Home > The City of Zirdai (Archives of the Invisible Sword #2)(6)

The City of Zirdai (Archives of the Invisible Sword #2)(6)
Author: Maria V. Snyder

“Now,” Jayden said.

Mojag snuffed the light. She gripped Jayden’s shoulder. Hard. Her fingernails dug into his flesh.

“What’s wrong?” he hissed.

“I can’t see.” The panic in her voice was unmistakable.

“Hold up, Mojag.” He pried her hand off his shoulder. His boots scuffed on the floor. “That’s the point. What’s really wrong?”

“I’m…very uncomfortable being in the dark.”

“And you’re just figuring this out now?” Jayden’s tone was incredulous.

“I haven’t been in the dark before now.” In fact, the thought of being in the dark scared her more than fighting Arch Deacons.

“Don’t you sleep?”

She really didn’t want to have this conversation now, but Jayden needed to know. “I always have a druk on low when I sleep. I can’t…ever since I was locked in the dark for twelve sun jumps, I can’t…I don’t…I avoid being in the dark.”

“So our fearless leader is afraid of the dark? Heck of a time to tell us.”

She’d never claimed to be fearless. In fact, her fears increased with all her new responsibilities. “Can we talk about it later?” she snapped. “I don’t know how long I can…tolerate it.”

“How about a quick magic lesson?”

“What? Now?”

“Yes. Your magic can sense others nearby. It’s a handy skill and helps us avoid encountering people. It’s similar to gathering your will and directing it at a person. Instead, you send it out in a wide arc to seek. And if anyone’s within five or six meters, you’ll know. Not who they are or what they’re doing, but you do get a vague sense if they’re coming toward you or heading away.”

“That is handy.” She thought about it. “How does this help me now?”

“You can use that to see me and Mojag. You won’t truly be blind.”


“Try it.” Amusement colored his voice.

She followed his instructions, sending her magic forward. Two…bumps rippled her magic, and if she focused, she picked up Mojag’s surface thoughts. It appeared that once she’d read a person, she could link to their thoughts even in the dark.

“Did it work?” Jayden asked.

“Yes. Thank you.” Her breathing calmed and the blackness wasn’t so…menacing.

“You catch on quick. Must be because of The Eyes. Just remember it won’t work if the Arch Deacons are wearing torques like the two hiding in the storeroom. That’s why Mojag’s in the lead,” Jayden said. “Okay, let’s try this again.”

They resumed their creep. Shyla was glad for the soft soles of her dillo leather boots. Eventually, the scent of burnt hair—Mojag was right, it was vile—filled her nose. Jayden stopped and touched her fingers on his shoulder—a signal to let go and get ready. She released her hold and prepared to attack.

“Now,” Jayden ordered.

Mojag opened the druk. Orange light spilled out, revealing the two Arch Deacons. Being caught completely off guard, the two didn’t stand a chance. Between her, Jayden, and Mojag, it took a fraction of an angle to knock them unconscious. She put their torques into her pack.

“You’re bleeding,” Mojag said behind her.

She tried to downplay it. “It’s just a scratch from the other fight.”

“Scratches don’t soak your tunic,” Jayden said. “Keep still. Let me see.” He lifted the material.

Cool air caressed her skin, sending a shiver up her spine.

“It’s deep. We need to get you to Zhek.”

“We need to get back before the Arch Deacons wake up or the next shift arrives,” she said, yanking down her shirt.

“Don’t be stupid. You could get sick if it gets infected. Zhek’s at Orla’s commune on level thirty-nine. It’s not far.”

“How do you know where he is?” she asked a bit petulantly.

“I’m the Vagrant Prince. I know where all my people are.”

Mojag chuckled.

When she didn’t follow Jayden right away, he grabbed her wrist and tugged her along. “They’re your people, too, Shyla. The Invisible Sword was formed to protect the people of Zirdai from tyrants. All the people.”

“I’m well aware, Jayden. Except that’s a tall order at this time. We only have thirty of us. We need to secure the means to our survival first and then we can right the very long list of wrongs.”

For once Jayden didn’t argue. Shyla almost fainted from the shock. Instead she followed him as he navigated the twists, turns, ups, and downs that she had come to realize was required to travel through Zirdai without encountering anyone.

The druk light turned red when they entered level twenty-five and stayed red until they reached level thirty-six where it changed to green. A fluttering in her stomach started about then. The last time she went to Orla’s commune, she had to cross a thin plank over a deep vertical air shaft. It hadn’t been the best time to learn that she was uncomfortable with heights. However, on the way back, Adair had pushed her off and she fell twelve levels until she hit a net, which saved her life. The man hadn’t warned her, nor did he tell her about the life-saving device. Jayden had theorized Adair was probably angry because she’d found their well-hidden commune.

Despite the fact she survived, Shyla wasn’t in any hurry to cross that plank ever again. She’d happily avoid it for the rest of her life.

And perhaps Jayden sensed her unease. They entered the edges of the commune from a different direction. The guards hidden in the shadows nodded at Jayden as they passed.

Orla was in charge of the largest vagrant community in Zirdai. She had plenty of room since technically the levels they occupied were outside of the city’s limits, which were loosely defined by the major vertical air shafts. Zirdai was roughly bowl shaped with the deeper levels narrower than the upper levels.

“Do all the communes have multiple entrances?” she asked him.

“Yes. There’s always the danger of a raid. Even though this one is well hidden, they still have at least five different exits.”

That was three more than their hideout. Shyla considered how to add at least another. Then she remembered the old headquarters had been under Tamburah’s temple, which was three kilometers away from the city, but Jayden hadn’t taken them to the surface to reach it. Had the Invisible Sword built tunnels to connect the two or were they already there? She’d have to ask Jayden later.

A dozen druk lights shone from the heart of the multi-level commune. Shyla blinked in the brightness. Shouldn’t everyone be asleep? She checked the sand clock. It was angle three-forty. “Why all the light?” she asked Jayden.

“Vagrants don’t follow the standard sleep schedule of the rest of Zirdai,” he explained. “Most raids come during darkness and moving around the city is easier in the late angles of a sun jump.”

They entered the main area. Ladders stretched between levels, curtains covered doorways, and colorful cushions and furniture decorated common areas. The pleasant aroma of incense and cleanser floated on the air. A few kids spotted Jayden and Mojag and dashed over to ask them questions in a breathless rush. Adults worked at various tasks, crafting goods to sell at the market. Others bustled about. It was a bubble of peace. They didn’t need the Water Prince’s guards or the Heliacal Priestess’s deacons here. Yes, they had to find their own food and water, but they policed themselves and prayed to the Sun Goddess on their own terms.

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