Home > The Wrong Heart(89)

The Wrong Heart(89)
Author: Jennifer Hartmann

I love this bed.

I love that my final moments on this earth will be spent here—with him.

Parker trails his fingers up and down the expanse of my arm, weaving them through my thin, white hair. His breath skims my temple as he leans in for a kiss. “My Melody,” he murmurs softly, his lips warm and tender as they linger. “My Magnolia. My moon.”

Tears rush to my tired eyes.

My favorite song plays faintly on the nightstand, intermingling with the sound of steady raindrops against the glass. He hasn’t left my side for weeks—taking care of me, holding me, lifting my spirits as my health declined. He’s my rock, my anchor, and my greatest gift. “I’m scared, Parker. I’m scared to leave you,” I whisper, my voice cracking with grief.

He’s trying to be strong for me. He’s trying to be brave.

His arms tighten around me, frailer than they used to be, but the strength of his love has never waned. “What have we always done when we get scared?”

“We dance.” My throat feels parched and rusty as tiny teardrops track down my cheeks. “There’s nothing scary about dancing.”

“That’s right.” Parker nods, his own tears spilling free and disappearing into the silky fabric of my nightgown. “We dance until we can swim.”

I would give anything to dance with him, but my body is weak, and my heart is fading. Inhaling a shuddering breath, I reply, “I think I’m too tired to dance.”

I wish we could dance our way through infinite lifetimes, but I’m grateful for the one we had. The one we created together.

It’s been such a good life. A great life.

It’s the life I chose, and it’s the life I would choose a thousand times over.

And to think… I almost didn’t make it this far. I would have missed out on so much.

“Close your eyes, Melody.”

His words are a choked whisper against my temple, and I cling to him with delicate hands, my eyelids fluttering. I’m flooded with a wave of peace.

“We’re in the lake,” he says. “We’re dancing in the water, holding each other tight, and nothing else matters. It’s just you and me, carefree and young, swaying together beneath a vibrant sunset. There’s laughter. There’s violins. There’s love.”

“I see it, Parker. I see it,” I rasp as emotions sweep through me. “I’m with you.”

He pulls me closer, peppering kisses along my neck. “I’ll be right behind you, Melody. Wait for me.”

“I’ll wait,” I nod, squeezing him as tight as my body will allow. My breaths are ragged and worn, my limbs fatigued, but our love is mighty. Eternal. Blinking away more tears, I turn to him, finding his beautiful green eyes fixed on mine. “What do you think is on the other side?”

Parker doesn’t hesitate. He leans in, pressing a final kiss to my lips. “What you put there.”

I smile.

I’ll see you soon.

With his hand held tightly in mine and his heartbeat pressed up against my cheek, I inhale a deep, contented breath, and I close my eyes.

I’m ready now.


The End






Thank you so much for going on this journey with Melody and Parker. I connected with this book on a very deep, emotional level, and I truly hope my love for these imaginary people shined through the pages. Their story unfolded organically, went off course in a million different ways, but ended exactly the way it was always meant to.

The epilogue was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to write. It took me two full days to get those 978 words down…

But I believe in those 978 words so hard.

For a book that centers around suicide and giving up the fight prematurely, I wanted to depict the opposite of that. I wanted to showcase the beauty of living and what might be waiting for you on the other side of your struggles.

In my eyes, it’s the perfect full-circle end for Melody and Parker, and the ultimate happily ever after.


Please take a moment to listen to this beautiful song. It popped up on my suggested playlist when I was nearing the end of this book, and I think it was fate. ♡


See You On the Other Side by Brian Fallon



** If you or anyone you know suffers from suicidal thoughts, please seek help. You are wanted, and you are loved.

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255 **






Fun fact: Walden was real!

This sweet, old pup was our sanctuary foster—which means, when we fostered him, we knew we were going to be his forever home. His health was declining, and he needed a warm, loving place to lay his head during the final few months of his life.

When Walden first came to us, he was in bad shape. His hair was falling out and extremely patchy, he was malnourished and frightened, and he preferred to keep to himself, tucked away in his dog bed in the corner of the house. But as the days turned into weeks and we spent every waking moment loving on this sweet soul, trying to acclimate him, the most amazing transition occurred before our eyes.

His hair started to grow back in. His wobbly walks morphed into happy sprints in the backyard. He followed us around the house and snuggled with us on the couch.

This wilting dog bloomed before our eyes.

We had Walden for a little over one year. Saying goodbye was one of the hardest things we ever had to do, as this pup left a very profound impact on our family. We learned the true power of love, and the physical manifestations that come with it. In Walden’s final hours, his fur was thick and healthy, his eyes were alight and vibrant, and his heart was very full.

When I began outlining this book, I knew that Walden was going to be the perfect companion for Parker.

I’m so happy I was able to immortalize this precious animal with words. His time with us was short-lived, but his spirit is long-lasting.

We miss you, Walden.






Acknowledgements are always the very last thing I write.

And that’s not because they are the least important—it’s because they are the most important, and I never feel like I’ll be able to express my immense gratitude in only a few paragraphs.

But I’m sure as hell going to try.

First, thank you to my husband for giving me the time and space required to mentally retreat and bring this story to life. Writing is emotionally draining, it’s isolating, and it depletes me just as much as it fills me up. The balance between reality and my imaginary world is a difficult one, and I’m very appreciative of the understanding and grace my family provides me. Thank you for the brainstorming, the brilliant ideas, and the unwavering belief that I am meant to do this.

Thank you to my ride-or-die, Chelley Schultz. Seriously, this book would probably be trashed, right along with my sanity, if it weren’t for you and your wisdom, selfless support, and perfectly timed Sesame Street and cheerleading GIFs. I feel like this book was a mutual journey. You were there from the initial plotting, to the very first words, to the massive direction changes, to the final, teary-eyed end. Thank you for believing in my ability to bring these characters to life and stay true to their story. You have a way of turning my doubt into determination, and I’m so happy our paths have crossed. (Even though the Charlies of the world may disagree.)

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