Home > Shadows of Discovery (The Shadow Realms #2)(40)

Shadows of Discovery (The Shadow Realms #2)(40)
Author: Brenda K. Davies

“No, I’m fine,” she said.

He leaned closer and rested his thumb on her bottom lip. Pulling it gently down, he revealed the tips of her elongated fangs. When he did, his eyes sparked with silver.

“You’re hungry,” he stated.

“I’m not,” she said. “It’s just when you said blood….” Her words trailed off as her gaze fell to his neck. “I’m not hungry, but your words made me think of your blood,” she admitted.

He slid his arms around her and lifted her from the bed to settle her on his lap. “I fed on you last night but never gave you the chance to feed on me.”

She wanted to continue arguing with him, but she couldn’t when he was so close and so tantalizing. The sounds of the morning faded away as the pulse of his heart pounded in her ears. She licked her lips as the lure of that blood beckoned to her.

Sliding her arms around him, she lowered her mouth to his neck and bit deep. The hot rush of blood filling her mouth made her groan. He tasted of fire and power. It was different than before, but the potent combination had her yearning for more.

His fingers dug into her back as he held her closer. Beneath her ass, his rigid erection poked against her. Her breathing came faster as his blood and arousal battered her senses.

Half out of her mind with desire, she clawed at the button on his pants, pulled it open, and freed his cock. Shifting, she continued to feed on him as she straddled his lap and took him into her.

She clawed at his back as his shaft and blood filled her, and she rode them both to completion.



Chapter Forty-Six



As Cole promised, he sent up breakfast and four women to make her a dress. The women were kind to her and talked while they worked, but she suspected there was a lot they weren’t saying.

Their curious glances at her and the covert looks they exchanged with each other spoke volumes, but they didn’t ask her anything. For now, they were content to silently speculate about her relationship with Cole as they all worked on sewing her dress. They told her their names but revealed nothing else to her.

Lexi tried to help them, but they shooed her away. Feeling helpless and out of place, she stood awkwardly by as she watched their hands and needles fly over the shiny, black material spread out before them. She didn’t know if it was fae magic or years of practice that made them so adept, but they had a dress taking shape in no time.

When they finished, Lexi tried to slip into the other room to put the dress on, but Amaris stopped her with a hand on Lexi’s arm. “You’ll need our help getting it on and with the buttons.”

“Oh, ah, yes, okay,” Lexi said.

She tried not to let her semi-nudity bother her as she shed her clothes and stood before them in her simple black bra and underwear. These women were dark fae, and nudity and sex were a part of life for them.

As the women gathered around her, they got some of the answers to their unspoken questions when they spotted Cole’s bite on her shoulder. All four of them froze while they gazed at the mark. One stretched out a hand as if she were going to touch it before snatching it back.

Finally, Amaris cleared her throat, and they all went to work again. They pulled the dress over her head and settled it into place. The sleek black dress, with its flowing skirt, demure bodice, and long sleeves, fit like a second skin.

One of the women worked on the buttons in the back while the others hemmed and hawed while making last-minute adjustments. When they finished, they all stood back and nodded their approval.

“We’ll work on the dress for the coronation today,” Amaris said. She seemed to be the one in charge of the women. “It will be ready for you by tomorrow.”

“Thank you,” Lexi said.

The door opened, and they all turned as Cole entered the main sitting room. He stopped walking when he spotted them, and his gaze landed on Lexi. The women waited as he stared at her.

“You’re beautiful,” he finally said.

“They did an amazing job on the dress,” Lexi said.

Cole didn’t acknowledge any of the women as his attention remained on her. The women exchanged more looks but didn’t speak as they edged away from her.

When Cole held his arm out to her, Lexi slipped her feet into the black slippers the women had made her. She walked over and hooked her arm through his.

“Thank you,” she said over her shoulder to the women, who all grinned at her.

“Anytime, miss,” Amaris replied.

Cole led her from the room and down the hall to where they descended the spiral staircase.

“How are you doing?” Lexi asked when they reached the bottom.


His clipped tone said he was the opposite of fine, but she didn’t push him on it. In just this past month, he’d been locked away by the Lord, watched his father die, killed a dragon, and survived the trials. Now he faced his father’s memorial and his own coronation.

He was probably the opposite of fine, but he was doing better than most would in his situation.

When they were almost to the main hall, Brokk slipped from the shadows to join them. Cole led her into the main hall that was as black as it was yesterday.

A glass coffin sat on a golden stand before the stairs of the dais. On top of the coffin was the crown Tove wore the first time she saw him. Inside the coffin sat a set of black clothes and a pair of black boots.

Beside the coffin was a portrait of Tove. He looked stoic and handsome with his chin raised high, his crown on, and a sword in hand. The tip of the blade rested on the ground.

Though they both remained impassive, her eyes burned for Cole and Brokk’s loss. Her hand tightened on his arm as she sought to offer him comfort.

She ascended the stairs with Cole and almost balked when she saw the small, delicate throne set to the right of the throne he was sitting in the first time she saw him. His father’s throne remained in the center of his and Brokk’s thrones, but that smaller throne was a new addition, and it was meant for her.

Cole stopped in front of the throne and gestured for her to sit, but she didn’t move. “You want me to sit on a throne?”

“One day, you’ll be my queen, Lexi. Now that the trials are over, it’s best to establish your presence at my side.”

Her head spun as she stared at the throne. This was all happening so fast. She’d barely had time to process being his mate, and now she had to figure out how to be the queen of a realm she’d only ever entered three times in her life.

He expected her to help lead a land that was not her own and she knew little about. And the dark fae were known for their cruelty and indifference. How well would they take to an outsider marrying their new king?

She wasn’t ready for this, but then, Cole hadn’t been prepared to become king, and neither he nor Brokk were ready to lose their father. This had never been a part of her plans, but she could do it.

Lifting her skirt, she settled onto the throne that was more comfortable than it appeared. Lexi adjusted her skirts the best she could while trying to act like she belonged here. Inwardly, she rebelled against it.

She was a simple girl who led a simple life until the war. Now, she was sitting in the dark fae palace, staring at the elaborate and awing dark fae hall, while the most powerful fae in existence and one of the most powerful beings in all the realms sat beside her.

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