Home > Loved by Liam (Vested Interest : ABC Corp, #3)(5)

Loved by Liam (Vested Interest : ABC Corp, #3)(5)
Author: Melanie Moreland

“I would say our fields are equal. I have more money, you have Lucy. And you’re beautiful.”

“Stop it.”

“You are.” I squeezed her hands. “Be honest, Paige. Are you interested? God knows I am. I feel like a raging inferno every time I’m close to you.”

“We’d have to take it slow.”

I shook my head. “I don’t think that’s possible with you. I’m not like my brothers. I see something I want, I go for it. I always have done so. I make up my mind, and that is that.”

“And you’ve made up your mind to what—bed me?”

“Nope. Win your heart. Make you and Lucy mine.”

“You can’t say that. You barely know me. This is the first time we’ve been alone together!”

“And look at everything we’ve accomplished. We’ve set aside the family issue, I’ve laid my cards on the table, you’ve agreed to date me, and soon, we’ll seal it with a kiss, and I’ll be on my way. I’d say a job well done.”

She tossed her hair and spoke with a haughty tone that was completely made-up. “I never agreed.”

“You didn’t say no either. I’m taking it as a win.”


I cut her off. “You look after Evan so Ronan and Beth can spend some time together. They’ll do the same for you. I can hang here sometimes. You, me, and Lucy can do things together.” I met her eyes and made sure she knew I was serious. “I won’t ask you to choose between us. I know Lucy is first. I’m good with that.”

“Where did you come from, Liam?”

I winked. “Your wish chips.” I waited a moment then asked her, “Well?”

“I want to.”

“It makes you nervous.”

“I kid around and say outrageous things, but yes, it does.”

“Try, baby. Try it with me.”

Her response was barely a whisper. “Yes.”

I stood and rounded the table, kneeling by her chair. Up close, I could see the worry in her eyes, a worry I wanted to erase. Slowly, I eased my hand around her neck, stroking at the pulse jumping at the base of it. “Now about that kiss.”

She clutched at my wrist, her fingers pale and tiny on the thick muscle. She nodded, her breathing suddenly fast as I leaned up and brushed her mouth with mine. Gently, our lips moved together, learning, moving. She slid her hand up my arm, anchoring it on the back of my neck. I slipped my arm around her waist, tugging her closer. I kissed her harder, flicking my tongue over her bottom lip, groaning when she opened for me.

The desire I’d felt for her exploded as our tongues slid together. It was all I could do not to lower her to the floor and explore all of her. I groaned low in my throat as she slipped her other arm around my neck, molding herself to me. I rose to my feet and sat down in her chair, setting her on my lap. Her hands were everywhere, running up and down my arms, her fingers drifting over the expanse of my shoulders, running over my back. She tugged on my hair, burying her hand in the back of it, holding my head close to hers. I stroked up and down her spine, feeling the ridges and bones under my fingertips. I slid one hand under her ass, rubbing it while I cupped the back of her neck, using my fingers to swirl soothing passes on her skin.

I poured everything I had into that kiss. Our first one. I wanted her to feel the yearning I had for her. To know I wasn’t kidding when I said I’d never reacted to someone the way I had to her.

Then a timer went off, making her stiffen and pull away.

“My break,” she gasped as I trailed my mouth down her neck, pushing aside the edge of her blouse. “I have to get back to work.”

“Okay,” I murmured, kissing the base of her neck.

“Now, Liam. I have to go now.”

“All right.” I swirled my tongue on her skin.

“I’ll be late.”

“Can’t have that,” I agreed. “You should go.” I tugged her earlobe between my teeth, then nuzzled behind her ear.

She whimpered and pulled my mouth back to hers. I kissed her again, groaning at her taste, loving how she felt in my arms. Then I stood and carried her to the little desk where she worked, settling her in the chair and pulling my mouth away. I kissed the end of her nose and handed her the headset she had removed earlier.

“Stop seducing me, woman. Jeesh. You have my number, right?”


“Use it. Call me later. If you need anything, call me sooner.”

I dropped a kiss to her forehead. “I’ll see you soon, baby. Thanks for trusting me.”

I glanced over my shoulder as I headed to the front door. I didn’t trust myself to stay. I knew I wouldn’t be able to resist her. She was watching me, her lips swollen from mine, her hair messed up from my hands.


I adjusted myself in the truck, already planning on our first date. My little brother owed me a favor. I planned on collecting.




Chapter Four






Saturday morning, Ronan walked up the steps to my deck, a torn piece of paper in hand.

“Hey,” I greeted him. “Coffee is ready if you want.”


He disappeared inside and came back out with a steaming mug. He sat down and took a long sip in appreciation.

“What’s that? A map to buried treasure?” I asked, indicating the paper he had in his hand.

“A flyer I saw when I was at Beth’s.” He handed the advertisement to me. “It’s a little local carnival in her neighborhood today.”

“God, we used to love those. The rides and the cotton candy.” I chuckled. “Pretty shitty when I think back, but as kids, they were fun.”

“Beth has to work, but I was going to take Evan. Ask Lucy and Paige to join us.” He glanced at me, a grin on his lips. “You want in?”

“As if you have to ask. I have a job this morning, but I can meet you there. You think Evan can handle the terrain with his crutches? All the cables and shit?”

“If we go slow and help him, I think he could. We’d both be there to assist him.” Ronan scratched his head. “I don’t think they get to do much stuff like this. Money and all.”

“Yeah, I know. The kids would love it. I wonder if they still have that teacup ride thing. Lucy would have a blast.” I met Ronan’s eyes. “I bet we could win some seriously huge stuffed thing for her. We know all the pitfalls of those games.”

He laughed. “Yeah, we do.” I had a friend who used to work in one of the traveling fairs in the summer. He gave us some great pointers which we could use today.

“I was going to take them all to lunch at the diner, then head to the fair. You want to meet us for lunch?”

“Around noon?”

“That works.”

“Okay, sounds good. Listen, you have plans for Monday?”

He shook his head. “Beth doesn’t have study group, so I planned on hanging with her and Evan. Why?”

“Can you add Lucy to that?” I cleared my throat. “I’d like to take Paige on a date. She’ll agree if Lucy is looked after by you and Beth.”

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