Home > All In (Complicated Parts #3)(113)

All In (Complicated Parts #3)(113)
Author: Ashley Jade

The nurse eyes the monitor. “Sorry. The anesthesiologist has to give the epidural.”

Then she’s of no use to me. “Get out! Now!”

She flees as another contraction impales me. This one is so painful I cry out in agony.

Preston rubs my back. “Deep breaths, angry girl.”

Deep breaths my ass. Screw him and his devil dick.

“This is all your fault.”

A different nurse enters the room. This time with a peace offering of ice chips, so I let her stay.

Preston raises a brow. “How the hell is this my fault?”

He’s got to be kidding me.

“I was just a happy little lesbian minding my own business until you came along.”

When he gives me a cocky smirk, I chuck the cup of ice chips at him.

“Okay,” the nurse says, standing at the foot of my bed. “I’m just gonna check you real quick.”

I grit my teeth as she pokes and prods around down there.

“You’re around three centimeters.”

There’s no way that’s possible. “What? We’ve been here for hours.”

“Hell, I’m three centimeters at this point,” Preston mutters under his breath.

Anger races through me as another contraction makes me its bitch.

Eyeing the nurse, I point to the door. “Get out. Don’t come back until you have drugs.”

Preston rubs soothing circles up and down my back. “Breathe. In and out.” Something on the whiteboard catches his attention and he makes a face. “Cross your legs, Kit. You’re not having that baby today.”

The fuck I’m not.

“Oh, yes I am.”

Preston’s jaw sets. “It’s the seventh. You know how I feel about that number.”

I pat his hand. “I feel for you, sweetie. I really do.” I narrow my eyes. “But if I have to be in labor until tomorrow, I will set you on fire and watch you burn.”

Ignoring my threat, Preston rubs my belly. “Stay inside, lovebug.”

Baring my teeth, I growl at him as another contraction rips through me.

A few minutes later, a doctor and another nurse enter the room. “How are we coming along here?”

I willingly spread my legs because I need this baby out. “Have at it, doc.”

I soon regret those words because the moment he touches me, another contraction happens.

“Seven centimeters,” the doctor announces.

“Goddammit,” Preston rumbles. “You need to put a stop to this. Now.”

Visibly perplexed, and a little alarmed, the doctor looks at him like he’s sprouted another head.

I snap my fingers, drawing his attention back to me. The pregnant lady. “Can I have that epidural now?”

He winces. “You might have to do this without it, hun. I think you missed your window.”

You have got to be kidding me. What kind of cruel bullshit is this?


Preston stares the doctor down. “You need to stick a plug up there or something. She can’t have this baby to—”

He’s cut off by the sound of an alarm beeping.

“What’s that?”

Appearing worried, the doctor looks at the nurse. “We’re gonna need to prep for a cesarean.”

Every muscle of mine goes tight with panic. “What?”

Preston’s panicking now, too. “What the fuck is going on?”

“The baby’s heart rate is dropping rapidly. You need to deliver as soon as possible.”

It’s scary how in the blink of an eye you can go from being so excited to meet your baby…to being so petrified you’ll never get the chance.

My vision blurs. “Preston.”

“I know.” Leaning down, he kisses my forehead. “Our reality sucks right now, and unfortunately, we both know I’m not great at providing comfort.” He presses the poker chip they made me take off earlier into my palm. “But I’ll do my best to get you through this. Because we will get through it. Deal?”

I force myself to take a deep breath as the words he said to me when we were trapped in the elevator reverberate through me.

Because I know without a doubt, he’ll get me through whatever happens next.

Just like he always has.

Emotion clogs my throat and I squeeze his hand tighter. “Deal.”




Our daughter was born on the seventh at 7:07 p.m., weighing in at seven pounds and seven ounces.

I have no doubt she did it on purpose just to spite me.

Glancing down, I gently rock her in my arms, taking in every inch of her flawless face.

I swore I could never love another woman aside from Kit, but I was wrong.

Love Landon Holden is only a few hours old and she already has me wrapped around her tiny finger.

And I’m loving every fucking second of it.

While Kit and I agreed we should name our baby after Landon if it was a boy—on account of him saving our lives and all—I wasn’t sold on the idea of naming her Love if she was a girl.

However, Kit insisted on it. She reminded me that not only was love the one thing she’s always wanted…it’s what will always keep us together.

I didn’t have any argument after that.

I was scared as fuck when they brought her into the operating room, but Kit stayed strong, gripping my hand the entire time while I gripped the poker chip for dear life.

Luckily everything went fine. Our daughter is perfect.

Love starts crying at the top of her lungs and I bite back a laugh. Make that imperfectly perfect.

Just like her mother.

I look over at Kit who’s sleeping next to an equally sleepy Jameson who insisted his Aunt Breslin take him up to the hospital so he could see the baby immediately.

Or should I say—was sleeping—because Love’s crying wakes up Kit who springs up like a jack in the box. “I can take her.”

“Nah.” Fuck knows Kit could use the rest. Plus, I’m not ready to hand her over yet. “I got this.”

After placing her on my bare chest, I sit down on the chair next to the hospital bed.

Rocking her in my arms, I mentally go down the checklist.

Married the girl I became obsessed with after a conversation on a bridge one night—check.

Fought like hell for us and conquered my demons in the process—check.

Got Jameson back and became my son’s legal father—check.

Became a father to a beautiful little girl who I have a feeling is going to give me nothing but trouble—check.

Went all in and fell deeply in love with a woman who believes I saved her even though she was the one who saved me—fucking checkity, check, check.

I used to think illusions were better than reality. But not anymore.

I was lucky enough to not only get everything I’ve ever wanted…but everything I’ve ever needed.

I look at Kit whose eyes are watering as she watches us. “We did it.”

“Of course we did.” Squeezing her hand, I bring it to my lips. “Because it’s me and you, angry girl. Until the end.”






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