Home > Sweet, Sexy Heart(6)

Sweet, Sexy Heart(6)
Author: Melissa Foster

“Absolutely not.” Dash pulled on the sweater and put the phone back to his ear, catching the tail end of what Shea was saying.

“…hottest show out there. It’ll bring more attention to the book tour.”

“We already have enough attention on the tour. You know I hate those kinds of podcasts where celebrities pimp each other out, and I’m not flying to New York next week.” Shea had represented him for several years, and they’d become good friends in addition to business associates. Her tenacity had served him well, but she was fully aware of his plans to scale back. Not only did he need a break from the media hounds, but that morning had further piqued his interest in Amber. When she’d walked into her parents’ house, her surprise had been as palpable as the electricity humming between them. He wanted as much time as possible to get to know her better. “I need this break, Shea. I’m going back to Oak Falls Saturday. End of story.”

“Fine,” she relented. “I figured a few days with Sin was enough of a break. I had to try.”

He sat on the bed to put on his shoes. “I told you I’m cutting back.”

“Yes, after the tour. But I’m worried about you even doing that. You’re a go-getter, and go-getters don’t do well with too much downtime. Remember what happened to David Green.” David Green had been one of the best tight ends in the country. He’d retired a few years ago and within six months had gambled away most of his savings, found his way to the bottom of too many bottles, and had tanked his reputation. Rumor had it that he was living hand to mouth in Mexico.

“I’m not a drinker or a gambler, and I keep telling you, you’re wrong about me. You only think I won’t do well with downtime because you’ve never known me to take any.” But that was going to change. “I have to run, but Hawk texted earlier and said you booked him for the signing.” Hawk was one of Dash’s younger brothers, a sought-after photographer who did a lot of work with Shea’s company.

“Your tour is a big deal, and I know how much you hate photographers. I figured if we kicked it off with Hawk instead of paparazzi, you’d be more comfortable. See? I’ve always got your back. I’ll meet you for dinner in LA, and we can talk about some of the ideas I have for next year.”

“Shea,” he warned.

“See you then,” she said cheerily, and the line went dead.

Dash pocketed his phone, grabbed his keys, and headed out of the bedroom. Sin was in the living room, still dressed from practice in his sweats and T-shirt, looking at something on his phone.

“Hey, man. I’m heading out for a while.”

Sin looked up. “I thought we’d grab dinner later, maybe meet the guys for a beer afterward.”

“I’m going to see Amber. With any luck, I’ll have to take a rain check on that dinner.”

Sin’s expression turned serious. “Listen, Dash. Things are different around here than they are in the big cities you’re used to. Everyone knows everyone’s business, and Amber steers clear of drama. She’s the kind of girl who picks flowers in the park, brings you soup when you’re sick, and sends birthday cards in the mail—not ecards or birthday texts. And she’s a good friend. I don’t want to see her get hurt. Word is spreading that you’re in town. Tomorrow there’ll be even more women from neighboring towns coming out to watch the big man in action and trying to catch your eye. If you want me to hook you up with someone who can show you a good time while you’re here and won’t bat an eyelash when you leave, I can do that. But Amber is not that girl.”

There had been hordes of women watching them coach the clinic at the field today, and Dash couldn’t have cared less. “What is it with everyone telling me Amber’s not right for me? I told you last night that I felt something different with her and wanted to see how it played out.”

“I guess I took played out to mean for now.”

“You of all people know I’m not a dick. I get that Amber’s a forever girl, not a for-now girl. I knew that last night when sparks flew between us and she bolted. And I’m not running, Sin. Have you ever seen me do that?”

“Can’t say that I have. You’re pretty careful not to get mixed up with women who are looking for more than you’re willing to give.”

“Exactly.” Writing his book had made him feel a little like a fraud. He’d given up all of his dreams except football, and after watching teammates get engaged, married, and start families, he could no longer ignore the feeling that something important was missing from his life. He’d spent the last two years reevaluating himself and his endeavors. He was still trying to figure out exactly what was missing, but for what felt like the first time since he’d started playing football, he was following his heart instead of his head.

“Actually,” Sin said, bringing his thoughts back to their conversation, “you didn’t back off when I mentioned she had epilepsy, either. I’m sorry. I guess I’m more protective of her than I thought.”

“I get it, and I’m glad you are. I don’t know what this is yet. How can I? We’ve barely had two conversations, and she gets adorably embarrassed every time we talk. But I’m drawn to her in a way I’ve never been to anyone before. The whole time we were on the field today, all I could think about was getting cleaned up and going to see her. I haven’t ever wanted to see a woman more than I’ve wanted to be on the field.”

“You could have led with that.” Sin’s expression eased. “I had no idea you were that into her.”

“This is a whole new ball game, but I appreciate you giving me the CliffsNotes on the rule book.” He headed for the door. “I’ll text you later about dinner.”


DASH PARKED ON Main Street in Meadowside, a quaint small town much like Oak Falls, with old-fashioned streetlamps, dogwood trees lining sidewalks, and welcome signs on every door. He made his way to Amber’s bookstore and found his face front and center on a poster for his signing in the front window beside a stack of his books, surrounded by fresh fall flowers, pumpkins, rustic lanterns, and other artfully displayed books. Acorns littered the floor of the display, and a miniature rocking chair with a cozy-looking blanket draped over the back held a stack of children’s books beside a faux fireplace. There were fall-colored leaves in the back right corner and a nest with two birds in it, their heads touching. On the side of the display closest to the door, a tall WELCOME sign rested against a small wooden shelf littered with a mix of books and literary gifts. He pictured Amber meticulously setting up the display, placing each piece with the utmost care, until it was absolutely perfect.

A bell chimed as he entered the store, greeted by the scents of pumpkin and spice, and Amber’s beautiful face as she looked over the shoulder of the petite blonde she was talking with in front of the register. A look of surprise washed away Amber’s easy smile, and the blonde standing in front of her turned. He recognized Haylie Hudson as one of the mothers from the junior football clinic.

“Sorry to interrupt.” Dash held Amber’s gaze, enjoying the blush staining her cheeks as he strolled past several rows of bookcases. “I was—”

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