Home > Trial of Magic (The Fairy Tale Enchantress Book 4)(68)

Trial of Magic (The Fairy Tale Enchantress Book 4)(68)
Author: K. M. Shea

Quinn charged from the thicket as the elves stopped a short distance away.

Angelique trailed behind her, taking the time to slap a smile on her lips—which was both genuine and a façade given that she was happy for her friend but disappointed nonetheless.

“Quinn!” Emerys slipped off his mount and scooped Quinn up, laughing as he twirled her around before enfolding her in a hug and kissing her soundly.

Angelique skirted a thorny bush, peered behind her to confirm Pegasus passed the shrub unharmed—no need to worry, when the constellation brushed past the bush, he set it on fire—and generally tried to waste time so she didn’t intrude on the couple’s happy reunion.

After taking a minute or two to extinguish the thorny shrub, Angelique confirmed the couple was still kissing and giggling together. She wrinkled her brow in confusion.

It must be something in the air, she decided. I never pegged Emerys as a giggler. When I free Evariste, I hope he mercilessly teases him about this.

Angelique was self-aware enough to know she was too jaded—perhaps even a tad bitter—about love to say anything remotely teasing and not rudely sarcastic when it came to romance by now.


Angelique crouched slightly so she could peer under Pegasus’ head, spying a familiar princess sauntering her way. “Elle!”

Elle’s black hair was pulled back in a braid, and she wore a muted orange tunic that somehow made her fade into the background of the elves’ glitz—most likely by design. She laughed as she approached—pausing just long enough to bow respectfully to Pegasus before tightly hugging Angelique.

Surprised as she was, Angelique returned the embrace. “What are you doing here?”

“King Themerysaldi stopped by Chanceux with letters from Severin,” Elle said. “He told me he was coming here and offered to take me along. I accepted because I was hoping I could maybe help you prepare for the next leg of your search.”

Angelique fidgeted nervously. “That’s very generous of you…but I’m not sure what’s going to happen now that Emerys has come to take Quinn back—quite early, too.”

“Yes, I’m early. It’s terribly rude of me, but I couldn’t be parted from Quinn any longer.” Emerys and Quinn, standing arm-in-arm, stepped into the conversation, beaming like a properly twitterpated couple.

Pegasus must have picked up on some of Angelique’s mixed emotions because once the king got close, the equine pinned his ears, and a star exploded on his coat.

The Elf King actually paused, carefully watching the constellation for real aggression.

Emerys is afraid of Pegasus? That’s interesting. I didn’t know he could be afraid of anything.

Angelique stroked Pegasus’ neck and smiled at Emerys—hopefully showing the constellation that there were no hard feelings. “I take it congratulations are in order, and you successfully freed your warriors from their wandering-induced curse?” she asked.

“Indeed, they are free—but not by my doing,” Emerys said. “It took me much longer to locate the specific party of wandering warriors that was comprised of my generals than I’d care to admit. By the time I finally caught up with them, a young woman, a cobbler’s apprentice from Trieux, had already freed them.”

A young woman? Their curse couldn’t possibly be…

“Did breaking the curse involve true love?” Angelique suspiciously asked.

“It involved love of a sort—and the girl did fall in love with one of my generals,” Emerys said. “If you want to know the specifics—”

“No, no, no—no, thank you.” Angelique held up her hand and tried not to shiver in revulsion. “I am merely deeply, deeply grateful to hear that this particular curse was broken, and I didn’t have to get involved. I don’t need to know the magic theory behind it.”

Emerys grinned. “Still sick of romance, are you?”

“You have no idea,” Angelique said.

Emerys laughed—a nice, deep sound, which seemed unfair given that the Elf King already had nearly incomparable looks and skill with both the sword and magic. He should at least have been dealt a laugh similar to a donkey’s bray for the sake of balance.

“Very well. With my generals freed, it took some time to round up the rest of my warriors. They convened in what was once Trieux, and since we were so close to Prince Severin’s fight against the goblins in Erlauf, we rode east to help them for a few weeks. However, I’m afraid I couldn’t be parted from Quinn any longer,” Emerys said. “My desire to finally be wed was too great.”

“What you mean is Alastryn has driven you to the brink of madness in her passion for our wedding celebration,” Quinn said.

“Correct.” Emerys smiled at Quinn and leaned close so his forehead rested against hers. “I have so missed your brilliance.”

“Given that you are only running from Alastryn, could we remain a week or so longer here in Mullberg?” Quinn asked. “Angelique and I were about to infiltrate Juwel and hopefully confirm Evariste’s location.”

“Oh, I love infiltrating!” Elle eagerly clapped, sounding for all the world like a young lady squealing over a new dress.

Emerys, however, straightened, and his sappiness faded away. “Really? You’ve found him then?” The timbre of his voice seemed more musical than usual, and he unexpectedly reached out and grabbed Angelique’s arm, squeezing it.

Staring at his eyes—which swirled with desperate hope—something in Angelique eased.

He’s a selfish brat at times, but Emerys really does care for Evariste.

“We haven’t for certain found him,” Angelique said. “But we think he’s in Juwel—we just don’t know where in Juwel. Or why.”

Emerys’ shoulders visibly tightened, but he seemed taller and more like the imposing Elf King he was. “Then of course we’ll stay. We’ll remain here and offer every aid we can.”

Angelique’s throat tightened with emotion. “Thank you.”

“Of course,” Emerys said.

“Obviously, I’ll help, too,” Elle said. “It will be delightful to come up with new disguises for us! I’ve gone into Juwel in disguise before. Glitzern palace has quite lax security, all things considered. They more carefully observe trade than they do security in the whole city. This will be easy! Particularly with elf magic available to use.”

Angelique frowned. “I don’t know that using any magic—particularly elf magic, as it is so unique—is a good idea given the two Chosen encampments in the area. If Evariste is here, and they think Emerys has come for him, it’s guaranteed they’ll move him.”

“You are probably correct, but I’m afraid it doesn’t matter terribly much,” Emerys said. “We’re still recovering our magic. I’m only at about half my power. We can perform some magic, but I’m afraid bringing the city down to find Evariste is beyond my grasp, so stealth is the better idea.”

Quinn frowned. “Your magic is still low? It’s been months since you were freed. I would have thought your power—if not your warriors’—would have regenerated by now.”

Emerys grimaced. “I’m afraid my recovery rate—the recovery rate of all elves—is far slower outside of Alabaster Forest.”

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