Home > Gen Pop (Souls Chapel Revenants MC #6)(39)

Gen Pop (Souls Chapel Revenants MC #6)(39)
Author: Lani Lynn Vale

I growled and yanked my bra off without undoing the clasps and threw it in the vicinity of the tractor seat where all the other clothes were waiting. Then I started to climb up the steps to where Zach was standing.

When I got to the second step, his cock came into my line of sight, and I couldn’t stop myself from licking the tip free of the drop of precum that’d gathered there.

He growled, his hands going to my hair.

“Get up here,” he said as he pulled me up to my feet on the platform beside him.

I gasped in surprise at the height we were standing at and then wrapped my arms around him seconds later when I saw how close I was to the edge still.

He sat down on the seat and then pulled me to straddle him.

“Not that that didn’t feel good,” he said, all growly and yummy sounding. “But I want my dick inside of you, and I don’t want to hurt you.”

He was so sweet sometimes.

That sweetness left the building, however, when he pulled me into his lap facing away from him, tested my readiness with a fingertip, then lined his cock up with my entrance.

“Hold on to the steering wheel,” he urged, pushing his cock in just far enough that he didn’t have to hold his cock with his hand any longer.

When he returned his hands to my hips, I reached forward and grabbed the steering wheel.

The moment I was steady, he pulled my pussy down to sheathe his cock.

One second, I was empty, and the next I was so full of him I felt like I might burst.

But it was always like that with Zach. I never got used to him, no matter how many times that we did this little dance.

“Jesus Christ,” he hissed, his voice sounding strained and his hands clenching on my hips. “Having you pressed up against me for hours today, paired with you being here, in the place that’s always been home, has made me want you so bad. Now I have you, and it’s like you’ve been thinking the exact same thing all day.”

I laughed, looking over my shoulder at him.

When his eyes flashed up from where we were connected to catch mine, I said, “You do realize, right, that being on the back of that bike is like riding on a massive vibrator? Wearing jeans was the worst idea ever, too, because jeans have this seam that runs along the crotch. That seam was pressed up against me the entire time we were riding.”

His grin was wicked as he began to pick up the speed.

My breasts started to jolt with each thrust of his hips, and soon that rhythm went from slow and steady to fast and furious.

Just the way that Zach and I always seemed to end up.

I felt that familiar niggle deep in my belly, the one that said that I was about to come, and there wasn’t a single thing that either one of us could do about it.

He pushed into me faster still, and that little niggle turned into a full-blown punch.

Seconds after his speed increased, my orgasm burst out of me, as well as a scream of release.

Or a squeak.

Honestly, I wasn’t quite sure.

I tried to keep it down, just in case his dad had superpowers and could hear things that were not only outside of the house, but far away.

But when an orgasm produced by Zachariah Caruso happened, sometimes the wits were scrambled, and things happened that were out of your control.

He growled and repositioned his hands on my hips, his fingers sinking deep into the meat of my stomach as he followed right behind me.

That’s when the sound of coyotes joined in… right outside the barn door.

Oh. My. God.

And what did the jerk who was still inside of me do? He laughed. Like the wild animal he was.




Name a book that made you cry: Algebra.

-Crockett to Zach



I woke up to slow kisses being trailed down the length of my neck.

I blinked open my eyes and smiled at the way Zach’s morning face—oh, what a cute face it was all lined with indentions from his pillow and wild, crazy hair—pushed in close to mine.

“You hungry?” he asked. “I can smell bacon.”

I closed my eyes and inhaled, smelling the same exact thing.

Right on cue, my stomach growled.

“I have to have a fasted run first,” I frowned. “It’s a short one, luckily. Only seven miles.”

He frowned.

“I was going to eat, give it an hour, then go. But if you want, I’ll go with you,” he offered, sounding like he’d rather do anything but.

Not only was I running farther than he was, but he didn’t believe in fasted runs.

I, on the other hand, needed to learn to train with an empty stomach because there was no way in hell that something light would last me throughout an entire marathon. I had experience with that.

That, and I had a nervous stomach.

Meaning, no matter how I ate, I always—always—had to go to the bathroom before a race. I would much rather it not be in the middle of a race if I could help it.

I’d learned what worked well with me. He’d learned that running on an empty stomach didn’t work for him.

“If you can promise me that those coyotes from last night aren’t going to follow me down that back road, I don’t need you.” I blinked innocently at him.

He pulled back with a laugh. “Coyotes are nocturnal. You’ll never see one during the day unless it’s rabid.”

My eyes widened, and he rolled his eyes. “That doesn’t happen too often.”

I grunted out a ‘whatever’ and rolled out of bed, heading for the bathroom and cleaning up from our nocturnal activities before brushing my teeth and getting dressed for my run.

When I arrived in the bedroom once again, Zach was nowhere to be seen, but the door was wide open, and I could hear laughter from what I assumed was the kitchen tinkling down the hallway.

Picking up my socks and running shoes, I headed out to the kitchen to find Zach standing at the stove stirring bacon, and Cleo and Rue nowhere to be found.

I frowned. “Where’d everyone go?”

“There was a big box delivered by the UPS guy before he even started his shift. My dad’s going out to get it, and my mom is directing him on where to put it. Apparently it’s a Christmas present, so she had to make sure that he wasn’t opening it… which is something we both do. We’re curious by nature.”

I snorted.

“Your mother is delightful,” I whispered. “I can’t believe that she only had one kid. She’s a great mother.”

Zach sighed. “My mother was pregnant with another baby not long after they had me, but she lost it at about sixteen weeks. The baby had a congenital heart defect. Something that would’ve made the fetus incompatible with life.” He paused. “It crushed my parents, and they decided that they didn’t want any more children after that. Their heartache was too great. So that only left me.”

I deflated. “That’s awful.”

“It wasn’t all bad news,” Rue said softly, coming up behind me and placing her hand on my shoulder. “It made my baby want to be a baby doctor. He loved the doctor that took care of me. Even years later, he’d speak about him as if he was his best friend. That changed all of our lives.”

I smiled, feeling a renewed sense of happiness flow through me at her words.

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