Home > Trial of Magic (The Fairy Tale Enchantress Book 4)(112)

Trial of Magic (The Fairy Tale Enchantress Book 4)(112)
Author: K. M. Shea

“In that case, I would enjoy seeing you again, Odile,” Angelique said.

Odile beamed.

“Yes, yes, I’m sure you’ll have a chummy time. Good luck, Angelique. Be safe.” Sybilla called before the spell sputtered out, transforming the mirror’s surface into a reflection of Angelique’s face.

Angelique stuffed the mirror in her satchel, disassembled the tiny dampener spell, then started picking her way down the roof, trying to be as discreet as possible.

I feel as prepared for this battle as a newly found mage student. But I’m going to free Evariste. No matter what, I’m not going to let the Chosen whisk him off. We’ll save the Queen and rescue Evariste. Or else.



Less than an hour later, Snow White led Angelique and the Seven Warriors down the hallway.

I’m impressed so far we haven’t run into too many problems.

Angelique thoughtfully studied Snow White’s back—covered by her red cloak and bright red hood.

Upon arriving at the palace, Snow White had instructed the palace guards—who had bowed instantly to her position and leadership—to send word to the rest of their compatriots so they would be aware of the secret invasion. She’d also taken Angelique and the warriors to the royal study and spoken to the castle housekeeper. Snow White asked her to move the servants out of the palace so they wouldn’t get caught up in the fighting.

Unfortunately, a messenger from the four lords following Snow White delivered the bad news that there were constructs roaming the castle, but Snow White had been prepared for such an occasion and had given the lords and their soldiers detailed instructions on how to fight the monsters. And, as an added bonus, the palace guards joined forces with the lords and were actively fighting the constructs while Snow White, Angelique, and the Seven Warriors tore through the palace, heading to Queen Faina’s quarters where—according to the housekeeper—Faina had last been seen.

They’d met up with one of the Lords who’d sworn to aid Snow White with about twenty of his troops before entering the royal wing.

Now all we have to do is corner Faina in her quarters.

Angelique glanced back at the soldiers following behind them—in a formation Snow White had ordered. (The princess had selected four warriors to secure Faina and instructed the rest to fight with the constructs that would undoubtedly be guarding the queen.)

Angelique waved a finger at a soldier that had a well-balanced sword her magic seemed to particularly like. “How bad is it out there?” she gestured back to the main wing of the palace where they’d come from. He smelled faintly of the weird smoke the constructs left behind; he’d obviously seen the battle.

The soldier, who wore chainmail that was scuffed and was sweating slightly from the fights he’d been in, glanced at the lord he served, who was occupied chatting with Rupert and Oswald. “I’ve never fought a creature of magic. It’s unnerving and curdles your blood.”

Angelique grimaced. That doesn’t bode well.

“However,” the soldier continued. “Her Highness’s instructions were right on, and we’ve been able to fight back right well. It’s a hair-raising fight, but it’s more even than I ever would have imagined—didn’t think regular folk like us could ever face down magic!”

Angelique blinked in surprise.

He has a point. It never occurred to me that anyone besides a mage could easily take down a spell. Goblins? Certainly. But spellwork…not so much. Have I been viewing this conflict with the Chosen all wrong?

Angelique glanced at Snow White. She’s facing down magic—and she’s going to win, or die trying.

Snow White’s shoulders were slightly hunched, and the hood of her red cloak was pulled up over her black hair, but her gaze was resolute as they stopped short of the door. She was a grim leader compared to the frightened princess Angelique had met in the forest what felt like months ago…

“We’re ready to enter,” Marzell whispered.

Snow White frowned at the door. “Yes, about that…”

Oswald puffed up his chest. “You want me to kick it down?”

“You can’t—not unless you want to break your heel,” Snow White said. “The doors are reinforced against entry.”

Fritz ran his fingers down the doorframe. “The hinges are on the inside of the room, so we cannot remove the door from the frame.”

“We could break through it—use a pickaxe to bust a hole through it,” Oswald suggested at a whisper.

“That would work, but it would give away our position.” Snow White.

Angelique watched as Lord Vitkovci and his men lined up in a battle formation behind them, preparing to swarm the room when the door was taken down—trusting that Snow White would get them inside.

“Then what did you have in mind?” Marzell asked.

Surprisingly, Snow White shuffled around and faced Angelique.

“Hmmm?” When Angelique noticed Snow White staring at her, she straightened. “Wait, me? Sorry, princess, but that’s not possible.”

Snow White’s gaze was level. “I know you can do it.”

“I’m so pleased you believe in me.” Angelique was careful to keep her voice at a whisper, “but I have to correct you: I haven’t the kick of a donkey or horse.” She pointed to Oswald and wrinkled her nose. “Scruffy, here, has a better chance of kicking the door down.”

Oswald sputtered hilariously, but Snow White didn’t rise to the bait.

“You can break the door down if you use your magic,” Snow White said.

“With my magic?” Angelique’s whisper turned into a quiet scoff. She plucked a sprig of herbs off her ever-present satchel and shook it for emphasis. “What am I supposed to do, wave some dill at it and hope the door falls in?”

“That’s lavender,” Snow White said.

Angelique hastily hid the plucked herb. “My magic is not going to help us here.”

“Angel,” Snow White said.

“I could make it work with healing, but herbs are not meant for moving physical objects,” Angelique said.

At least, I’m pretty sure. There’s no possible way they could!

Snow White frowned slightly. “Angel.”

“I expected you would know this given your propensity to read, but then again I imagine your library doesn’t have many books about magic. Regardless, you’d be better off having Oswald trot off to find a pickaxe,” Angelique advised.

“Angel!” Snow White growled like a wolf before she reached up and yanked on the collar of Angelique’s tunic, dragging her down to Snow White’s level. “Stop talking and listen to me!”

Tamed by the unexpected and never-before-seen heat of Snow White’s frustration, Angelique replied meekly. “Uh, okay.”

“I don’t know what you are, but I do know you are not an apprentice to an herb wizard! I don’t care what you want to pretend to be; I’ll play along with it. Unless it causes unnecessary problems like it is here.” Snow White leaned closer and closer to Angelique until their foreheads were almost touching. “The queen has been—for all practical purposes—taken over. We have soldiers lined up to take her down and end this. So break down this door. NOW!”

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