Home > Trial of Magic (The Fairy Tale Enchantress Book 4)(40)

Trial of Magic (The Fairy Tale Enchantress Book 4)(40)
Author: K. M. Shea



“So, we have enough shapeless clothes to play with. We still need some props to firm up our roles and a hidden weapon. Or two. Or ten.” Elle gazed into the depths of Angelique’s satchel with a critical eye as she rummaged around it, looking for anything that would be useful at infiltrating the stronghold.

“We have at least half a day left of travel tomorrow.” Quinn thoughtfully added a log to the fire she’d carefully constructed. “And we’re quite close to the Arcainian border. If the map you brought is correct, Elle, the major trading city is just inside Arcainia. We could go there first to establish our own base before venturing into the woods surrounding the den.”

Elle nodded. “I’m certain they have contacts within the Arcainian city. Besides, any goods they ship north to Mullberg would have to cut north east through Arcainia, because they certainly aren’t going to go straight north into Verglas.”

Quinn adjusted the cast iron skillet she’d dug out of her saddlebag and stirred the sausage mix simmering within it. “I imagine you must be correct, but what do you think, Angelique?”

Angelique stared at the simmering meal. “I think I would have starved or died if I’d tried this on my own.”

The morning of the previous day, she’d begun to refrain from using her magic, and it was swiftly becoming a major shock to learn just how much she used her powers—for everything from building a campfire and cooking to pulling water from the air to drink.

I’m starting to understand why Evariste got so upset whenever I flippantly said I’d be fine without my magic…

Quinn frowned so strongly it made wrinkles spread across her forehead. “What are you talking about?”

“I think that was a joke,” Elle said.

“No, it’s not. I just might be helpless if my magic was ever sealed,” Angelique thoughtfully said. “At least in ways that matter. I still know hand-to-hand combat, but I don’t even know how to find clean water without magic.” She pulled her fur-lined cloak closer—given that she’d swapped her eye-catching, heat-charmed magic dress for a far more appropriate plain tunic, she’d been struggling a great deal to keep warm.

Quinn and Elle exchanged looks.

“It’s an intellectual thing, I assume,” Elle said. “Severin sometimes gets broody like this, too.”

Quinn nodded. “A reasonable explanation.” She stirred the sausage stew/sauce mixture again. “Speaking of survivability, Elle, did you see any more goblin tracks when you went scouting?”

Elle shook her head. “Just the ones you found when we were gathering firewood. I’d say if goblins are in the area, it’s a much smaller pack than what’s running amok in Erlauf right now.”

“Not surprising.” Angelique rested her hands on her thighs and stared across the fire at Fluffy and Rosemerry—Elle’s pony. Pegasus had returned to the sky for the evening, though Angelique was surprised to realize that even when chatting with her companions, she still missed him. “I don’t imagine many goblins would survive this close to Arcainia with both Gabrielle and Rune out on patrol.”

Rune—Prince Rune—was one of the seven princes of Arcainia who filled the position of classic hero, and frequently hunted dangerous creatures while protecting his people.

Gabrielle was Marquis of Carabas and the wife of Crown Prince Steffen. She also happened to be a personal friend of Angelique and the mistress of Roland Archibald Whisperpaws the Fifth—or Puss, as he was known these days—who was a magic cat and an old friend of Angelique’s.

Gabrielle and Puss also frequently went out on patrols, though they weren’t sent as often given Gabi’s position as Crown Princess.

“Ahh, yes. Gabrielle.” Elle’s expression was too innocent as she stared into the fire. “Such a charming young lady.”

“She’s a year or two older than you,” Angelique said.

Elle casually stretched her legs out in front of her and glanced up at the evergreen they’d taken refuge near to keep out of the snow. “Is she? I wouldn’t know.”

Angelique narrowed her eyes.

She’s hiding something.

“Is there a reason you insisted on buying an additional cloak when Quinn, you, and I have cloaks that you assured us would be reasonable for the subterfuge roles you have in mind?” Angelique asked, fishing for information.

“Must I need a reason?” Elle asked.

“Did you hear that?” Quinn abruptly turned around, frowning as she peered around the boughs of their protective evergreen.

Elle and Angelique exchanged glances and warily stood. “Hear what?”

Snow crunched.

Quinn nocked an arrow and swung her bow up, aiming before Angelique blinked.

Distantly, a goblin screamed.

“Sounds like the goblins that left the tracks are coming out to play,” Elle said.

Three goblins burst out of the shadows, the orange blaze of the fire making their green hued skin glow.

“Forest goblins.” Angelique automatically reached for her magic, but jerked herself to a stop just in time.

Wait…without my magic, what do I do?

Evidently, the answer was stand there like a delicate, blooming, and useless flower.

Quinn downed a goblin and nocked an arrow and loosened it at her next target with a grace and speed that rivaled the elves.

Elle whipped two daggers out of a hidden pocket in her gray cloak and threw them at the last remaining goblin, which toppled over with a gurgling cry.

And just like that, the fight was over.

Elle eased out of the crouch she’d folded herself into and trotted up to the dead goblins. “Your archery skills are quite impressive, Quinn.”

Quinn frowned a little as she yanked her arrows free and retreated to the farthest edge of their campsite—where only flickers from the fire reached—and wiped the arrows off in the snow. “Thank you. It’s part of my training—though I’m afraid I’m not nearly as fast nor accurate with any other weapon.”

“That hardly matters. Your archery skills alone are impressive enough to make my heart beat faster,” Elle said.

Quinn bemusedly smiled a little as she inspected the tips of the arrows before dunking them in the snow once more. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard such an enthusiastic take on archery before. Are you well, Angelique?”

Angelique turned in a circle, straining her ears. “Yes, I’m fine.” She narrowed her eyes as she stared into the blueish shadows of the night. “I just thought there might be more—the goblin scream we first heard was too far away to be one of the three that attacked us.”

Elle pulled her daggers free from the goblin carcass and joined Quinn in wiping them off in the snow to get rid of the goblin blood. “Ohh, now that’s an unfortunately accurate point.”

Something scuffled in the snow, and Quinn and Elle swung around to face the noise, their weapons raised.

Unexpectedly, a goblin emerged from the shadows at the opposite side of the camp.

Angelique opened her mouth to warn the pair, but the goblin threw a spear at her.

She ducked it, but it took all of her self-control not to automatically raise a shield or bury the monster with her magic.

It was a strange sensation, to fight against her finely honed instincts. She hadn’t realized that focusing on not using her magic would take so much self-control, and she didn’t wrestle herself into submission until the goblin had cleared half of the space between them.

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