Home > The Daredevil (Rivers Wild #3.5)(34)

The Daredevil (Rivers Wild #3.5)(34)
Author: Dylan Allen


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“No. Absolutely not. It’s a liability, Ty, not happening.” My mother’s gaze is unwavering through the screen of my phone.

I knew she’d say no, but I had to try because this isn’t going to be easy. But it’ll be worth it.

“So there’s no wiggle room. Either she goes, or I do?”


“Could you at least pretend you care?”

“Tyson, do I look like a bag of salt? Of course, I care. And I’m not telling you that you can’t be with Dina if you want to. But one of you must leave your role. And I want you to think about this honestly, are you sure you’re ready for a relationship? You were a sworn bachelor a week ago.”

My blood boils.

“You don’t get to code switch from mother to boss like that. My personal life isn’t Tina Wilde CEO’s business. I don’t want to talk to her about it. I just told you I want to be in a relationship with Dina. And you know what? I want that more than I want to keep toiling for your respect.”

Her eyes darken like thunderclouds. “Tyson Wilde.” My name cracks like lightning from her lips. “I don’t care what you call me, I am always your mother, and you need to watch how you talk to me. I may have not been a perfect parent, but I’ve certainly earned that.”

“I’m sorry.”

“And as for toiling for my respect, you’ve had that since the day you drew breath. Do you know what a miracle you are? I would have died if I hadn’t needed to stay alive for you. You saved me. And you are the very last good thing your father ever gave me.”


“Oh, Tyson. Come on. Give me some credit. I’m hard on you because I need to be.”

“I feel like you’ve never forgiven me for what happened with Kayleigh.” I hate to even say the name of the woman that led me to the wilderness of self-doubt and tunnel vision.

“What? That was so long ago.”

“Well, I remember it like it was yesterday. You said I was, and I quote, ‘as weak-willed as my father.’”

Her mouth falls open. “No. I didn’t.”

“Oh, trust me, you did.”

She blows out a harsh breath. “Tyson, I’m so sorry. I was angry and said things I didn’t mean. That was one of those times, because I know you’d never do what he did. You’re a good man who is loyal and constant to the people you love. I was hard on you, but only because I knew you could do it. And you’ve more than proven yourself.”

“So why did you hire Erin instead of me?”

“Oh, for God’s sake. It’s been more than a year.” She sits back in her chair as if she’s exhausted.

“It feels like yesterday. Maybe it’s because that’s when you made me feel like the kid who only gets picked for the team 'cause there’s no one else.”

She gasps and reaches for her chest. “That is not true. I’ve told you a thousand times, Erin was a better fit at the time.”

“And why now?”

“We’d be lucky to have you and… I thought it would make you happy.”

“That is a terrible reason,” I snap.

She purses her lips. “Of course, you focus on the last part and ignore how I started with we’d be lucky to have you. You’d be great at it, but Tyson, you’d be bored. But if it’s what you want, I don’t want to stand in your way. Even though I’m afraid you’ll be bored and ready to leave in a few months. And I really don’t want to have to fill this role twice in two years.”

“Why do you think I’ll be bored?”

“Because I know you better than you know yourself.”

“Right. I don’t think so.”

“Have you ever seen your own asshole?”


“Exactly. I’m your mother, and I know. I also think you’re ready to leave the nest. So much so I’m tempted to give you a shove.”

I look at her, astonished by the smile on her face as she says it. “Are you…firing me?”

She folds her hands in front of her. “I’m not firing you, Tyson. I’m just saying that if you want to date Dina, one of you will have to go. And I think it should be you.”

“Wow, that’s nice.”

She gives a short lift of her eyebrows, unapologetic and unmoved. “She was made for this work. And she’s really earned it.”

“So have I.”

“You can do better. And that name is yours whether you work here or not. You don’t have to prove you’re one of us.”

I think about what she’s saying. But I need to sleep on it.

“What time is Dina coming in?”


“I’ll be there at eight. And I’ll have an answer for you then.”

I hang up, and the answer is so clear, I can’t believe I didn’t see it all along.

I hope I’m not too late.





Back Where It Started




When I step off the elevator onto Tina Wilde’s floor, I’m moving by the sheer force of my will. Halfway back to London, I started to panic. I was so triggered by Tyson’s suggestion that I not take the job that I didn’t stop to listen when he asked me to.

I’m so used to wishing for things I can’t have that I’ve forgotten what it feels like to be satisfied. And as much as I’ve asked him to show me, I’ve never really told him how much he means to me.

But I’m going to today. As soon as I meet Mrs. Wilde and figure out whether the job is still mine for the taking.

I knock lightly on the door.

“Come in, Dina.”

I take a deep breath and push the doors open and stop short when I see Tyson getting up from one of the teal blue chairs on the other side of his mother’s desk. The smile on his face when he sees me makes me want to run and throw my arms around his neck and tell him I’m sorry I left him.

“Hi. What are you doing here?”

“We just finished our meeting. I’ll leave so you can have yours.” He heads toward the door.

“No.” I rush to stand in front of him. “Please, if it’s okay, I’d like you to stay. If that’s okay?” I glance at Mrs. Wilde.

“I don’t have an issue. Tyson?”

“If you want me to stay, sure.” His expression is unreadable as he takes his seat again.

I sit and address Mrs. Wilde. “I know you called me here to talk about the Dupont deal and the job offer you made. But first I have to confess that I lied to you when we talked.”

“I know,” she says flatly.

I frown dubiously. “You know what?”

“That you were with Tyson. That you had been all weekend.”

“I told her,” Tyson says.

I keep my eyes on Mrs. Wilde. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the truth about that, but I wasn’t thinking clearly, and I was exhausted. I used poor judgment. We both did.”

I glance at Tyson, hoping he’s not glaring at me. Instead, he’s watching me with an expression I’ve never seen before in his eyes. Like he wants to run into my arms, too.

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