Home > Rural Romance(5)

Rural Romance(5)
Author: Alexa Riley

Another quick glance around, and I see catering has already begun and there are several bunnies around the room.

“Bastian,” Richard Seymore calls, grabbing my attention.

“Sorry I’m late.” I hold out my hand, and he takes it. “I sent off the final contract for the state on our Peach Street bid. We got it.” I smile as I release his hand, and he beams. Mostly because this means a bonus to the board, and not that I successfully negotiated a multi-million-dollar deal in less than twenty-four hours.

“Excellent news, son.” He pats me on the back, and I try not to cringe. “Let’s have a drink to celebrate.”

Richard is the head of the board and the leader of the pack in all ways. Whatever he votes, everyone else will fall in line behind him. It’s really him I have to impress, and I can’t say I like the guy even a little bit. He’s never been outright rude to me, but I’ve seen the way he looks at Selma. He doesn’t care for women in the workplace, and the second I’m CEO, I’m handing him his retirement paperwork.

I nod to the bartender and give him my order. Richard talks about the upcoming vote and how our shareholders need to be protected and that he’s tired of filling in as interim CEO. I want to laugh because even though he says this, I would be willing to bet all the zeros in my bank account that if he could have his way he’d take the job. Only then he’d lose his voting power on the board, and there’s no way he’d give that up.

While the CEO wouldn’t necessarily be able to sway a board, it can pick and choose who stays on it. From his current seat as head of the board, he’s got the sway for every decision to go his way. I’m sure he’s thought this through just as much as I have, because he’s already turned down the offer to take it.

I listen and nod at all the right points as he goes on and on about numbers and profits. All of which I’ve memorized so he doesn’t really need to tell me. but instead of saying that, I just smile and sip my whiskey as he speaks.

A waitress dressed as a bunny walks over and sidles up close to him. She holds out a silver tray with a few appetizers on them and turns her big blue eyes up at Richard.

“Can I interest you in anything?” She bats her long fake lashes at him and tilts her head so that her hair falls over one shoulder, showing off her bare skin.

Damn, she’s good, because he licks his lips and swallows hard as he nods. Richard has been married for more years than I’ve been alive, but the man is a dirtbag. Another reason I can’t wait to get rid of him. This waitress is probably his granddaughter's age, but she sees his Rolex and his custom suit, and she’s not messing around.

She’s pretty enough with long red hair, and even longer legs, but there’s something hollow in her eyes when she looks at him that makes my insides cold. I don’t judge someone for getting what they want in life, and it’s not my business how they get it, but I could never have a woman under me that only wanted to fuck my wallet.

Red moves closer to Richard and whispers something in his ear that makes his smile turn sinister. I take this as my cue and quietly step away.

As I look around the space, I see groups of men talking to bunnies and some of the women sitting in their laps. I remind myself that everyone here agreed to this and they’re being paid well. It doesn’t stop my skin from crawling, but I do it anyway.

I’m the youngest one in here, but every bunny passes me by. They probably think that the older guys will have the bigger bank accounts, or that maybe they’re an easier target. They’re not wrong about being easier to trap. I’ve got more money than I could spend in a lifetime, but these old men reek of desperation. One slip, and they’ve got a mistress for the next eighteen years.

I wish I could slip out the back without anyone knowing, and I think about how distracting the ladies here are. Would anyone know if I didn’t stay the whole time?

I glance over at Richard, who now has Red in his lap feeding him whatever was on her tray. He smiles at me and raises his glass, and I toast him from a distance. He might notice if I left this soon, so maybe I’ll stay long enough for Red to convince him she needs a ride home.

I’m not ready to take a seat with the rest of the guys, so I make my way through the crowd to the back. It’s not a large space, and the low lighting and soft carpet make for an intimate party. From the other side of the room I can’t even make out what Richard is doing with Red, and part of me is thankful. In the back, there’s a dark hallway that leads to the restrooms and the kitchen. I slip back there, out of view and lean against the wall as I finish my drink in one big gulp.

Sometimes I wonder if this is really the life I want or the one I’ve shot my arrow at and now I have to see where it lands. When I was working my ass off cleaning buildings with my mom, I never envisioned I would end up here.

I love what I do, but I work for men I don’t respect. Is that the nature of the beast? Will it always be this way? I close my eyes in exhaustion and lean my head against the wall. As I’m contemplating every single life choice I’ve made, I feel someone catch my foot.

By the time I open my eyes it’s a blur of chestnut and silk falling in front of me, and all I can do is reach out my arms to try and catch…whatever it is.

“Oh sugar.” I hear the woman squeak as she lands in my arms with a thud.

I grunt and try to hide my smile, standing her up on her feet, and she begins to wobble. Her dark mane of curls has fallen over her face, and the only thing I can see is a pair of bunny ears sticking out on top.

“Are you okay?” I try to hide my laugh, but it’s almost impossible. “Easy.” I hold on to her arm as she takes a second and straightens.

“Yeah, I’m okay, but that’s the second tray I’ve dropped and if I don’t…”

I don’t hear the rest of her words as she flips back her long dark hair and reveals the rest of her. She’s got big green eyes the color of grass in the spring, and her full lips are dark red.

The bunny suit is the same as everyone else’s, but somehow hers is much, much smaller. Her tits are spilling out of the top to the point that if I stare long enough I’ll see the dark line of her areola. The black silk is nipped in at the waist, but it’s cut so high her thighs are hanging out and I can only imagine what it’s doing to her ass.

Holy shit.

Her dark red heels match her lips, but they are about four inches too tall for her. She’s short, so one would think she'd be able to walk in them, but she’s like a baby deer taking her first steps. I can’t take my eyes off the curves of her legs and the fishnets that cling to them. I’m stunned silent as I look her over like one of those old assholes I talk shit on, and I don’t know how to stop.

“Anyway, thanks again,” she says, not noticing me checking her out, and I realize she’s about to walk away.

“Whoa, wait.” I reach out and snag her wrist, and she stumbles again as she tries to turn too quickly. “Do you need to take those off?” The smile that tugs at my lips feels unfamiliar, like it’s been a long time since I’ve done it.

“It’s part of the uniform.” She huffs and shrugs. “I tried to tell them, but I don’t think they believed me.” She bites that juicy red lip, and for a second I wish I could do that for her.

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