Home > Playing with Words (Boggy Creek Valley #2)(3)

Playing with Words (Boggy Creek Valley #2)(3)
Author: Kelly Elliott

I shook my head and focused back on Mr. McHand…er…what had he said his name was? Mr. Higgins. “What brings you to Boggy Creek, Mr. Higgins?” I asked, trying to keep my voice calm as my pulse raced out of control.

Another brilliant smile came my way. “Please, call me Hudson.”

“Okay, Hudson, what brings you to Boggy Creek?” I repeated.

“Peace. Quiet. Memories. The hope that I can finish a deadline with work.”

I raised one brow. “Really? Did I hear you mention you’ve been to our little town before?”

He nodded. “My folks used to bring my sister and me here every summer when we were younger. They loved the mountains. Dad works as a freelance photographer, but worked for National Geographic most of the time. We traveled a lot, but for some reason, Boggy Creek Valley always seemed to hold the best memories for me.”

Candace and Maggie both sighed. I shot them a sideways glance before I turned back to Hudson. “Well, I’m glad our little slice of heaven comes along with happy memories,” I said, finally able to make normal conversation.

He winked and replied, “Hopefully I can make some new happy memories.”

An eruption of flutters occurred in my stomach, and I had to force myself not to press my hand to it. When did a man winking suddenly become so freaking sexy? Kyle, my brother, winked at me all the time. But it was playful. This wink from Hudson seemed to promise something else.

“I’m sure you will,” I somehow managed to reply back without tripping over my words.

“I’ve rented a room at the Willow Tree Inn Bed and Breakfast for the next couple of weeks. They do have some little nooks here and there, but I find being surrounded by books helps me work. Or at least, it used to. I didn’t get much work done today.”

Annnd I think I just fell in love with this man.

“Well, the study room is hardly ever used, so please feel free to come by anytime. I will warn you, though, every other Tuesday morning from ten to noon is kids’ time. I have stations set up for the little ones, crafts and such, and then I read them a story from eleven to noon. You might want to avoid the bookstore then.”

He smiled. “Duly noted, thank you. Well, if you ladies will excuse me, I think I’m going to head back to the bed and breakfast and drop off my work and explore a bit.”

The three of us all nodded before Maggie finally found her voice. “If you need a tour guide, Greer would be the person to ask! She knows all about the history of Boggy Creek and all the little hidden gems. Plus, she’s so pleasant to be around. And single.”

I nearly slapped my hand over Maggie’s mouth to shut her up.

“Yes!” Candace added as she bounced on her toes. “Greer is obsessed with history. And oh so very single.”

Hudson looked at me, a curious expression on his face. “Is that so?”

Oh God. Which is he referring to? Me being single or the history buff part? Shit. Shit. Shit.

“Not obsessed, just curious is all.”

“And the single part?” he asked.

I felt my cheeks instantly heat up. With an awkward-sounding laugh, I waved my hand in front of me as if dismissing the fact that two of my friends had just tried to set me up with this handsome stranger. “Yes. I’m, um…not currently dating anyone.”

Candace snorted and whispered, “Except for Netflix.”

I quickly shot her a dirty look before focusing back on Hudson.

He gave me a polite smile and nod and then he cleared his throat and headed to the exit. He was moving so fast, it was as if he were suddenly on fire and needed to find a water trough to jump into. “Enjoy the rest of your afternoon, ladies,” he called over his shoulder, practically running out the door.

“You too!” Candace and Maggie singsonged at the same time.

The way he rushed out of the bookstore spoke volumes about what he thought about getting a tour from me. I tried to ignore the way that made my chest ache.

“Okay, wow. That is the most handsome man I have ever laid eyes on,” Maggie said, leaning against the counter.

Candace turned and looked at me. “He practically ran out of here when we mentioned that you’re single.”

“How do you know it wasn’t because you both were trying to throw us together for a tour of the town and you embarrassed him or something?

Candace and Maggie looked at each other, then back at me. “No, it was you confirming you were single that freaked him out. I doubt we’ll be seeing his fine ass anytime soon.”

Maggie giggled as I shrugged and said, “He’s probably a jerk, anyway. Any guy that good-looking knows he’s good-looking. I’m not the least bit interested in learning any more about the man.

I could feel both of their eyes on me as I made my way around the counter and pulled out a box that had been delivered earlier. I quickly got to work checking in the items and adding them to the inventory. There was no way I was going to even try to dissect Hudson’s reaction.

At least not until later tonight, when I had a beer in one hand and a pint of ice cream in the other while I soaked in a hot bath.





The moment I walked out of Turning Pages, I had to force myself not to run to my rented SUV. My heart was still beating out of control from the way Greer had stumbled on her words and smiled at me. My God, I had never seen a more beautiful woman or smile.

“What in the fuck was that?” I whispered to myself as I made my way down the sidewalk. It was wet from earlier today, when a fall shower had passed through and lowered the temperature just a bit.

As I walked along the street, I smiled and greeted the folks I passed. Boggy Creek was just like I had remembered. The people who lived here were friendly, the town was still small, and it was quiet. Unlike New York City, where I could hardly hear myself think at times. And it was lovely. And clean-smelling. Every few feet were hanging baskets of flowers off the street lamps that not only offered a pretty sight, but the lovely scent of fresh flowers.

I glanced back over my shoulder…for what, I wasn’t sure. I highly doubted Greer Larson had followed me out of her bookstore.

The second I saw my rental car, I let out a breath I hadn’t even realized I was holding. Once I’d opened the door, I nearly threw my laptop bag onto the passenger seat, slid in, and started up the white Chevy Blazer. I dropped my head back onto the headrest and let out a humorless laugh. “Jesus, Hudson, could you have been any more obvious?”

From the first moment I’d caught sight of Greer Larson standing behind the counter of Turning Pages, I hadn’t been able to keep my body from reacting to her. When she’d smiled and greeted me and then got tongue-tied, I felt my freaking heart jump. And the reaction my dick had was just as shocking.

There was something about her—other than her stunning looks—that made her the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on. And that smile…Christ, it lit up the entire bookstore. When she’d stumbled on her words, something inside of me had jolted to life.

I closed my eyes and pulled up an image of Greer. Her hair hung just below her shoulders in waves of brown with hints of copper that made my fingers itch to touch and see if it was as soft as it looked. And those hazel eyes of hers. I was going to be seeing those eyes in my dreams. She looked to be around my age, early thirties.

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