Home > Claiming Menace (Ruthless Sinners MC #5)(33)

Claiming Menace (Ruthless Sinners MC #5)(33)
Author: L. Wilder

“Isn’t that the point?”

“Yeah, but how’d you do this? How’d you find such a close match?”

“That’s not important. What’s important is the fact that I found her.” He walked over to a counter and picked up a folder and a flash drive. As he offered it to me, he said, “We do have some issues that need to be addressed.”

“What kind of issues?”

“I’ve taken a few x-rays and dental molds of our Jane Doe, and there are some notable differences in their dental and medical records.” Billy motioned his hand over to the items he’d just given me. “Our Jane Doe has a few cavities that Parker doesn’t, along with a broken wrist from several years back. I’ll need you to do what you must to swap Parker’s old records with these. I also have some changes that need to be made to her medical records. They’re all on the flash drive, so you shouldn’t have any issue uploading them.”

“You got it.”

After slipping the flash drive into my pocket, I flipped through the various x-rays and medical reports he’d put in the folder, and they all looked legit. I would’ve never guessed they’d been forged. After I’d gone through them all, I glanced back over to the Jane Doe on the gurney. While she favored Parker, she wasn’t her exact twin. Anyone who knew her would be able to verify that this chick wasn’t genuinely Parker. “So, I exchange all the medical records, and then what?”

“I’ll set the stage. Simple as that.”

I looked down at the girl’s face. “I don’t know, man. This Jane Doe chick looks a lot like Parker, but it won’t take a genius to see that it isn’t really her.”

“That’s not something to be concerned about. Just do what I’ve asked you, and I’ll take care of the rest.”

“So, you really think this is gonna work?”

“I don’t think it. I know it.”

“Okay then, I’ll just need to get my laptop and upload these now.”

“There’s one more thing before you go.” Billy had a concerned expression on his face as he continued, “Parker needs to prepare her suicide note or video. Whichever she decides... She just has to make it believable.”

“She will.”

“I certainly hope so. Otherwise, we’re doing all this for nothing.”


“She might want to change her look a bit.” He walked over to one of the cabinets and pulled out a dark-colored wig. “Have her wear this, and I’d suggest using a filter during the recording. Maybe one that changes her eye color or something.”

“Is that really necessary?”

“There’s always a chance the video could end up on the news.”

“Damn, I hadn’t thought of that.”

“The filter will make it a little harder to recognize her.” He handed me a burner phone and a large yellow envelope with the district attorney’s address written on the front. “I also put a latex glove inside the envelope. Make sure her fingerprints are the only ones on the phone when you put it inside. Give it back to me when you’re done, and I’ll have it mailed when it’s time.”

“You got it.”

When I got up to the room, Parker was still in bed asleep. She looked so gorgeous, so peaceful, lying there, and the thought of something happening to her had me feeling like the weight of the world was crumbling down around me. The club had worked with Billy for years. I knew he was incredible at his job and that I could trust him, but I was still concerned. It was Parker’s life on the line, so I had to make sure his plan went off without a hitch. That thought had me grabbing my laptop out of my bag. I was trying to be careful not to wake Parker, but when I turned back around, she was sitting up in the bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. “Hey, what are you doing over there?”

“I’m just getting my laptop.” I held it up to show her. “Got some stuff I need to do for Billy.”

“What kind of stuff?”

“Just uploading some records.” I walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed. “There’s something you need to do for him too.”


The blood drained from her face as I told her, “You need to make up a suicide note... or video. Whichever you think you can handle.”

“I’m not sure I can handle either.” Parker drew her legs up to her chest and propped her chin on her knees. “I don’t even know what I’d say.”

“Just cover the basics.”

“So, what? I’ve been on the run for over a year, and I just can’t take it anymore?”

“That’s for you to decide.” I placed my hand on hers. “It’s gotta come from the heart. It’s the only way people will believe it’s legit.”

“Okay… I’ll, uh, try.”

“You’ll do fine.” Then I handed her the wig. “Billy suggested wearing this and using a filter when you record.”

She picked it up and studied it for a moment. “Did he have any other suggestions?”

“Just do the best you can. Whatever you come up with will be fine as long as it’s believable.” After wiping it down, I gave her the burner phone Billy had given me. “Just let me know when you’re done.”

“Okay.” When I stood, she asked, “Is there a particular place I should go to do this?”

“Find a quiet corner... somewhere no one will recognize.”


I leaned over and gave her a kiss on the forehead, then left her to collect her thoughts. She was weighing on my mind as I carried my laptop into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Eager to get this shit done so I could get back to Parker, I reached in my pocket and pulled out the flash drive Billy had given me. I immediately got started on uploading information to all the various locations. Sadly, it didn’t take long to hack into her small-town dentist’s office. Their security was total shit, and her doctor’s office wasn’t much better. I had everything swapped out in less than an hour. Once I was sure I had everything taken care of, I headed up to the bedroom to check on Parker. When I first walked in, I didn’t see her, so I checked the bathroom. There was no sign of her there, so I figured she’d gone outside. I was wrong.

As soon as I stepped back into the bedroom, I spotted her in the corner, sitting on the floor with tears streaming down her face. She lifted the phone as she announced, “I did it.”

I walked over and knelt down beside her, pulling her into my arms. “You okay?”

“No, but I will be.” She slipped the phone in the envelope as she said, “Please, just tell me I don’t have to do it again.”

“I’ll check to be certain, but I’m sure it’s fine. Right now, all I’m concerned about is you.”

“I’m fine,” she tried to reassure me. “I just want to take a shower and try to put all of this behind me.”

“Okay.” I stood, then reached down and helped Parker to her feet. “I’ll get this to Billy. Let me know if you need anything.”

“Could you hold me? Just for a minute?”

As I wrapped my arms around her, I whispered, “Baby, I’ll hold you for as long as you want.”

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