Home > Wait For It(11)

Wait For It(11)
Author: Jenn McKinlay

   I saw one of the drapes twitch. Was my landlord looking for a peek at me like I was for him? I glanced down. I was still in my pajamas, which were unassuming to say the least. My long, curly dark hair was an unbrushed straggly mess, and I had no makeup on. I was surprised I didn’t hear a shriek of horror from the main house. I sipped my coffee and stared at the curtain. It didn’t move again. Huh.


* * *



   Despite lingering over my coffee, I met Miguel and Soph at the curb at the appointed time. Yes, I was actually on time, surprising everyone, mostly myself.

   I climbed into the back seat, and Soph turned around with a big grin.

   “Are you ready for your first day?” she asked. I would have answered but she forged on. “How did you sleep? Is the house okay? Is there anything you need? You’re not homesick, are you?”

   Miguel reached across the console and grabbed her hand in his while he steered the SUV out of the drive and into the traffic. “Breathe, babe.”

   Soph took a quick breath and then smiled at me. “Sorry.”

   I laughed. “It’s fine. And to answer your questions. Yes, yes, no, and no, at least not yet. And before you ask, let me assure you that I did read the rules from my new landlord.”

   “And what did you think?” Miguel asked. His gaze met mine in the rearview mirror, and I smiled at his look of concern.

   “You’re right,” I said. “That guy has entirely too much time on his hands, and while his list was incredibly exacting and detailed, I think it’s fine. And if it’s not fine, I’ll just move out in six months when the lease is up.”

   “So you think you’ll be leaving in six months?” Miguel asked. He sounded almost perky at the prospect. Hmm.

   “No, that’s not what she said,” Soph argued. “She meant she’ll find a new place in six months, isn’t that right?”

   “Yeah, something like that,” I said. Again, I felt like there was a weird power play happening between my friends. I decided to change the subject. “Am I supposed to get in touch with him with a confirmation of the rules?” I asked. I was hoping for a yes, because I really wanted to get a look at this guy who could be so highly pedantic about his dos and don’ts.

   “No,” Miguel said. “I think if you just take the rules to heart and avoid any interactions with him, you’ll be much happier.”

   Drat! My curiosity about Mr. Daire was not to be appeased. When I pictured him in my head, I saw a skinny, slump-shouldered, bald-headed, hook-nosed, steely-eyed eagle of a man à la Mr. Burns from The Simpsons. I figured he was the kind of guy who sent his food back to the kitchen just because he could, you know, a real “Get off my lawn!” sort of old man.

   I usually had decent success with charming those codgers. Mostly, I’d discovered their anger came out of feeling displaced by a society that was moving on without them, making them feel powerless, obsolete, and left behind. A little attention went a long way toward mitigating the grumpiness.

   Despite Miguel’s advice to leave Mr. Daire be, I figured if my path ever crossed my landlord’s, I’d go out of my way to be positive and bring him some cheer. It’s what I do. I’m a people pleaser, which is why I was able to be a freelance designer for so long. I know how to get a person to yes.

   Miguel turned into a multistory attached parking garage, and I looked out the rear window. We had driven only half a block from my house to here. Soph had not been kidding when she said I could walk. Sweet!

   We wound up the ramp to the second floor, and Miguel parked in a spot by the elevators. I slid the strap of my large bag onto my shoulder as I exited the car.

   I’d worn a black flared skirt and green knit top today with a pair of utilitarian black pumps with a heel that was slightly too high. My feet already hated me, and I had no idea how an eight-hour stint in grown-up shoes was going to go. Working at home, it was oversized T-shirts, yoga pants, and socks all the time, which was great because I frequently struck a downward dog or warrior pose when my creativity got stuck, but I figured with it being my first day and all, I should at least try to look professional.

   Vasquez Squared was located on the fifth floor of the attached office building. We rode the elevator up, and the closer we got, the more excited Soph became. She started bouncing on her toes, and Miguel smiled down at his petite wife as if he knew she was barely reining herself in and he was charmed in spite of himself. It reassured me that whatever was happening between them wasn’t serious.

   “What is it?” I asked.

   “Can’t say,” Soph said. “It’s a surprise.”

   I lifted my eyebrows. I love surprises. It’s weird, I know. I mean who really wants fifty people to jump out at them and shout “Happy Birthday!”? Me. I do. I can admit it. But given the recent surprise of Jeremy’s proposal, which ended with me examining the contents of my toilet bowl closer than anyone should ever have to for a matter of days, yeah, I wasn’t feeling the whole gotcha thing at the moment.

   Miguel must have been able to read the trepidation on my face, because he said, “It’s okay, really.”

   I followed them off the elevator and into a very upscale lobby, as in there was a real live receptionist, with leather furniture, a view of the city from the big picture window, and potted plants that didn’t look as if they were seeking an escape route. Frankly, capped off by the stylized V2 logo, representing Vasquez Squared, done in copper and hanging off the pale teal textured wall, the place reeked of success.

   I turned to Miguel and Sophie with my mouth slightly agape. “Ah-mazing!”

   “Right?” Soph clapped her hands with that girl squad enthusiasm that I loved. She grabbed my hand and dragged me forward. “Annabelle Martin, I’d like you to meet Nyah Vanderberg. She is the cornerstone of this operation.”

   Nyah rose from her desk. She had dark brown skin, dark eyes that sparkled, and a luxurious cloud of black curls that reached past her shoulders. She was built curvy and walked with a decided flirt in her stride. She put off great energy as her wide smile was bracketed by two deep dimples.

   I shook her hand and said, “Nice to meet you.”

   “You too. Sophie has been so excited for you to arrive,” she said. “I’m really looking forward to hearing your side of all the tall tales she’s been telling.”

   I glanced over my shoulder and looked at Soph. “What have you been saying?”

   “Nothing but the truth,” she said.

   “That’s what I’m afraid of,” I said.

   Nyah laughed, which made me like her even more. “If you need anything, come to me. I’m the details gal.”

   “Thanks,” I said. “I will.”

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