Home > Dovetail(62)

Author: Karen McQuestion

She laughed. “I’m sorry. I know you have paid me many compliments in your letters, but I am not used to hearing it said aloud. Truly, I almost never hear such kind words about my looks. Pearl is the pretty one. I am the one who gets praised for cooking or running an orderly household.”

“There is something wrong with the men in Pullman, Wisconsin, if they cannot see you the way I do.” John leaned back to pull on the oars, and the boat moved smoothly through the water. “I am glad, of course, that they are such dolts since they don’t deserve you, but I do find it puzzling. I noticed how lovely you are the minute I met you, and if I could look at your beautiful face every day for the rest of my life, I’d be a happy man indeed.”

“Every day for the rest of your life? Oh, John, I do believe we want the same things.” She smiled dolefully. “If only we could make it so.”

“Perhaps we can.”

“No.” She shook her head sadly. “Too soon you’ll be gone. And then I will go back to my duties at home, and all of this will be just a beautiful memory.”





The ladies tending the punch bowls had gasped upon seeing Pearl climb onto a chair to get a better view of the ruckus at the Barn Dance. Pearl watched, fascinated at the sight of so many people, normally polite and reserved, carrying on like they’d lost their minds. Lorraine was now curled up on the floor, sobbing like a big baby. Mrs. Donohue tried to pull on her arms to bring her to her feet, but Lorraine resisted, kicking and flailing at every turn.

Pearl had to shake her head. What was Lorraine hoping to accomplish?

Next, Lorraine’s mother spoke up on her behalf, telling everyone who would listen that her daughter was a good girl and, as an only child, a special gift from God. “I don’t know what you think you saw,” she said, confronting Mrs. Donohue directly, “but my Lorraine is a lady and would never succumb to the charms of a boy, especially”—she looked at the Farber twin with disdain—“not the likes of him.”

Their father, Mr. Farber, took issue with this statement. “What in tarnation is that supposed to mean?” he roared. The band, sensing the onslaught of complete pandemonium, began to play a slow song.

“Language, Mr. Farber!” Mrs. Donohue said, clearly shocked. “There are ladies and children here.”

Mr. Farber poked a finger in Mrs. Whitt’s direction. “Who do you think you are, calling my son names?” He was a beefy farmer, towering over Mrs. Whitt by a foot, but his size didn’t intimidate Mrs. Whitt at all.

“I didn’t call him a name,” she said. “He’s just not the sort of young man Lorraine would be interested in.”

On the floor, Lorraine let out one long wail, and her mother called out, “Hush now, Lorraine. That’s enough. Let’s go home, and I’ll fix you a nice cup of tea to calm your nerves.”

“I don’t want to go home,” Lorraine said, lifting her head and coming to a sitting position. She was, Pearl noticed, in complete disarray, her hair tangled and face red. She might as well go home. Nothing good was going to happen to a girl who looked like that.

Pearl felt a tugging on her dress and looked down to see Frank standing next to her.

“Pearlie,” he said. “Whatcha doing up there?”

“Frank!” she said, taking his hand to jump off the chair. “Where have you been? I’ve been waiting and waiting. I was beginning to think you weren’t coming at all.”

“My father wouldn’t let me leave,” he said bitterly. “There were chores to do. I told him I was a grown man and should be able to do as I like, but he said as long as I live in his house, his word was law. I told him about the dance, but he didn’t care.” He puffed out his chest. “I could have left if I wanted to, but I let the old man have his way.” Pearl noticed his throat pulse as he swallowed. “This time, I let him have his way.”

Pearl said, “Well, you missed all the excitement. Lorraine Whitt was caught kissing one of the Farber boys, and the whole place is atwitter.”

“I don’t care about that.” Frank frowned. “Where’s Alice?”

“Why, she’s—” Pearl turned to show him and stopped, bewildered. “They were right there a minute ago.” She gave the room a once-over. “I just saw Alice and John. They were drinking punch. They have to be around here somewhere.”

“You were supposed to watch them.”

“I was watching them, but it was so boring, Frank, and then you weren’t even here.”

“We need to find them. I’ve waited long enough. Tonight I put an end to this and let everyone know the truth of John Robinson. Time to send that darkie back to his hole, away from decent folk.” He took hold of her arm.

“Ow, you’re hurting me!” He released his grip, and she rubbed her upper arm. “Have you been drinking, Frank? You smell like hard liquor.”

“Just a little bit of whiskey, not that it’s any of your business. Now help me find your sister.”

“We’ll find them, Frank. You’ll see.”

Together they walked around the room, but they couldn’t find Alice and John anywhere. “He’s done something with her,” Frank said. “She wouldn’t leave on her own. He dragged her out of here, and you didn’t even notice.”

“John wouldn’t do that,” Pearl objected. “There has to be a good reason why they’re not here. They must have stepped out for a minute.”

“I just got here, and I didn’t see them outside.”

“Maybe they’re checking on the horse?”

There was nothing left to do but go see for themselves. Frank left the dance hall first, and a few minutes later, when Pearl was sure no one would notice, she slipped out as well. She found Frank standing next to the Bennetts’ buckboard. “The old man watching the horses says he hasn’t seen them.” Frank growled. “I can tell you one thing. When I do find John, he’s a dead man.” He raised his arm from his side, and Pearl recoiled at the sight of the gun in his hand.

“You brought your gun?”

“Of course. It was your idea.” Frank smirked. “You wanted me to scare him, right?”

“Scare him, yes, but not do anything to him.”

“Pearl, you’re talking like a girl. Men like me take care of our women. Getting shot will run him out of town faster than any threats.”

“You can’t shoot him,” Pearl said. “You’ll get in trouble. You’ll go to jail.”

“I won’t get in trouble if I catch him attacking Alice. I’d get an award for saving her.”

“Well, now you’re just being silly. John would never attack Alice. You don’t need to shoot him.”

He shrugged. “I’d let him off easy. If I can shoot a squirrel in the eye at a hundred yards, I can aim at Robinson and hit him somewhere it won’t kill him. A warning shot. Just a graze.”

Pearl crossed her arms. “And what if you miss and it’s more than that?”

“I’m not gonna miss, Pearl. I’m a crack shot.”

“What if you shoot near him, just to scare him? That would send the message, I think.”

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