Home > Trial of Magic (The Fairy Tale Enchantress Book 4)(19)

Trial of Magic (The Fairy Tale Enchantress Book 4)(19)
Author: K. M. Shea



Angelique sat outside, enjoying the exquisite quiet of Sideralis as she stared up at the biggest patch of sky she could spy through the trees.

There was something empty and a little lonely about it. The elven city was always a peaceful place, but it was usually warm and filled with the quiet hum of conversation and laughter.

Now, it was silent. Angelique was the only living soul in the city—Themerysaldi and all the elves had left for their nightly, curse-required party.

If Themerysaldi’s reaction is anything to go by, Evariste must have something to do with the curse. The black mages have proven themselves capable of harvesting his portal magic for their own use. Have they done something similar that allows them to twist his magic for their purposes?

Angelique pressed her cold fingertips into the bags under her eyes and sighed.

I’d say that’s something for Prince Severin and Prince Lucien to puzzle over, but given that they are royals and not mages, they don’t know or understand the particulars of magic. I should try speaking to Sybilla or Clovicus about it.

Angelique stifled a yawn as she again stared up at the visible patch of sky directly above Sideralis, feeling more than a little lost. She didn’t see Pegasus’ constellation, but she wasn’t quite so familiar with the night sky as to know whether or not she’d usually be able to see him from this angle.

Shrugging, she dropped her hands in her lap and dug her fingers into the fabric of her skirt—which had turned a melancholic gray-blue.

She’d found Themerysaldi, and it seemed like the elves would soon be freed if Quinn could figure out the particulars of the curse. But now that she better understood the position the elves were in, she could see Themerysaldi would be occupied trying to establish contact with his generals and the rest of the elven warriors.

Again, the search for Evariste would be pushed back.

She could hardly fault King Themerysaldi—he had his people to think of.

Yet it felt like she’d exhausted every possibility of help for Evariste, and there was nowhere left to turn.

The Veneno Conclave had proven to be useless—it had a spy in its ranks, for Heaven’s sake—and the other countries were as preoccupied as Themerysaldi would be, at least for the time being.

I have to keep looking…but what more can I do alone? Should I go to Lovelana and offer to help find the spy? Maybe then she’d be able to find more black mages if the information leak was stopped. But…I just want Evariste back.

Angelique let her chin fall against her chest. She stared down at the cobblestone road and sighed deeply.

She felt Pegasus press his velveteen muzzle against her cheek, and she patted him, grateful for the comfort. “Thank you, Pegasus.” She paused mid-stroke and jerked her head up.

The flames of his mane and tail and the stardust spattering his coat glowed in the moonlight, making him look more ethereal than normal.

When she stared gape-mouthed at him, he flicked his tail and gave her his version of a friendly nicker—which rumbled like the shakings of the earth.

“I, I didn’t call you…did I?” Angelique bulged her eyes as she reviewed her actions for the past few minutes. “I mean, my sighing and misery might be a bit too self-focused and unhelpful, but I don’t think I was that out of it that I could have called you without realizing it.”

Pegasus delicately took one of her flyaway locks of hair in his teeth and tugged it just enough for her to feel the pressure on her scalp.

Her confusion settled down, and Angelique offered the constellation a shaky smile. “I’m sorry. I’m very happy to see you.” Daringly, she leaned closer to Pegasus and kissed him on his nose—which was as soft as velvet and held the faint whiff of sulfur.

When she straightened, she had to fight a yawn.

Pegasus made another thunderous nicker, then turned away from her and walked across the courtyard. He found a massive fern that was sprouting out of the ground at the corner of the stable and sat down directly on top of it.

He squashed it with his hulking mass, but the persistent plant still curled up around him, creating a sort of green nest. Once he was content, Pegasus shifted his attention to Angelique and flared his nostrils at her.

Angelique rushed across the courtyard and almost threw herself on the large constellation. She flung an arm over his withers and pressed her face into his neck, taking comfort in the heat he radiated.

Snuggling with Pegasus was an experience of comfort and warmth. She didn’t do it often—something in her said she shouldn’t presume to cuddle a constellation at all, but it was too nice to completely deny herself.

“Thanks, Pegasus.”

Pegasus snorted, and between the faint flickers of his mane and the steady whoosh of his breath, he seemed to fill the empty city.

Angelique’s eyes slowly drifted shut, and she relaxed as she finally drifted off to sleep.



An explosion of magic knocked Angelique from her dreamless sleep.

She snorted and poked her head up from the comfortable cradle of constellation and fern. “What? Who?”

Her thoughts rattled around her head—there’d been something familiar about that magic, but she hadn’t awakened quite fast enough to catch the full feel of it.

Pegasus lifted his head high and snorted, testing the air.

Angelique rubbed her eyes and groaned. She started to stand, reluctantly peeling herself off Pegasus, when a wave of magic shoved her to her knees.

This was a different sort of magic. It was fainter but demanding in its presence and as pure as the deepest springs of water.

This magic she recognized—not because she was intimately familiar with it, but because Themerysaldi’s magic was so unmistakable.

“It seems Quinn broke the curse.” Angelique finally managed to stand. “That didn’t take long at all.” She rolled her neck and massaged her stiff muscles then went cross-eyed when a snowflake landed on the tip of her nose.

The courtyard and city had a light dusting of the stuff, but none of it had fallen on her or Pegasus due to the overhang of the stable.

It was colder, but she didn’t feel it—the heat charm in her dress had automatically activated while she slept, and splaying out on Pegasus was like sleeping with an oven anyway.

Behind her, Pegasus scrambled to his feet and shook like a dog.

Angelique rested an arm on his back as she shook off the cobwebs sleep left in her mind. “Wait, that means the elves are free? That’s marvelous!” Angelique laughed and flung her arms around Pegasus’ neck, hopping in place a little as she gleefully hugged him. “This is the best news we’ve gotten in a long time! I’m happy for them—but this is the best news for the continent we’ve gotten since we found out the mirror had been stolen from Verglas! The elves are free!”

Angelique twirled in a dizzying circle—her glee making her light hearted.

For years, the continent had been dealt a terrible hand—so many losses, with Angelique and the royals of the nations scrambling to maintain their lands.

But now…the elves are free! Angelique sagged against Pegasus with her relief.

He nosed her side.

“Even if Themerysaldi can’t help me with Evariste, the return of the elves changes the tides in this battle.” Angelique shut her eyes as she felt some of the weight she’d been carrying for years slip off her shoulders. “Having them join our forces will give us a magical fighting force—something we’ve lacked since the Veneno Conclave has turned chicken. Even if we have to wait a few months for the elves to recover, this is a major win for us. Prince Severin and the others are going to be delighted!”

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