Home > The Daredevil (Rivers Wild #3.5)(26)

The Daredevil (Rivers Wild #3.5)(26)
Author: Dylan Allen

Yesterday was such a watershed moment. Because I realized I don’t want love that I have to fight for. I want it freely given, without conditions, I’d rather have nothing than that. So as much as I would enjoy being Tyson’s lover, that alone won’t be enough. But I can’t force him, and I’m not going to ask him again. I’m sad and tired just thinking about what a waste it is. We’re good together. There’s a natural ease to being with him that I don’t find easily with people.

I think we could have it all. But not if I can’t trust him.

I spy on people for a living, and I love my work, but I don’t want to bring it home with me. I certainly don’t want to have to cross-examine a man before he can admit that he has feelings for me. He needs to show me, by deed if the words aren’t easy to come by, on his own. And so far, everything he’s done says he wants my body and enjoys my company. But when it comes to my heart, he has no idea what to do with it.





The Devil Takes the Hindmost




We land at the chateau in Fontainebleau at 8:30 a.m. thanks to Stone’s older brother, Hayes, chartering a ride for us. Dina and I climb down, arm-in-arm. I’m calm and ready to handle the rush of security guards that greets us.

The first part of this wild gamble I’ve made pays off when we’re ushered into the waiting room of a small, sunlit office at the rear of the estate.

A burly, baldheaded man escorts us into a dark, wood paneled room where Mr. Dupont is sitting behind his desk, broadsheet newspaper clutched in his large, gnarled fingers covering his entire face.

“Please have a seat,” he orders. “Thomas, see that we’re not disturbed.”

We sit down. When he doesn’t drop the paper, my patience starts to thin, and I break the silence. “Mr. Dupon—”

“Have you come to apologize for your deception?” he interrupts in a brusque, deep voice.

“No. We haven’t deceived anyone.”

“Ms. Li is a decoy. She’s an employee of Wilde World. George told me he heard you say as much.”

“She is an employee. But she’s also the only real date you’ll ever catch on my arm.” I glance at Dina, but she keeps looking straight ahead. I’m not just saying those words. If I can help it, I’ll find a way to make them true.

“So why did you say she was a teacher? Why didn’t you just ask for whatever information you were looking for?”

“We weren’t looking for anything in particular, Mr. Dupont. Just doing what any well-run business does, kicking the tires, looking for weak links and hidden leaks,” Dina explains.

The newspaper closes with a snap, revealing a face that’s surprisingly youthful. And hair that’s as dark as his son’s. He looks down his wannabe aristocratic nose at both of us.

“Yes, I speak,” she deadpans.

His lips pucker in displeasure, and he waves his finger at her. “I’m not happy at all with you. I’d advise you to watch your tone.”

“And I’d advise you to watch your son, sir.”

His back goes ramrod straight. “If you’ve got nothing but insults to sling, you can leave.” He points at the door.

“Well, then. I’ll see myself out. And leave you two to finish your business. But the only reason we were less than upfront about who I am is because of the outdated notions you’ve turned into corporate policy.”

I want to clap as she strides out, but I’ll save my praise for later.

“What does she mean by that?” the old man sputters.

“She means your company has a culture that demeans women and their contributions and promotes unqualified, mediocre men. Like George, for example.”

“George? He’s the one who sniffed you out. If he’s mediocre, what does that say about you?”

“That we’re a couple who had a passionate fight in front of people we foolishly thought were friends. To be honest, we were more focused on what we discovered about him. And I have a feeling that before this deal is done, you’re going to apologize to Ms. Lu. Because if I’d come by myself, we’d both be in for a very nasty surprise once your son’s schemes came to light.”

His face pales, and his nostrils flare. “Well, enough with the suspense. Show me what you’ve brought.”

I hand him the report I compiled from Dina’s research. It lays out everything chronologically. Using George’s own words made the picture of his deception very easy to paint.

Mr. Dupont looks down at it, apprehensive more than anything else. “And why should I trust that this is true? You’re saying this girl put it together. Why should I trust her expertise?”

“Because Tina Wilde personally hired her. And I am vouching for the integrity of it. That should be enough. You know our reputations.”

“I thought I did. I agreed to entertain this proposal from you because your mother seemed to understand the order of things.”

“She was willing to tolerate your order of things when she thought it was in the company’s best interest. But now that I have the full scope of your business and see what your order looks like, we’re less inclined to excuse attitudes that don’t have any place in a modern workplace. You’ve got products that are popular. But with the right marketing and development budget, we’ll develop ones that can compete. We don’t need you. But I think once you’ve had a chance to read that report and our proposal, you’ll realize just how much you need us.”

“I need to think about it.”

“Sure. Call me this evening.”

“He’s my son,” the man says in a voice that sounds feeble.

“He’s also stealing from you.”

He lowers his head and nods slowly. “You’ll hear from me before the end of the day.”

My phone buzzes with a text from Dina.


“I’m waiting on the chopper. Sorry about that. I couldn’t sit there like a good little girl for one second longer.”

“I’m proud of you. Don’t apologize. He was ours at that point already.”


When I step out on the lawn where the helipad sits, she climbs down and runs to meet me. She launches herself at me with a cry of victory, and I catch her. We hug, and I can feel her relief as it courses through her and softens her posture. I have to force myself to let her go. “Oh my God, I can’t believe we actually did it,” she whispers, her fingers fluttering at her chest as she speaks.

“Yeah, me neither. Let’s hope he has more sense than his son.”

She hands me her phone. “I think it’s safe to call him now.”

We agreed that once we were sure George was too far away from the hotel to turn around, we’d call. They’ve been on the road for an hour by now. I dial his number, and it rings several times. I’m prepared to leave a blistering voice message, but the little idiot answers his phone.

“George Dupont,” he chirps like he doesn’t have a care in the world.

“It’s Tyson Wilde, you lying sack of shit.”

He laughs. “Oh, Tyson. Missed the bus, did you?”

“What happened to being in this together?”

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