. We saw her during our workout. I didn’t answer the door.” He paused. “Are you sure it’s her?”

I saw no reason in lying to him about my actions.

He’d find out anyway.

That, and I didn’t see a point in lying. There was no secret about Maria’s and my mutual dislike for each other.

“Would’ve, too, if my ex had acted like yours,” Chief muttered.

Fran coughed and looked away, bending down to gather the bra that I’d discarded on the floor in our haste to get at each other.

She shrugged it on before I said, “How was it done?”

“Get here and see.”

• • •

Fran and I separated at the front door as I locked up.

“You okay?” she asked carefully.

I nodded once. “Okay. Curious. Wondering if I fucked up inadvertently, but ultimately, I’m okay. There was obviously no love lost between us.”

She nodded, then leaned forward and pressed her mouth to mine.

“When you’re done, and if you want to spend time with me, you’re more than welcome to come over,” she whispered.

Then, without another word, she left, running through the pouring rain in the short shorts that I’d given her earlier, looking back over her shoulder twice before diving inside of her POS car and closing the door.

I watched her drive away in the pouring rain, then jogged to my car and got inside. Once I was buckled in, I sat in my seat for a few long seconds as I tried to scrounge up the will to care.

Sadly, though I ‘knew’ Maria, I didn’t really have much more feelings for her other than a mutual acquaintance type thing. I should probably feel bad that my ex-wife died but…

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