Home > Trial of Magic (The Fairy Tale Enchantress Book 4)(151)

Trial of Magic (The Fairy Tale Enchantress Book 4)(151)
Author: K. M. Shea

“Do neither of you understand just how horribly you have botched things? All of your comrades were Chosen mages and manipulated you for their purposes. As far as I’m concerned, you have no place on the Council—and that’s only from an ethical standpoint. Personally, I can barely stand to look at you.”

Felicienne weakly slumped back in her chair under the venomous look in Evariste’s blue and green eyes. “But, why—”

“You dare to ask me why?” Evariste snarled. “After everything you have done to Angelique? Clovicus should have let the war mages take you into custody as they wanted.”

What? That was certainly news to Angelique—though by this point, her eyes were already so wide, she belatedly wondered if they were going to pop from her skull.

Evariste looked back and forth between the two Council Members. “Angelique has saved us all, and you have done nothing except harass her. You, who have only been a drain, carry on as if this is all a minor inconvenience and things will soon be fine. Let me be clear: Things won’t be fine until the Chosen are defeated—something the two of you are too weak to do.”

Tristisim cleared his throat. “Perhaps there is truth in your words. But this is something that should be said privately, Evariste.” He glanced pointedly at Snow White and Fritz, who were watching with expectant expressions.

A short bark of laughter escaped Evariste. “Privately? As if Snow White and Fritz don’t know how horribly you’ve handled things when they’ve been called here to help us because you failed as leaders? Lord Enchanter Tristisim, it is far too late for that. The entire continent knows what happened—they’ve known for years.”

A muscle jumped in Tristisim’s jaw, but he stared at his hands and said nothing more.

Felicienne turned to Sybilla and Clovicus and appealingly held out her hand to them.

Clovicus openly clapped. “Bravo—well stated!”

Sybilla looked a little bored. When she caught Felicienne’s appealing gaze, she snorted. “Well? What do you expect me to do? He’s right. Even Finnr is feeling mighty sheepish about his treatment of Angelique right now, or he’d be sticking his big, twice-broken nose into this mess. You should learn from his example.”

Angelique chuckled at the description. I’d been wondering why we haven’t seen Finnr.

Evariste rolled his shoulders back and flicked his sharp gaze from Tristisim to Felicienne. “The two of you should thank the stars I don’t have my magic right now,” he said, “or I’d pay you back all the misery you heaped upon Angelique in my absence.”

Clovicus glanced worriedly at Evariste, but Sybilla didn’t even bat an eye.

Angelique didn’t know quite what to think.

A part of her was vindicated—Yes! Finally someone understands all that I have been through!

But another part of her was nearly as shocked as the two Council members.

Evariste—Evariste—was outright threatening Council Members?

That’s not to say it isn’t warranted—they’ve been regular fools and markedly unhelpful since the Chosen were revealed. But…I never thought Evariste would kick up such a fuss. He’s too…diplomatic? Optimistic? Naïve?

The last word made Angelique wince, but throughout her apprenticeship, Evariste had been stupidly optimistic on a number of occasions, and Angelique assumed it stemmed from the fact that he was so brilliant—to the point where he shone so brightly, he didn’t even see shadows.

It seems I was wrong. Evariste fully understands. And even after his years of imprisonment, he’s still not afraid to stand against the darkness.

Angelique studied the Lord Enchanter as he strode across the tent, joining her at the opening. He tilted his head curiously as she gaped at him, the tent flap clutched in her fist.

Has he always been this fearless, and I was just too blind to see?

“Angel?” Evariste asked.

Angelique shook her head and slapped on a smile. “Sorry. I’ll be a moment, Snow White. We’ll gather all the mages.” She winked at her friend then ducked through the door, stepping through the sound barrier and shield. “Javed, if I may borrow you for a moment? We need to gather up all the mages not on guard duty for an announcement.”



It wasn’t until the late afternoon that Angelique and the war mages were able to successfully bring the remaining mages to the immense courtyard that stretched out in front of the fortress that used to be the Conclave.

The building was still standing, but all operations had been moved to other buildings due to worries of listening spells, charms, and traps. Angelique studied the building—and the school in the adjoining structure—with a frown.

The sad thing is we have found listening spells and the like. It isn’t safe to work in—especially since Evariste’s portal collapsed. There’s a real possibility black magic is hidden somewhere within it—or the school.

Clovicus, as if he could read her thoughts, squinted up at the beautiful building. “I still don’t like that we’re holding this meeting so close to this building.” The sun was starting to sink on the horizon, casting a golden haze over everything, which made his red hair more of a golden color.

Sybilla plucked at the puffy sleeves of her powder-blue dress. “There are several grandmaster war mages on standby casting defense spells to keep anyone from overhearing.” She glanced at Angelique and smiled. “Besides…something tells me the Princess’s idea means we won’t be here long.”

Clovicus frowned. “What is that supposed to mean?”

Sybilla laughed airily. “Nothing!”

Angelique turned around, and her heart raced in her throat when she realized Evariste wasn’t at her back as he’d been a minute ago.

“Evariste?” There was panic in her voice, but she didn’t care who heard it. “Evariste?”

“I’m right here, Angel.”

A warm hand took hers, tugging Angelique around to the front.

Her shoulders drooped with relief when she saw Evariste rubbing her hand. “Sorry,” she muttered in embarrassment. “It’s just…I…”

Evariste leaned slightly over her, stopping when their foreheads nearly brushed. “I understand. And you have no idea how much I appreciate it.” He smiled—a real one that made his eyes crinkle and seemed to burn from his soul outward.

His smile is coming faster and easier. We’re in a terrible spot, but he’s doing better.

Angelique returned the grin, probably looking like an idiot. But if Evariste wasn’t going to fuss about her panic, she was content to let him placate her.

Clovicus’ face appeared about a hand’s-width away, and he shifted his gaze from Angelique to Evariste. “Time makes the heart grow fonder, hmm?”

Evariste straightened up and raised an eyebrow at the Lord Enchanter. “What do you want?”

“Testy, are we? I wouldn’t have to interrupt your little moments if you had them in more appropriate places—like not on a veranda in front of the majority of mages waiting to hear about their impending future, hmmm?” Clovicus nudged Evariste. “But, as it is, you did. So scoot down. There’s not much room here, and Princess Snow White is about to arrive to make her announcement.”

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