Home > The City of Zirdai (Archives of the Invisible Sword #2)(31)

The City of Zirdai (Archives of the Invisible Sword #2)(31)
Author: Maria V. Snyder

He scowled when she approached but excused himself from the conversation.

“What do you want?” he asked.

To remind you we are on the same side, but she clamped down on that comment. Instead, she asked about Aphra. “Have you seen her?”



He stared at her as if waiting. It took her a moment to understand. She dug into her pack and handed him a coin.

“The treasure hunter is now shoveling sand for Rohana, the Water Prince’s new archeologist.”

That was unexpected. Shyla had thought Aphra would avoid Rohana. Also why hadn’t Fadey known that? He was Rohana’s assistant. Unless Aphra was wearing a disguise and avoiding him… Considering the treasure hunters knew he sold them out, it would make sense.

“Do you know if they’re out on a dig?” she asked Adair.

“Do I look like I care?”

Oh no, he wasn’t getting away with that. She stepped closer, capturing his full attention. Pushing her power through her gaze, she said, “Let me remind you who you’re dealing with.”


His derision turned to fear as heat swept through him. Moisture collected along his hairline and inched down his back.

“A simple no would have sufficed.” She turned and strode away. Only when she was well across the room did she glance over her shoulder and stop the command.

It was petty, but oh so satisfying. She should do it more often. In fact, it was time for her to be more…pushy? A leader? Confident? All of them? However, she needed to find the right balance between asserting herself without abusing her power.

It was angle one-ninety. If the diggers had returned from a site, they’d be in the dining cavern on level nineteen. Shyla covered her hair with her wrap, pulling the material low to keep her face in shadow. There were enough people around that she could blend in as she ascended the nineteen levels.

Keeping an eye out for Rendor, she scanned everyone she passed. They didn’t so much as glance in her direction. At least the big man would stand out. Or would he? He’d managed to get around just fine the few times he’d been in the city since becoming a wanted man. How would she— She almost groaned aloud. And to think she had just decided to use her powers more.

Shyla lowered her mental shield. Her prior connection to Rendor may come in handy as his soul would be the only one she could read in the city. Now she avoided eye contact so she could concentrate on finding Rendor’s soul.

Once she neared the dining cavern, she slowed. In order to see inside, she’d have to bypass the two deacons guarding the entrance. She gathered her will and directed it at them.

Look away.

They both peered to the left as if fascinated with the very air. Moving to the right, she entered the cavern. By this time, many of the tables were empty. However, a rancorous group occupied the back corner. Their rumpled, dusty, and ripped clothing gave them away—diggers. Before anyone could wonder why she was there, she strode over to a water jug, filled her water skin, and left.

Once out of sight, she considered the tunnels leading away from the cavern. If the diggers headed straight back to their quarters on level thirteen, they would most likely take a direct route. Shyla found an ideal intersection and waited. There were plenty of druks hanging on the walls, giving off enough light. When footsteps sounded close, she’d project the look away command.

After various random people used the tunnel, the diggers arrived. The noise of their arrival was unmistakable. When they reached her, Shyla pushed another command at them without stopping.

Not here.

Not here.

Not here.

She scanned each face as they crossed the intersection. Aphra almost slipped by her. The woman had cut her long brown hair short and walked slightly hunched over. Not like the confident and cocky treasure hunter that Shyla remembered.

Once Aphra neared, Shyla needed her—and only her—to break off from the group. It would be tricky. Projecting the image of a water skin, Shyla aimed her power.


Aphra straightened and stopped.

“What’s wrong?” asked the digger next to her.

“I forgot my water skin. Go on ahead, I’ll catch up.” Aphra waved her companions on and turned around.

They countered with good natured insults. When they were out of sight, Shyla dropped the not here command and called to Aphra.

Aphra whipped around so fast her hair flew up. “Scorching hells, where did you come from?” Then a beat later, “You shouldn’t be here, you’re wanted—”

“By everyone. I know.”

She cocked a hip and squinted at Shyla. “Do you have a death wish?”

“No. Do you? You’re working for the Water Prince’s archeologist.”

Aphra grimaced. “It’s called hiding in plain sight and it’s my only option other than being arrested and tortured. I don’t have enough coin to leave. Besides, who’d think to look for me there?” Her forehead creased with apprehension. “How did you find me? Did that son of a sand demon, Fadey—”

“No. He didn’t tell me. And I doubt he noticed you. He seemed pretty wrapped up in his own misery.”

“Good. You didn’t answer my question.”

Shyla considered, then decided to go with the truth. “I asked the vagrants to be on the lookout for you.”


“Because of your connections. I’ve some sweets to sell.”

“Ah.” Then she shook her head. “Can’t help you. I’d be caught for sure. I’m barely surviving as it is and risk being exposed every sun jump. Once I’ve saved enough osees, I’m outta here.”

Not what Shyla wanted to hear. Without coin, the Invisible Sword couldn’t afford to feed themselves let alone help others in need. “Is there anyone still selling treasures on the black market?”

Aphra gave her a sly smile. “I may have a contact you can sell to directly, but I’m having trouble remembering the name.” She scratched her head.

Cute. Shyla handed her an osee. “Maybe this will jog your memory.”

Aphra scrunched up her pudgy nose. “Sorry, still not able to recall it.”

Shyla briefly considered just taking the information from the hunter, but the woman was just trying to survive. However, she would ensure Aphra didn’t lie to her by reading the woman’s surface thoughts and emotions.

Handing her two more osees, she met Aphra’s gaze and said, “I’m sure this will do the trick.”

“Ah, yes. It’s Professor Emeline from Catronia University.”

“She’s still here?” It seemed like it was over a circuit ago that the Water Prince mentioned meeting with the visiting professor. But it was only fifty, maybe sixty, sun jumps ago.

“She’s a guest lecturer at the university, but I think she’s due to leave soon.”

Aphra was telling the truth, giving Shyla some hope. “Where is she staying?”

“In the visiting professor quarters on level forty-two. Right next to the entrance to the library. Do you know where it is?”

“Yes. What does the woman look like?”

“She’s about five centimeters taller than you and thin—skeletal thin. And she has a long narrow nose. You can’t miss that nose.”

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