Home > Shadows of Discovery (The Shadow Realms #2)(5)

Shadows of Discovery (The Shadow Realms #2)(5)
Author: Brenda K. Davies

“I swear if you’re lying to me, if you did this—”

“I didn’t do this, and I’m not a liar,” he interrupted. “When I get my hands on Malakai, he will pay for it.”

“I have to gather some of my supplies.”

She didn’t leave his side as she hovered nearby and peered at Lexi’s face. When she tried to touch her, Cole moved Lexi away without realizing that’s what he intended to do.

Sahira glared at him; he glared back.

“What are you doing back here?” she asked.

“I came back for her.”

“Why would you do that? She’s not a play toy or a game. I will not let you hurt her.”

“I’m not going to hurt her.”

“You already have. Where have you been?” she demanded as they started to climb the stairs.

He didn’t reply. He owed Lexi answers, not her.

“Conveniently, you showed up again today, and this is what she looks like,” she said.

“More like lucky. Where were you when Malakai was attacking her in the barn?”

“Where was I? Where have you been?” she retorted as he opened the door to Lexi’s room.

The familiarity of her scent and the memories of their time here almost mollified him. However, nothing was going to calm the lycan while Lexi remained like this. He hit the light switch to chase away the shadows and get a better look at her, but they remained off. The power was out again.

Carefully, he set Lexi on the bed and sat beside her. Sahira tried to push past him, but he caught her wrist to hold her back.

“Don’t get between us,” he warned.

She started to say something, but then her mouth parted. He didn’t know what she saw on his face as she took a small step back.

“I’ll get my supplies,” she said.


She glanced from Lexi to him and back again.

“She’s safe with me,” he said.

Clasping Lexi’s hand against his chest, he ran his hand up and down her silken skin as he sought to pierce through her unconscious haze.

Sahira hesitated before bowing her head. “I’ll be right back.”

Cole didn’t look up as she left the room. Leaning forward, he brushed the hair back from Lexi’s face and ran his fingers along her temple. Despite the damage Malakai inflicted on her, she was still strikingly beautiful and his.

Setting her hand down, he carefully touched the bruises marring her throat and face. Her other hand was turning black and blue, and when he carefully lifted it, the broken bones in it shifted as they ground together.

Hair sprouted from the backs of his hands, and his claws lengthened as he continued his exam.



Chapter Seven



Lexi’s head pounded like the drummer from the Foo Fighters was using it as his drum set. Afraid that opening her eyes would only result in more pain, she kept them closed as she struggled to recall why she ached so badly.

Through the drum solo in her head, the bits and pieces of what happened fell into place. Malakai’s stranglehold on her throat explained why it felt like she’d swallowed fire. The rest of his assault explained why her nose and hand throbbed.

Every part of her was sore and battered. She couldn’t think about moving without wanting to groan, never mind actually attempting to do so.

And then she recalled the wolf.


Her eyes flew open, and she whimpered when the influx of light burned them. She closed them again and squinted before she realized it hurt to do so.

“Shh,” someone soothed, and a hand rested on her shoulder. “Here, drink this.”

She turned toward the voice, but for some reason, she couldn’t place who spoke. Was it Cole? Was he here with her? Had she imagined him?

Or was it Malakai?

The possibility caused her to bolt up in the bed. She cried out as her head exploded like fireworks were going off in there, and her stomach revolted. She wanted out of bed, but she couldn’t resist the gentle hands on her shoulder, pushing her back.

“It’s okay,” someone whispered. “You’re safe.”

Malakai wouldn’t say those things to her, and even if he did, she didn’t have the strength to fight him. She tried to open her eyes again but couldn’t crack them without her head spinning.

When cool glass touched her lips, she opened her mouth and allowed the liquid to fill it. It tasted of peppermint, apple, and the sand of the demon realms. She was certain a lot more ingredients comprised the drink, but she couldn’t name them all.

It had to be something Sahira had created as only her aunt could mix such eclectic ingredients and make them delicious. As the liquid slid down her throat, it eased the burning and some of the pounding in her head. This time, when she opened her eyes, the light didn’t burn them.

Sahira’s face loomed before her. Concern etched her forehead as she tenderly brushed the hair back from Lexi’s forehead.

“Do you feel better?” she asked anxiously.

“Yes,” Lexi croaked and winced at the sound of her raw voice.

“Did Malakai do this to you?”

“I told you he did,” Cole stated from behind her.

Lexi’s heart leapt at the sound of his voice. Trying to see beyond her aunt, she searched for him, but Sahira blocked out everything else.

“I’m going to hear it from her,” Sahira retorted.

Her eyes never left Lexi’s face as she leaned closer and clasped her hands. “Did Malakai do this?”

“Yes,” Lexi whispered. “He tele….”

When she broke off and winced, Sahira brought the bottle to her lips again. Her aunt tenderly cupped her head as Lexi drank the rest of the contents. After she finished, Sahira capped the bottle and set it on the stand. When she moved, Lexi glimpsed Cole standing by the window.

His silver eyes met hers, and excitement flooded her, but she tamped it down.

No matter how happy she was to see him, she wouldn’t allow him to roam in and out of her life whenever he chose. He was here and had saved her from Malakai, but no matter how much she cared for him, she would not be the piece of ass he kept on the side and visited when he was bored.

Sahira sat on the bed beside her and clasped her uninjured hand. “What happened?”

“Malakai teleported into the barn.” It was still raw, but her voice sounded a lot better, and her throat already didn’t hurt as much. Her aunt truly was a miracle worker with the potions. “He attacked me.”

Sahira’s eyes darkened, and from behind her, Cole released a sound that would have made a dragon tuck tail and fly. The noise caused a flash of unease to cross Sahira’s face, but her attention remained riveted on Lexi.

“I let you give her the potion, but I’d like to talk to her alone now,” Cole said.

“I’m not going anywhere,” Sahira replied.

Lexi squeezed Sahira’s hand as Cole stepped forward, but he didn’t come any closer. He emanated an air of brutality she’d never seen before. Without the beard shadowing his face, the tips of his ciphers licked the bottom of his chin.

An ominous look clouded his face, but there was something more to the glint of rage in his eyes. There was also concern as he smiled hesitatingly at her. Despite her every intention not to let her heart melt toward him, it softened.

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